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Hiya All. I was delighted to upgrade the leapfrog to the latest software to enable me to be able to run the desk in non tracking mode so that I can program the desk in the old fashioned way ie what you see is what you get in cues and on submasters and then I was dismayed to find that is not the case because having read the patching dimmers post I discover where my problem lies. It seems the desk still wants to guess at things most particularly with regard to moving fixtures. I DO want to be able to program attributes onto submasters and into cues with the dimmer at 0% especially when "busking" a show it is my method of working to set up a look before bringing the dimmer up rather than having things move and fade up at the same time when you bring a submaster up. So Zero yo still haven't given us real non tracking software where we make all the decisions about what we program please can you change this as it is so much easier to be in full control of what you are programming rather than having to work around the oddities of the way the desk behaves.

Regards Tom


Hi Tom


I can understand what you're asking for - the concept of adding Non Tracking mode was really designed for those users who don't understand tagging and so on, so we decided to remove the ability to manually 'tag' a channel.


I've added your request to our database though - reference ZOS-2992.


I hope this helps,




Peter Kirkup

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