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Hello at all Jester Users


I have buyed Jester 12/24, so i never need mor than 24 Faders for our show's

OK, the Price for Jester is not so expensiv.


For an Example:

A one Scene we need a Light for de audience.

There is an big bright Lamp in the Middle they can be 100%

There are two chandelier on the side they shoult only be 40%

There are 3-Par56 in the Front and Direction to the audience by 20%

On the Front of the Stage the Light should be 80%


To make this on a Submaster at first i Patch the DMX-Adresses to 4 Channels

Then i make the specified Light by Faders and Save them to Submaster.


But now they are 4-Channels less...


OK again, i Know, there was more and more Answers for the verry limitited Range

of this Desk. An every Time the Answer "Our Frog or other Desk can...."

But how about the Price? who can pay for the multiple price?


Sorry, i have worked width many other Desk, becouse we travel width our Show.

I take my Jester-Desk on every System because so i don't need all Week's

an new Show to design and an new Desk to learn...

Widt an ETC-Desk i can Quick an Easy set each DMX-Channel to every Value,

i can search the whole Adresses by typing "1 to 20 Full" and many more Goodies.


Some Desk have really less Function, but about the Yester, at the Moment

I'm disappointed. I would not buy it again also the 24/48...

The 24/24 is to large in Size...


And again a very sick Function!

Submasters 12/24 who can work width two Pages by taking te Fades over the

programmed Point for changing on Live Scene???

If you really can't understand so spend them Motorfaders in next version.


I'm really disappointed.

Zero88 give me the Chance for a small-Budget Desk,

but the Price is anyway not for poor people...

An the are so many bad brakes...


The only one Chance to make my happy can be if you give me a way to make

my own Programm-Code, to change the missing Function for my only self Desk

so song as there not an Hardware-Limitation like your Copy-Function wich can't

copy Casers becouse there are less Memory for the Copy-Function...


Otherwise my Jester-Desk will be sold out :-(((


I know, they are many unsolved Problem,

i know i'm disappointed and in an bad mood...


So if you can, give me an, any..... Good feel....


Thanks in Advance.... Mr. Bee


Hi Mr. Bee


I read through your post, but I cannot see your problem!!!!!


What do you want to tell the forum? You bought the wrong desk?


You bought a 12/24 console nothing more and nothing less!


You received a desk which fullfills exact these features plus options like Fade In AND Fade Out Times a real CueList playback + Submasters, AUX Buttons for specials like Scrollers or what else, USB storage and VGA Out.


YOU had the choice and YOU decided to buy a Jester 12/24. If it does not fit your profile do not blame the desk! Blame yourself, because you made the wrong decision regarding your personel needs!


AND please do not expect a Rolls Royce if you only pay a VW!!!


The console you should go for is the Jester TLxtra. There you have 200 HTP channels up to 30 fixtures, a nummeric key pad, groups, macros and more.




Sven Paulsen

Klangfarbe Vienna




Yes you are right, shame on my. Blody and Nuts....


I'm de greatest idiot on this world because i'm not understand

that so many other Desk's can set-Up my needing things.

And i'm not clever enought to see or understand it bevor.


I don't like to have a Rolls Royce and also i have not the Money for ;-(

I whould only be happy if the Programmers of Jester give us de Compleetly

features that this great Desk can have.


In this Forum i can read in a long Time of Months what all they have fixed

or adding in Function and also they write.

We suggest to make this in a future Version...


What about Bill Gates????

I hink the Whole World was hating of Windows (Bugfixes and Futures will be come.....)


Is it a Shame for Zero88 i mean...


Ok, maybe i need a Psychiater because i have not understand Marketing

and that this is an legal way for sik poor people they will also have

an Light-Desk. They buy the Jester and can read what all the oder Products

can better.

I definitly had the wrong mean of Jester, i was blendet from the

bigger und expensive Zero88 Desks, it is my failure alone...


Yes now after your answer i know, it was a totaly wrong Buy.

I Sold them out width de same nice Words to find an oder Dummy.

It was a great Board, yes width USB-Storage and VGA-Connection.

That must be great this Funny ASCI Screen, whow and it is in Color,

what a Desk!!!


And they have 12/24 Channels. That other desks width the same

number of Feaders have about to 99 internal Channels, that i will

not writting...


I will excuse for my blame and so it's all.

Never ever Zero88... I'm definitly was too stupit do understand

the verry nice Description. and i never understand why jester

make extra barriere for de smal budget Desk..


And, this ist not really an authentic compare,

Behringer is a Product for small Budged! Jester not.....

Dont say anything about Quality and Desing, it ist great, like the

oder expensive Zero88 Boards.


Give me de Chance to write my own Programm for Jester an i never ever

will say any bad words about Zero88 or they programmers....


Hi Mr. Bee,


still angry about yourself? B)


So why didn´t you buy the console which can handle 99 internal HTPs?

Why didn´t you ask somebody who is familiar with the Jester Range?

You could have posted your needs here BEFORE you purchased the desk.

Everybody in this forum would have described you in further details what the desk can or can not do!

That would have been of help to avoid your bad mood.


And at least RTFM. You could have downloaded it here. http://support.zero88.com/main/en/product/52

Sven Paulsen

Klangfarbe Vienna




Oh, thats an easy Question and a Quick Answer of them....

Bevor Jester, i have worked widt 7 other Desk and i don't know

What the HTP Means.

I never heard from the limitting Channels by the Fader.

On smaller (expensive) Board's i need the fader-channel to set the szene,

and programmed it to Submaster.

After them i give this fader an other Lamp and so on...


On the Low-Budget desk they was never one question for mor than 16 Channels

or else, because there was no more Equipment on Stage.


I have asked 5 Dealers of Jester. Only one give me an Answer :-(((

And they say: you can patch all Adresses so you can do everithing you need.

They sayd not You can only use 24-Lamp's or only 4-Scanners if you do,

for an desk by this price...

Ok i know, never ask a Dealer...........


Ok, for Scanners this desk is wrong i know. Anyway i use'd it by set the Color's

and Cobo's on te Same Channel.. This works but is really not for any questions..


And now, when i looking for my new Desk, they also never was limited Channels

by fader if the Price is over 2'000.- EURO

Also an very bad Option by Jester. Jou can on all other desk give de %-Range

of Fader directly by patching. For my problem to set 4 different white lamps

by 20% 60% 80% and 100% cant solve width one channel becouse they have no option

to set %....


And at last. I was comming to tis forum directly by zero88 as a User of Jester.

On every other forum they are so many nuts user and administrator, if anybody

will really take what tey say he will guaratee have a lot of damage...


The really things that i will is:

That other interessting peoble they have a look of an good and particable and payable

nice desk. They shoult not make the same mistake like me.

The Jester in Front is an absolutly quality und nice and handy design,

but for this price the things we can do is really bad...


At next i will download new Software from zero88 and loking of de Code so i will

fix any things that this desk can do but the programmers dont will solve....

Maybe it works, so i hope the programmers of jester go out of sleeping....


It whould be bether for all wen i was holding my fingers off...

More an more wen i think about i find new missing things they only was

by bad software-concept (my only reason)

Maybe this is an calculatet way to make users wondering for the Frog-desk osr others...


have nice time and every body they have Jester should be happy widt

a desk in the price region over 2'000 EURO and they can only controll 12 Submasters,

becouse it is not handle by Page-Switching and fading over the programmed Position to change

live on Stage....


Good Night al all...


Good morning Bee


where did you buy your Jester?


By the way Jester 12/24 List is 1075,- net. The 19" Version 100,- less.


I do not think you have to pay over 50% FAT in your country.*LOL


Probably you may give more details about your lighting rigg.


Amount of dimmers and movinglights( also type of)


As written in my first reply you should go for the Jester TLxtra(2340,- Listprice excluding FAT!)


By the way.... HTP= H ighest T akes P resense = Brightness/dimmer, LTP= L atest T akes P resense = all other attributes of fixtures(i.e. Gobo,Color,Position etc.)

Sven Paulsen

Klangfarbe Vienna



  • 2 weeks later...

Woah, that's not really your mean.... about "you should go for the Jester TLxtra"


They are less faders and Flash-Buttons...

Anyway the Jester was sold, and i'm happy for one other solves

on Software and one other Desk in combination and both thogether are not over 1'000.- EURO


So i can quick and easy get over 48 direct Channels or mixed Submasters without

any Switch between 1-12 / 13-24 and other funny idea's....


It is blamable for Zero88 that they make a desk like Jester.

It's still my mean....

If there are Users they are happy so it is OK for all...



  • 7 months later...

On one side, I can understand what you mean and why you talk bad about the Jesters.

There are a few simple things or features they could build into the software without any changes to the hardware, but they dont.

Examples may be - as you already sad - copying whole chasers or change the direction and attac for single submaster chasers. (Suggestion: Shift + Attac/Direction + press flash buttons of submasters to change)

You see - its only changing the software.


On the other, and bigger side, the jester actually IS a nice lighting desk. Of course its not like e.g. the leapfrog.

But it is good quality, mostly easy usage and a low price, too.

You sad its to expensive for that number of features. But the jester is not a grandMA and dont belongs to a grandMA.

Good quality and components do have their price. Because of this, i dont think about the jester as a expensive console.

I'll buy it again for myself, if there is enough money anytime in the future.


EDIT: Maybe we should make a new thread and collect our wishes to the next softwareversion.

  • 1 month later...

OK, i'm Back now.... B)


it is still an embarrassing performance by Zero88 :mellow:


But: i must continue to use Jester Console, and so every day I seek solutions.

First we bought a new console 24/24..

I'm sure many people would buy this console if Zero88 would offer them better support.



Copy casers!

It is technically not possible because the console has not enough memory :blink:

But it could be copy a setup on the USB stick and save them to Pantom-Jester Software.

Then Copy, move, and so on, with the PC there is no limit.....

Then you can save everything back to USB-Stick and write back to the console.

But there is still no info from Zero88.

The software phantom Jester could easily be changed without great expense.

If Jester provides the structure of the JSF-Files would be made public,

then I could write a program in shareware. :P


If I'm in a strange place with the console, and knows not the DMX addressing,

among many consoles you have commands like "1-10 Full" or "all 50%"

now i have many special setup's stored on USB Sick, to find out the installation.

Bevor them I used about 2-hr. searching, now It's a deal of 15-minute to get the address plan..


I have many tricks designed to solve problems I had.

Of course, my problems are especially designed for live events without a script.

I must be able to respond quickly and ....

But all this is too complicated to explain.


I have now arranged.

Where Jester is still not sufficient, I use a laptop with DMX software.


Technically, the Jester-Console is excellent, good handling, stable and reliable

since you have absolutely right.


If Zero88 wil give me an Answer for the Structure in the JSF-Files, so i will give

here new Software for free :-)

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