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Hi there

We have the first day of the new season. updated all our systems right before (and tested them!) :-)


But... there are still some little bug's that we didn't find in our tests. We have the leapfrog 48 with 5.2.2. One of the biggest problems is with submasters.


If I program a sub with a few channels and than have a second sub with some of them, the behavior is really strange. As soon as I fade up the second submaster (no 1 is still 100%) the lights get dark and the new scene is added. But the subs (brightness) should be HTP not LTP or is there something completely new in 5?


Because we have next week a few shows, if it's a bug can you give me the link to the old 4.4.4 Version. With this behavior we cant work right now!


Thanks and greetings from Switzerland


Carl Ehrhardt

Technical Director

Kellerbühne St.Gallen

CH-9000 St.Gallen





Hi Carl


This does sound odd. Do you have a show file with the non-HTP submasters? As you say, subs should behave HTP on the Leap Frogs. Is this problem on standard dimmers or on fixtures?


If you have a show file, i'd be most interested to try it out here - peter.kirkup@cooperindustries.com is the address to send it to.


Kind Regards,




Peter Kirkup


Hi Peter

It's about standard dimmers. Now we had a little workshop and found out that if we switch off and on again, the subs are working normal. i can send you a file but i don't think that it will help, because there is no error after rebooting / reloading the show.


to reproduce the error:
i have a few dimmers (1@50, 2@50) on sub 1-1 and on sub 1-2 i have (1@70, 2 @66). Sub 1-1 is 100% on. 
If i fade in sub 1-2 all lights fade down and are controlled by the new sub 1-2. same if I re-raise the 1-1.


Hope it helps you a little. It’s a LeapFrog 48 updated to latest release.


Kind Regards


Carl Ehrhardt

Technical Director

Kellerbühne St.Gallen

CH-9000 St.Gallen




  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Peter,

I have the same problem like Carl.

I've got the Leapfrog 96 with the 5.3.0 software.

My problem is still there.

Do you have an idea or other possibilities to solve this problem?

Thanks for your help.

Greetings from Germany.

Wolfgang Häring

  • 2 weeks later...

I have two LEDJ led parcans in DMX 128 and 133 output one/universe one on the desk. They are set up as fixtures assigned to MFKs and I have full on red, blue and green states stored as separate submasters and these work perfectly, raising and lowering each colour has the desired effect.


I have a further two identical led parcans on DMX 138 and 143 on output two, also universe one. These are programmed exactly the same way using the same fixture file but don't work as expected. If I raise say the blue sub I get the expected output, but if I then also raise red, the blue dips to zero, then comes up in intensity with the red. Those fixtures work fine on the wheels and in the colour palette, it`s only when a state is stored on a sub that it happens.


I've tried swapping DMX outputs on the desk with the same result, so I think the problem lies in the programming of the fixtures. I've tried changing cables and fitting DMX terminators btw.


I expect it`s something stupid I`m doing, any ideas?

Thanks for your help


Ron Johnson

The Platform, Morecambe

  • 1 month later...

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