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* Double click a position fade time in a cue stack. First encoder say delay (changes both fade and delay time) The 2nd fader says delay..just does fade.


* Home/highlight doesnt take out effect pallet.

I need a new job


Hi Kev


* Double click a position fade time in a cue stack. First encoder say delay (changes both fade and delay time) The 2nd fader says delay..just does fade.

This has been logged as a bug - reference ZOS-2751


* Home/highlight doesnt take out effect pallet.

I can't recreate this one - can you give me some more information or a show file I can try?






Peter Kirkup

  • 8 months later...

When trying to change the trigger from GO to AUTO or something else the pop-up menu instantly closes before a choice can be selected. This is on software 5.3.5.

The method I'm using is;

double-click on comments box in cue list,

click on the expand button in the trigger section.

Exapanded menu opens and instantly closes.


Hi Will


Do you have any buttons stuck down or anything leaning on your keyboard? This is the most likely cause of the problems you're seeing. If not, can you confirm if this 'click' is with the MFKs or on the monitor? If on the monitor, is it using a touchscreen or a normal mouse?






Peter Kirkup


Nothing leaning on the desk, no buttons visibly stuck down, bug occurs with both a normal mouse and when using the trackball and it's buttons. No touchscreen unfortunately so I can't try it using that.


The triggers can be changed using the command syntax and work fine, but obviously the cue setup window would be quicker and easier.


Hi Will,


as Peter mentioned, sounds like some button is sticky.


You may start the setup and go into the event monitor. There nothing should be shown unless you push a button, turn a wheel etc.

But you may see a a repeating text line i.e. xxxxxxxx button blahblah. Now you know where to look at.

But attention!!! You might restart the desk after doing this.






Sven Paulsen

Klangfarbe Vienna



  • 3 months later...

When switching stack pages using the command line it will not allow me to enter stacks pages above 21.

for example

[stack page 19] brings up stack page 19

[stack page 21] is not reconized and will bring up stack page 2


Pages 21-100 can not be entered using the command line but I can still get to them using the Page Window.

  • 5 months later...

Have recently upgraded to version 6 zeros software on the orb.

Views are not being saved permanently. They 'soft save', but when the desk is turned off then on again the views are no longer saved and need to be rebuilt from scratch, which is annoying.

Also, have just taken the desk into a venue which has led house lighting being run from some pulsar chromabanks. I can control the chromabanks fine but the desk refuses to save any of the chase information, will only save intensity channel, chroma banks need the intensity to be set at zero to run chase effects. I could be doing something wrong here as I'm not used to these fixtures, any clues?



Views are not being saved permanently. They 'soft save', but when the desk is turned off then on again the views are no longer saved and need to be rebuilt from scratch, which is annoying.

I'll look into this for you. Is everything else saving, such as cues, palettes etc?


Also, have just taken the desk into a venue which has led house lighting being run from some pulsar chromabanks. I can control the chromabanks fine but the desk refuses to save any of the chase information, will only save intensity channel, chroma banks need the intensity to be set at zero to run chase effects. I could be doing something wrong here as I'm not used to these fixtures, any clues?

Are you running in tracking or none tracking mode? In none tracking mode, the desk won't record a fixtures parameters if the intensity is at 0. This is to allow the desk to 'move in dark'. Try ensuring the desk is in tracking mode, and then taking a snapshot of the outputs. This records EVERYTHING, whether you have changed it's setting or not. The syntax for this is SHIFT + RECORD.


I hope this helps,


Hi Jon,

Currently only thing I've come across not saving is views, all other UDKs UDFs, cues, pallettes etc. seem to be hard saving.

Will try the snapshot thing later today.

Incidentally will a snapshot also function as a block cue? i.e. if I don't want the desk to track ahead and start running a moving light effect 6 cues in advance (with the intensity at zero)because of the noise the movers make, could I make the cue prior to the effect cue a snapshot or is there some other way to block tracking at particular points?



  • 2 weeks later...

Just to clarify the problem with views not saving, the desk will only remember screens that are open when you switch off. When you power back on it displays whatever you had open last but denies all knowledge of any pre-saved views. How likely is this a local problem (i.e., me) as opposed to a problem with the software itself?

  • 5 months later...
  • 9 months later...
Posted (edited)

MY Orb is crashing at random times. The monitors go black with the “no signal” box in the center of the screen. Then the usual power up sequence starts with splash screens and list of technical details. Then I’m back in my show just where it was when the crash happened. Sometimes it runs two boot-up cycles back to back. That is just when the technical details list appears the monitors go black etc.


I’m running Rev.7.1 software (for about 6 months) The desk is about three years old. It’s connected to an Uninterruptible Power Supply.


Tonight is opening night. Any suggestions on fixing this problem?


March 2, Chapter 2 The happy ending.

After a phone (SKYPE) conversation with the UK, I took the board to the dealer 30 miles away. A look inside found a loose fan connector. They replaced the bakup battery even though the old was still testing ok. Went home and reinstalled...Two shows later no problems.



Tech support told me the symptom I was seeing shouldn't be called a crash because a debug file message was not shown on start-up.

Edited by RiversideS
  • 2 weeks later...

Recently updated to the latest software version on my Orb, have noticed that occassionally when editing fade times (including beamshape, intensity and position fades) that the edit doesn't save and when I come back to the cue a few minutes later it has reverted to the old fade time.

My process would go something like this:

Running the cue stack in a dress rehearsal say, and decide to change the timing of the position fade between LX 29 and 30 after seeing it 'live'.

Click on the position fade box, change the time from 3 seconds to 6.

Click away from the box to highlight next cue (LX 31)

At this stage position fade reads as it should at 6 seconds on LX30

20 minutes later when we go back and run that scene again I notice that LX 30 position fade reads 3 seconds. Annoying.

This has happened about a dozen times in the last couple of weeks.

Also tied in with that is a similar thing where I may update the position fade again, re-run the cue and despite position fade being 6 seconds the fixtures quite visibly are still taking only 3 seconds and it's not until I save the show by entering and exiting set-up that the cue runs as it should.


These are annoying little bugs which I'm fairly sure aren't due to something I'm doing differently to how I did it before the software update, I appreciate it's hard to replicate the situation as well as it seems to be fairly randomly occurring with the desk behaving itself the bulk of the time.

Is it worth me reinstalling the OS?


Hi Will,


There is a bug in the current software which can show up the behaviour you describe. The good news is we have fixed it, and it's currently being tested.


We are hoping to release the software after Prolight and Sound in Frankfurt, Germany.


Until then, using the syntax CUE x TIME y/z ENTER works if you find a cue refuses to hold it's timings.

  • 9 months later...

I'm running the latest operating software but I'm still recieving the same issue as I was before which is when programming subs and viewing the subs page it will not update the view to show it has recorded content unless you click on or press the screen. can get a bit confusing when doing multiple subs from remote and has cause me to think I havent programmed in anyhting and then to redo it!.

  • 2 weeks later...

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