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Hi All


Would it be possible to invert the Pan or Tilt in the assign fixtures screen or add another wheel group to the position button. Very nice feature to have control from the desk.






It could be very handy to invert all attribute channels. Some fixtures has shutter open as value 0, but you may want it shut, sometimes the colours you use most lies on the second half of the colourwheel, sometimes the fixture is manufactured just opposite of what you use it for... But please consentrate on making the partial record by channel and partial record by fixture first. That will be the biggest step in the right direction for the Frog range... :mrgreen:

  • 6 months later...

Hi all,


Something I've been thinking about for a while now:


1. When assigning fixtures it would be nice if one could invert either pan or tilt, or both.


2. It would also be nice to be able to swap pan and tilt.


3. It has before been suggested that a patch editor on the PC would be useful, this could be extended to include a palettes editor. Even better would be a complete FROG console on the PC so one could also edit memories and sub's and copy these between one another :-)


Why is this useful? Because you'd be able to create basic chases and effect movements at home and program "basic submasters, i.e. all blue parcans, scrollers & colours in fixtures on sub 1, all reds on 2 and so on.


Take care!



Kresten Bager

Polyteknisk Scenelys


  • 1 month later...

Is there an invert function for scanners in the Fat Frog so the pan and tilt work the same if I turn some upside down and some right side up? Thanks, and to all that run this forum, Many thanks, it's a great resource, Bhulme

  • 1 month later...
Guest oakswarden

8O I have been using a unit called an Elipscan from Meteor , and using you fixure writing software have succesfuly got it working on the wheels on the desks. However the relationship between the position and mounting of the lantern and the desk - means that the lantern moves to the left as the wheel is turned to the right and up when turned down. No problem if you are programming the moves into a scene or chase - but a bit of a pain if using it live as a "follow spot" - How can I alter the relationship of the wheel so instad of 0 -225 it is 255 -0?




Unfortunately, this function is not available on the desk at the moment.


However, it has been mentioned a few times and has been added into our database. It is likely to be one of the functions included in our next features update package.


It might be worth checking the fixture itself as some moving lights have various options or DIP switches which allow you you invert pan and tilt channels or swap the pan and tilt channels.

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there.

Im a new user on the fat frog and have hit my first problem. I have 4 mac 250's on a stage, when i select all 4 and move them they all go the same way obviously. how do I set them up so that for example 2 move to the left and 2 move to the right? Its probably something soooo simple but i cant work it out.




If you press and hold the position button, you can select the movement mode, from "relative" to "absolute" or "fan from centre" "fan from left" or "fan from right" (cant remember the exact phrasing - dont have a FF to hand)


If you select fan from centre, then move the pan/tilt wheels (after releasing the position button), the lights will move away from the centre, proportional to their patch on the desk (1 = left, 12 = right) or in your case (1 = left, 4 = right) - it only looks at the lights you currently have selected.


The other way would be to set this up on the fixtures themselves... You can reverse the pan channels on two of the lights and they will then mirror the movement.


This is an always-on option though, so if you want to change it halfway through the show, you're stuffed. Using the desk is more elegant.


Hope this makes sense and helps.




Peter Kirkup

  • 3 months later...

Hey All,

Been setting up some moving mirror fixtures in the User Fixture Editor and seemingly doing well with it.... Until I tried using the Direction (Forwards/Backwards) feature in the Stage Data window. All other changes I make to the fixture file seems to transfer neatly to the Bullfrog (and the fixtures) when I load it, except this one.


When I try reversing the Pan or Tilt in the .ift, nothing changes on the board. The wheels still move the mirror the same way (in my case, the wrong way).


Is there something special that needs to be done?


What am I missing???



Mark Hersey

Santa Cruz, CA


The Stage Data section of the User Fixture Editor is only applicable to fixture profile data which is used on the Sirius 250 and 500 lighting desks.


The Frog Series of desks does not have stage sizing and therefore does not use this data.


The facility to invert pan and tilt parameters, and to swap pan and tilt will be added in a future update.


Some moving light fixtures have DIP switches or other user-selectable options on the fixture which allow you to swap the direction of pan and tilt or swap the pan and tilt channels.

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace

  • 5 months later...


Please have a look into the possibilities to "mirror" the Position data of Fixtures this would be a good function.


If I pos a scan beam into center stage would it be possible to pos the opposite scan beam on mirrored (!) not inverted parameters middle of stage is our mirror axis - so it should be very easy to program nice symmetrical scenes - ( i love stage symmetric )

Certainly I should mail this suggestion to franck :)




Sebastian H.

Pro - Sound Showtechnik

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.

Albert Einstein

"You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun"

Al Capone


I think it's something like this:


frontscan: moves from center to left (pan1)

backscan: moves from center to left (also) (pan1/pan2)

both move simultanious up & down (tilt1&2)


leftscan moves from center to right (pan3)

rightscan moves from center to left (pan3/4)

both move simultaneous up & down (tilt3&4)


One have to bear in mind that the fysical mounting of the fixture does matter: what is the frontside of the scan, and how about turning the other scan 180 degrees, or just not!

In fact, it's a scancopy but with individual (selectable) parameters. Is that a copy?

I guess it has a reference number already...



Sorry that my impression is that difficult but Mars has understand what´s in my mind on that.

Sebastian H.

Pro - Sound Showtechnik

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.

Albert Einstein

"You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun"

Al Capone


My brain is short before tilt....... :lol:


Probably I got an engineer´s explanation.... :roll:

What about an proportional inverting of given DMX values from the source scan/movinglight MA calls it "flip" I think.

I.e. MH1 =PAN 25% DMX = source => MH2=PAN 75% DMX= Mirrored


Attention missing the emoticon for grabbing head in german "sich am Kopf kratzt".



A real peacefull christmas and year 2004



Sven Paulsen

Klangfarbe Vienna



  Laubfrosch said:
Probably I got an engineer´s explanation.... :roll:

What about an proportional inverting of given DMX values from the source scan/movinglight MA calls it "flip" I think.

I.e. MH1 =PAN 25% DMX = source => MH2=PAN 75% DMX= Mirrored



Unless I'm missing something here, isn't that you will get if you reverse the pan of one of the fixtures ?

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace

  Laubfrosch said:
I think the mirror function is temporary only, but the Pan/Tilt invert and Swap is a global set up parameter.

cheers, sven


Good point, in that case maybe you could try using the pan control wheel, with the wheel editing mode set to fan-middle. That might give you something similar to the desired effect :wink:

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace

  • 1 month later...

Pan/Tilt Reverse and Pan/Tilt Swap (Version 9)


There is a new option in Desk Setup between Assign Fixtures and Patch Functions called Pan/Tilt Options (all desks except Frog).


Select the Pan/Tilt Options option from the Desk Setup screen and press the ENTER key.

Use the + and - keys or fixture page and fixture selection buttons on the front panel to select an assigned fixture. For example:


Fixture No: < 3 >

Pan Reverse: < No >

Tilt Reverse: < No >

Pan/Tilt Swap:< No >


Use the up and down arrow keys to move the cursor to the Pan Reverse, Tilt Reverse or Pan/Tilt Swap field as required. Use the + and - keys to select Yes or No as required.


Press the ENTER key to exit this screen and return to the Desk Setup screen.

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace


if you using the fixture editor and you set the "Pan/Tilt Reverse" on a fixture file. is that reverse setting going to be loaded onto the desk when you load the file?

I need a new job


The pan/tilt reverse and swap functions are carried out on individual fixtures which are assigned on the desk.


There is no pan/tilt reverse and swap in the fixture editor program on the PC. That utility is for generating the personality data for fixture types.

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace

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