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Hi, i have made an update from version 4.0.1 to 4.2.15- Now the frog2 crashes when i press the setup key.

What can i do ? Can i make a downgrade to version 4.0.1 ? Where can i get the older Version ?

I've tried to make the full Update with the Update-CD. This Crashes after the message booting from cd... loading stage2.

The frog2 goes in an endless loop. The frog2 tries always to boot form the cd and so on...

Why does the Frog2 not boot from CD ?


Thank you


Andreas :(


Hi, i've tried something. I think the problem is that the frog2 doesn't boot from the update cd- I've put the update cd into a notebook and the cd start's the system and will install the software on my notebook. Why does the Bootloader on the update - cd not run on the frog2. Who has the boot cd with the OS Version 3. The iso image of this CD is 120MB.





Hi Andreas


What application are you using to burn the ISO file to a CD? We've had some users report problems with using certain applications - we recommend Deep Burner, which is a freeware application.


It might be worth trying this,




Peter Kirkup

  Kirkup_xp said:
Hi Andreas


What application are you using to burn the ISO file to a CD? We've had some users report problems with using certain applications - we recommend Deep Burner, which is a freeware application.


It might be worth trying this,


Hi Peter, i have used Deepburner and Nero 7.

The error is the same.

Yesterday i have tried something else. I think there is a problem with the LINUX OS on the Frog 2. Is the Bootmanager "Grub" from Linux the Problem ?

Can i install the Full Backup-CD only on a formated Harddisk ?

The burned CD runs on my Notebook.




from Germany


Hallo Andreas,


Wo kommt die Konsole her (Vertrieb oder Händler)? Normalerweise sollte dort vor Ort sofort Support geleistet werden können. Ruf mich bitte einfach an. 0172-5252885. Das geht schneller!


Die Seriennummer der Konsole ist wichtig.


Danke und Gruss,



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