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Auto pallets


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In what way do you need to adjust them? The generation is fairly complex, but here is a brief summary:


For colour palettes...

1... 10 are always generated, based on the fixtures patched. If the fixture is RGB or CMY, it will use the mix values to create those colours. If the fixture is Fixed Color, it will take the RGB values from the parameter details and match as closely as possible for these palettes.


11 onwards... are generated based on any fixed colour wheels containing RGB data. If more than one type has the same RGB data, the palettes are merged.



For gobo palettes..

The desk looks at the GoboX wheels and looks for parameter details named "Gobo X" - the first time it finds each instance, it creates a palette. If, for example, you want the desk to use the Rotating Gobo instead of the Indexing gobo (Indexing normally falls first, so is found first by the desk), you'd have to rename the details in the fixture for Indexing so that they don't start "Gobo X".


For position...

Just a basic 50/50 Pan/Tilt (it actually picks up the Home value from Edit Fixtures, IIRC).


For effects...

These are locked and are generated based on the capabilities of the fixture. It relies on the fixture profile having "Special" parameters defined for Position (Pan/Tilt) and Colour (C/M/Y + or -, R/G/B + or -) effects, and just goes on parameter names for effects like Iris and Focus.



Hope this helps... let us know what you want to achieve and we might be able to give you some hints.

Peter Kirkup

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I understand that its important that the colour pallets match between fixtures.. i.e. colour yellow of a mac 250 wash is the same yellow as a mac 600. etc... However i have some fixtures that have colours that come no where near the auto pallet yellow. But is there a yellow colour in the fixture which will do....


Since i always use these fixtures in our venue. i would like to somehow change the data in our fixture file so that when the auto pallets are created the "yellowish colour" is auto palleted to the yellow pallet.....


Also.....I have a slection of led pars..and the auto pallet for colours work fine..but not on the effects pallets... i.e effetcts like...chase, rainbows etc dont appy to the led fixtures...I dont understand why this is?

I need a new job

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