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Is there or will there be a manual for the Frog in Portugues?


I'm having a real hard time translating futures and settings

as I sold 2 desks in Cabo Verde.


I will be going to Cabo first week in November so if it is downloadable (before the departure) it would be a great help


thanks Lampy




I am afraid that we are not going to be able to help, sorry we have the manual in several languages just not the one that you need. :(


  • 2 months later...

Since this forum consists of many people from many different countries,

I would suggest that someone from each country would start to translate the manual into their native language.

I have just started to write a copy in Norwegian.


Already thought about a Dutch version, don't know if I'll start to really write it. Maybe some other users here (i know Pipo is from Belgium right?) are interested in a team-up to translate it to Dutch?


How are you actually going to do it daoops? It would be cool if K-Nine could send us the original version so the entire layout of the manual is preserved. Or is there a way to easily edit the PDF files? (preferably with a spell-check ;))

> 500 posts, time for a new T-shirt? ;)




Thank you for the support. If anyone translates the manual and is happy for us to post it on our web site and this forum I will be happy to reward the authors with some swag, a T-Shirt and a Swiss Army knife.


Look forward to seeing them!





K-9 and NZ,

If you could supply me with the operating manual in the form of a word document so it is easy to edit I could use my computers translation software to translate it into all the different languages. We could then supply to people who speak the concerned language fluently who could comprehensively check it for grammar mistakes. Then make a final version and load onto zero 88 website and make available for all.

It could save a lot of time and I would be more than happy to give it a go and work hard on it if it is possible. PM/Email or reply back.


Cheers Sam.


I don't think translation software will work properly, since the highliting (CAPS for instance) of words has to remain. About that knife: doesn't everyone own a gerber or leatherman or something? :) I certainly do, so replace that gift will ya ;)

A file would certainly be excellent.

> 500 posts, time for a new T-shirt? ;)


An rtf-file would do it for any application/platform; after translation & verification, the format could be made and preserved by those of the translators who is equipped with Acrobat.

You may fling me on the uk>nl (& nl>uk ?) list.

By the way, I would like to opt for the infamous green Zero88 deckchair...

  NZ said:
To get the files we all have to wait until Mr K9 Returns!


I have returned :)


The original Frog Series, Mambo Frog and Frog Box manuals are produced using Corel Ventura desk top publishing software.


The manuals consist of a main Ventura publication file (.vp) and numerous imported pictures, logos, diagrams, screen dumps etc (stored as separate Corel photo paint, jpg, or gif files).


When a new issue of the manual is published the entire document is converted to PDF format (a full uncompressed version for printing, and a compressed version for emailing and downloading from our websites).

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace


I think it is possible to export the text from each chapter of the manual from Ventura into individual text or Word files, with or without the markup annotations.


I am not sure how useful this would be though as it depends what you intend to do with the text once it has been translated.


I remember with some ealier manuals, all the text files were exported individually, translated and then imported back into the Ventura document .


It was then a laborious process of going through the entire manual again sorting out the format and layout as the new text took up more room than the original English :(


This was certainly not a very efficient way of translating the manual, and I believe that for some of the later Frog Manuals Franck worked directly with the Ventura documents.

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace


So, for the moment & due to the lack of general Ventura support, translations are only possible through the multiple-step procedure:

raw english-text > raw 'swahili'-text > import in Ventura > format repairs > pre-release 4 verification > adjustments if necessary; loop 2 pre-release mkII [&/end loop] > final releases.


Some forummembers show great impetuosity on the first step, and are limited on the next steps by the nature of the choosen application. Just to consider, that in any case, supervision and authorization should stay with Zero88.


... :roll:


I use adobe acrobate to edit the .pdf le, and it work fine for me.

So why don't use "kazaa" or something and download acrobat with serial and all.. I can't really see the prob.




When is the next firmware coming ?

I'm waiting like a kid on christmas :):lol:


I must admit I do not know what operations you can perform on a .PDF file. When I've completed a new issue of a manual, I just generate the PDF files for sending to the printers and putting in the downloads section of the websites. If you can work with the PDF file then that's fine :)


For the latest info on the next Frog Updates package CLICK HERE

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace

  • 1 month later...

The Dutch version of the operation manual can be viewed via:



I've only made it to page 7, but more will come! I'd like to ask the people who speak Dutch to look at the file and correct me where it's nescessary (and I'm pretty sure it is ;)).


Don't know when my translation habits will continue; but everytime they do, I'll upload it again and make sure to give u guys a notice of it.


PS: How do I edit a file with Adobe Acrobat? I don't really get it so I used Illustrator; but look at the filesize! For 48 pages that's going to be rather huge i guess :(

> 500 posts, time for a new T-shirt? ;)


Omdat Illustrator voornamelijk een grafisch pakket is, vermoed ik dat er wordt opgeslagen in grafische format, met hoge kleuren & resolutie, en dat loopt inderdaad op. Je zou eigelijk het opslaan van de file moeten specificeren als tekst met plaatjes (wat er op neer komt dat de letters als fonts moeten worden meegenomen en de plaatjes als...plaatjes). Lastig zaakje trouwens, dat wel (vandaar m'n posting in het andere topic: alleen met een volledig Acrobat pakket is het goed te doen).

Voor zover ik er diagonaal doorheen heb gelezen, zijn alleen de graphics in de randen niet mee vertaald, en (nog) geen spelfouten kunnen vinden.

Als ik er tijd voor had, zou ik je helpen: toi.


English summary:

Edit and format issue, a work around; good translation so far.


Teksten aan de rand zijn plaatjes, die kan ik zo 123 niet editen... zal eens kijken of het opnieuw opslaan met acrobat de filesize weer naar beneden brengt.

> 500 posts, time for a new T-shirt? ;)


Dan zou je eigelijk het orgineel gebruikte lettertype moeten weten. Intypen, roteren, opslaan als, &c.


English summary:

Kind request to Zero for the name of the font of the 90°rotated texts on the borders. These appear to be graphics, and untranslatable in this form.


Saving the file with Illustrator makes the files grow larger and larger. If anyone knows a way to compress the PDF files? Or save them differently?

I can't figure out how to edit them with Acrobat Prof. but I'll give it some more time next week or so.

> 500 posts, time for a new T-shirt? ;)


It's easy to edit with adobe Prof. 6.0. Choose Advanced Editing, and therefrom choose text editor tool. Then it is just choose and rewrite, delete as it was an ordinary word document.

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