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2-way To Programm Submaster/memory

Thomas Haaser

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i have found 2-way to programm a submaster/memory:


1. way

- press [sUBMASTER] (or Memory)

- press Submaster [FLASH] (or change memorynumber)

- values in a programmer

- press [RECORD]


and now open a Windows (submaster/memory is record with other values) with the question: overwrite or turn to Chase or cancel.


for the next step for the same submaster/memory only press record.



2. way

(not open the submaster or memory windows)

- values in a programmer

- press [RECORD]

- press [sUBMASTER] (or Memory)

- press Submaster [FLASH] (or change memorynumber)


and now open a Windows (submaster/memory is record with other values) only the question: overwrite YES or NO.


and now i have one wrong button press and my chaser lost.


I think the Question by the 2. way must always the question for 1. way.


I this function now a BUG or a feature. ;)


Bye, Thomas

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The fact that you can program a memory or submaster with the Memory/Submaster pre-selected in the corresponding window or if a different window is active by pressing the RECORD key and then selecting a memory or submaster to program is by design :P


However, the fact that in the first case you get options to overwrite or turn into a chase but in the second case you only get an overwrite option is a bug. This has been logged (LF-1876, LF-1877) and will be fixed in the next version of the software.

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