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Eh, so ive gone to a fresh memory, held in the MEM TYPE button and then i have pushed up the faders i want and then pressed program, then it came up with the next step (2) and i pushed up some other faders BUT:

1) It doesnt seem to show the steps on the cue stack (Playback)





2)I cant see the "Shots" attribute like it says in the manual

3)if i hit finish, then start the chase (Pressing GO from the que before) it does nothing


Also how do i make a chase go automatically? as in i hit go and then it automatically plays through steps




What am i doing wrong?

KNine? Anyone?


Insert memories (27.1) and chase steps (27, Step 1) are different. Insert memories are used for putting a cue between 27 and 28 that will respond to a trigger (normally the GO button). Chases are a series of Step memories run in sequence.


In version 10.8 software, the chase steps won't run unless the Playback X (or Submaster fader) are above 0.

Peter Kirkup

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