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I'm setting up a default show on our Bullfrog and am putting the colour attributes of our Mac 250 Entours onto the subs. This works fine but I have problems when I flash through the colours sequentially (ie working my way around the colour wheel.)


The transitions between some of the adjacent colours are snaps and some are slow 'fades'. I have managed to sort out some of the subs by taking notice of the DMX output of the colour atts, especially the fine channel and rounding them up or down (eg 86-0 instead of 86-114) but this hasn't worked every time.


Has anyone else experienced this or have any tips?






Isn't that a function of the Entours? The change between colours is either stepped or continuous (manual, page 34). The bottom part of the DMX range is for continuous and the upper part for stepped.

ex-Leap Frog Owner, ex-Mambo Frog Owner, ex-XLS Owner, ex-Alcora Owner, ex-Elara Owner

Owner of a big pile of Betapack 2s


Bozone (n): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating.

"Am I dreaming this?" "No, and you ain't in Kansas neither."

"Longbottom's been neglecting his ear muffs."


All the colours I have used are within the continuous 'range' of the colour att (0-143) so perhaps the subs which do snap are an anomaly.


Maybe I should have just done it properly in the first place and used the stepped scroll instead. :oops:






Just a thought - it's not that you've got some subs set to 'SNAP' and some to 'FADE' for your colour action is it?

ex-Leap Frog Owner, ex-Mambo Frog Owner, ex-XLS Owner, ex-Alcora Owner, ex-Elara Owner

Owner of a big pile of Betapack 2s


Bozone (n): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating.

"Am I dreaming this?" "No, and you ain't in Kansas neither."

"Longbottom's been neglecting his ear muffs."


Hi Peter,


I have managed to change the behaviour of some of the subs by rounding the DMX value of the fine colour channel up or down, but I'll have a look at the fixtures tonight.








I have found this problem on our MAC250 Entours too. It seems to be a "bug" within the software in the mac, not the desk. It also does it when stepping between adjacent colours using palettes. We first noticed the problem when we upgraded the software in the macs. (The upgrade that slows the colour wheel down to improve reliability.) java script:emoticon('8O')



Hope this helps.






I checked the fixtures last night and the shortcut was off so I can't say for sure what the problem was. I'd be interested to try and reproduce the problem using our 520 to see if it is a Mac bug.


I've overcome the problem though by reprogramming (using Phantom Frog - grrrrrr*) the colour subs using the stepped scroll part of the colour att. Got there in the end!







*Monitor not big enough, buttons too small. A bit like reading Ceefax through fog from 100 feet.


At night.

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