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I use a Illusion 120 in full mode. I have some multi-part scenes in my sequence. When the mutli-part scene arise on stage, only the first part is viewed. If I edit live the first part and I save again (with OK button), the others parts are ok.


What is the problem? I use only traditional.


Thank you.


Hi Gatto


Can you confirm what version of software you are using on your Illusion 120? The latest software is 7.5, available from here.


If you're running the latest software, let us know and we'll investigate furthur.





Peter Kirkup


Hi Peter,


In fact it's an Illusion 500 with software 1.7.1. The BIOS is the 5.1.1 and the serial number is 00-342-01 XXXXXXXX


Thank you for your help.




Moderation: Serial Number removed from public forum.


Hi Gatto


If possible, could you upload your show file to this thread? To do this, click "Add Reply" and then use the "Add an Attachment" box below to upload the file.



Many thanks





Peter Kirkup

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Peter,


Here is my show. Sorry for the delay, I'd to find a PC (I work with Macintosh) with a floppy disk... I changed the cuelist and remove my multipart scenes and replaced them by macro end masters link. The problem is with the cue 70 for example. Thank you if you know what is the problem or what I'm doing wrong.


BUT... I can't add my attachment, I've an error message that says "the extension isf is not allowed". What can I do?



  • 1 month later...
  • 10 years later...

I'm not expecting anything, as I'm replying over ten years later, but I'm experiencing this bug as well. Illusion 500, latest software. I'm not sure what triggers the bug… when it starts happening for a cue, it'll keep happening until I edit the other parts, make a slight change, and re-save each part. I'm pretty sure it's an edit mode bug of some description, since if I've got the cue into a state where it behaves properly, playing back the show multiple times doesn't seem to trigger the corruption.


When a cue is misbehaving, it still has the correct data stored in it (which I can see if I press Edit or Preview), it just doesn't play back properly.


"Part" cues on the Illusion have always been a bit buggy (which is a PiTA as I used them a lot on Geniuspro) and cause a lot of swearing to get them running.


They seemed especially mardy when trying to edit them which is probably the issue your seeing, so I tend not to use more than a couple of "parts" and cheat with auto follow on cues. There seems to be no rhyme nor reason to it except I think the original programmer couldn't get his head round double linked lists (which I think would be the way to implement a cue list and parts) - in my head, I'm going to write a new version of Illusion OS which will breathe life back in to the desk (I'm also going to win the lottery and live in Nevada but hey!)

Ian Knight aka The Service Guy - www.serviceguy.co.uk




Well it's a good job you're responding to a fellow Midlander. I've had to explain this regionalism more than once to my Southerner wife! :ph34r: Down there they have no usable equivalent!


I'm afraid you're going to have to explain this regionalism to me too!

Oh, sorry, 'fraid not. Secret language you see. We can't let you in on everything, Devon is certainly in the 'down South' camp 😂


"Part" cues on the Illusion have always been a bit buggy (which is a PiTA as I used them a lot on Geniuspro) and cause a lot of swearing to get them running.


They seemed especially mardy when trying to edit them which is probably the issue your seeing, so I tend not to use more than a couple of "parts" and cheat with auto follow on cues. There seems to be no rhyme nor reason to it except I think the original programmer couldn't get his head round double linked lists (which I think would be the way to implement a cue list and parts) - in my head, I'm going to write a new version of Illusion OS which will breathe life back in to the desk (I'm also going to win the lottery and live in Nevada but hey!)


I would… probably be up for helping with that! (I've had a desk design running round my head for a while. It involves motorised faders, and a strange hybrid of HTP/LTP for submasters. A girl can dream!)


The multipart cues are a shame but probably workable with… as long as I can test things as I go! I was programming blind for a lot of this show, so couldn't tell when things broke.


The other bug that's annoying me is that the desk sometimes interprets a cursor up/down keypress as a Go. For instance, I'm outputting cue 1, I use the down arrow to scroll down the list, at some point (e.g. cue 30) it'll switch to the currently selected cue.


It pretty much does it every time if I "Edit blind" a cue I'm not currently on… afterwards, as soon as I press a cursor key, it'll jump to the newly selected cue. It doesn't seem to do it if I use the mouse instead of the arrows.




I'm also going to win the lottery and live in Nevada but hey!

Come on Ian, you're from Coventry, so be a bit more realistic. I think you should aim at.... Rugby!


mardy - I'm assuming our southerner friends found it as the first item from Google!


Sorry to Amy for going off topic so far...!


Sorry to Amy for going off topic so far...!


Hehe. It wasn't my thread to begin with :)


It's weird now I live in the South. People use all kinds of odd words. But mardy is perfectly normal :)


(Yes, Coventry is definitely in the South. I think Nottingham is about where the South starts.)


I'm intrigued, if you're interested in sharing via PM / email???

Sure! I'll try and write some of it up at some point. The idea was to build it as a hobby project using a raspberry pi, but like so many projects it hasn't happened yet :)

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