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On the monitor at the bottom there does not seem to be a count down (up) as a result we have on a couple of occasions activated a cue before the previous one has finished, this causes the cue to jump to completion.


Is it possible to have a % of cue run remaining indication on screen?


Even better would be to make it so that if you press go while a cue is still running it will just stop the previous cue, and crossfade to the next instead (as strand/etc do) as there are a lot of thimes when you want to program long fades but sometimes need to go before one has finished.

it will just stop the previous cue, and crossfade to the next instead


I believe this is implemented in version 6 of the software (soon to be released)...

Simon Aspland

Vari-Lite Development Engineer

Email Support



  • 6 months later...

May be its me but I'm having trouble creating a long 5 minute fade out time on memory programms Fade In is Ok but I'm trying to cross fade from one to another over a 5 minute period and the fade up is ok but fade out goes real quick despite inputing a fade out time of any thing. Any ideas? I'm using conventionals and version 7.5.1 of software on a Fat Frog.




One important thing to remember when playing back memories on the memory stack (Playback X) is that the time taken for the Current memory to fade out(down) is given by the fade down time of the Next memory.


The fade up and fade down times for a memory indicate how the generic and fixture brightness channels will behave when the memory is selected and the Go button is pressed.


Also, check that the Override control is in the central (neutral) position.

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace


Yeah thanks for that one I did find that out soon after posting, but it doesn't half confuse you a bit on the interface. After being used to the sirius. Oh and one other thing is there anyway you can show a time count down display agen like it used to happen on the sirius. if not on the desk itself maybe on the VGA memories display or am I again being blind.





The feedback we got from the Sirius was that the fade times associated with a memory should be for the transition TO that memory, not for the transition FROM that memory. So we changed it.


What would you regard as 100% of the cue (memory) run ?

The end of the fade up ?

The end of the fade down ?

The end of the fade up or down whichever is the greater ?

The end of the LTP fade ?

The end of the HTP or LTP fade, whichever is the greater ?

The end of the dwell ?



Frog Reference 5433 - Indicate the time remaining or % through a memory on the memory stack (Playback X) on the monitor screen.

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Guest ChrisO

How can I get my Fat Frog to display the time to completion of a fade, i.e. countdown like the old Sirius series used to. I've been programming fade times such as 3mins but have no obvious way of seeing how far the fade has progressed or how long is left. Any ideas? (and don't say keep a stopwatch next to the desk!). :?:


Some considerations, but not decisive...


100% of the cue run:

The full course between two scenes, including all timed threads


time (%) indicators:

From shortest to longest, blinking if more threads are following, indicated with synchroneous blinking matching symbol, e.g.

fade up : Current: ... s_^

fade down : Current: ... s_v

LTP fade : Current: ... s_z

dwell : Current: ... s_~

Finishing if next-after-next scene is launched before end of current threads (in case of panic/slip/bridging-the-gap on the stage)

-instantly (snap) finish current & force next

-don't bother, just finish / progress without any clues

(selectable in SU)


Hmmm, so now it's becoming a improbable clever frog...

It's clear that not all the interfacing issues can be ironed with software.


  • 4 months later...

Is it possible to include a run time counter for when a cue is running, this could be in the form of a count down in seconds or as a % or cue run on the monitor somewhere?.


Watching this count down (or up) would help in theatre to eliviate the jump experienced when the next cue is activated.


Thanks 8)

  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Using my leap frog today on a very long crossfade, I thought it would be useful to see progress of the UP and DOWN times on the main (memories) page of the monitor - I beleive the only indication is currently the red led next to the GO button, or switching to output view and watching the channels change - but this does not indicate progress on a crossfade, whether there is 5mins or 10secs to go - so I'm probable looking for a single line stating cross faded time (i.e. total) and remaining time or DONE. for both UP and DOWN times.


Maybe just a block of pixels (40x10 or so) which gets filled horizontally... Would be a nice feature though, I agree on the "not being able to see what it's doing"-part. This is annoying when your crossfade has to end on a certain line of text or something like that.

> 500 posts, time for a new T-shirt? ;)


I think this would be a quite handy feature, though I currently don't use long fadetimes. But you never know, what people want the next time from you. :wink:

So, if you don't start drinking...I'm gonna leave!!!

  • 2 months later...



A display of the fade times running would be very useful.

I use my desk for many different types of show and the last theatrical production had several cues of over two minutes each. It would be very useful to see the fade up and fade down times tick by on the screen.




  • 3 months later...



I came across this, while training myself on the phantom frog for our new Fat Frog.


While searching on FR 5433 I could not find if this is implemented yet. I presume it isn't ?


(I would like to see a line like this:



"Fade down: <percentage> / <remaining time> | Fade up: <percentage> / <remaining time> | LTP Fade: <percentage> / <remaining time> | Dwell time: <percentage> / <remaining time>"


In which "<percentage> / <remaining time>" can be repaced by n/a if applicable.


I'm not sure in which screen it would belong, output (channels screen) or memories, but I would like probably both. It is something that could be maybe be chosen in the desk setup. (Set "Display live fade times" to "ouput", "memory" or "both".


Of course, just like naming items, this would only apply to the connected monitor. This doesn't seem like a violation of Frog principles and to the layman at least, doesn't seem to involve a major rewrite of code. (but laymen ussually don't see problems, which are there... :D )

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