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I am wanting to assign conventional lights to two different channels on the bullfrog. Here is my question with some explination...


First, lets say i have lights 1 - 5 controlled by dimmers 1 - 5. I set the generic patches to channels 1 - 5. Then on channel 6 i want to be able to control lights/dimmers 1 - 5 as a whole but still have the option to control them individually.

Second, before you think submasters, the problem that i run into with the submasters is that when i save the conventionals it also saves the fixture status and as a result i get the moving fixtures to go to whatever they were saved as, or the return to home, or once i even had them atomatical go through the shut down protocal. I am happy with an answer to have a solution either way...submaster or channel.


Thanks for the help.


I guess you are in the full mode and not in partial mode, right? It will work perfectly with the submasters if you are in the "partial mode", see manual page 6 - 9.


You can duplicate HTP channels on a preset fader (e.g. HTP channel 1-5 at fader no. 6) but only once and not again on a different preset fader, see manual page 6 - 8.


Please also read chapter 4 - 5 "Tagging Fixtures".


I believe that will solve your problem.


Download the manual here: http://support.zero88.com/main/en/product/9

  • 3 weeks later...

thanks for the reply, i do not believe that it solves my problem though. If i program in partial mode i will not be able to save the fixtures (ispots and iwashes from coemar) in the memories. From page 6-9 it states "Partial Mode - Only fixtures which have been specifically 'tagged' are programmed into pallettes, memories and submaster channel data." It would work but on most shows I have various postions, beam shapes, and colors for the fixtures.

As for the duplicating of HTP channel data from page 6-8, i saw no way to do what i was wanting, perhaps i missed something.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions or if i am misunderstanding the way that it works. Thanks again for the response.

If i program in partial mode i will not be able to save the fixtures (ispots and iwashes from coemar) in the memories. From page 6-9 it states "Partial Mode - Only fixtures which have been specifically 'tagged' are programmed into pallettes, memories and submaster channel data."


This simply means that when you're building a memory involving a fixture, you have to select ("tag") that fixture when building that memory.


And I quote, from 4-5:





To manually tag a fixture, press and hold down the FIXTURE SELECTION button for approx. 1 second. The yellow light in the button changes to flashing when the fixture is tagged.


To untag a tagged fixture, press and hold down the FIXTURE SELECTION button for approx. 1 second. The yellow light in the button stops flashing when the fixture is untagged.

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