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Morning Forum,

Here's my next problem that hopefully someone can come up with an answer.


I am trying to assign the abstract futurescan 1CE scanner to the desk and I am trying to run four of them.


I have loaded the attribute data ok from floppy and have patched them in at channel 220. Again this is ok.


I have plugged the scans in to the desk and their green light comes on to show it is receiving dmx ok. Now these scans have those damn infernal dipswitches which having done loads of research I have come to the conclusion that channel 220 dmx = switches 3,4,5,7,8


The scans just don't respond at all when I fixture select them.

Has anyone any ideas what the problem maybe. I'm guessing its something really obvious but not to me !!!! :oops:


I have also tried them by patching into channel 1 and having dipswitch no 1 selected with one scan and not a chain of four. Again no joy


help / thoughts appreciated




Well your DMX maths is OK. I've had problems in the past using 'accessibly priced' units where the DIP switches work 'the wrong way round' ie ON = '0' and OFF = '1', or was is the other way round. I'd try inverting the logic in your switch settings.

ex-Leap Frog Owner, ex-Mambo Frog Owner, ex-XLS Owner, ex-Alcora Owner, ex-Elara Owner

Owner of a big pile of Betapack 2s


Bozone (n): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating.

"Am I dreaming this?" "No, and you ain't in Kansas neither."

"Longbottom's been neglecting his ear muffs."

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