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Wave, I tried it and it didnt work...


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I know you will say that i should search, i did, and i didnt find anything useful...

My Question is, as you may have guessed, about making waves. Lets say i got 4 movinghead fixtures, they all stand on the floor in a straight line.

The effect i want to acheive: all fixtures pointing down to the ground, then i want number 1 to tilt up, lets say until it is straight up, and then down again, BUT, the four fixtures have to do this in a wave, (you all know that i want).

I have already done this, i used the the ellipse and only let them tilt, then i put on different offset. But then they are all tilting in a wave, fine!, but i want the effect to be on a sub, so when i pull it, they will all go to the straight down position, make the wave one time, and then stop...



Move while dark! -> GOGOGO! :D


Thank you Zero for the FR 5402 :)

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sounds like the only way to do this is to program it in a chase. Trying to make this with an effect is not possible because there is no way to stop the wave exept by hand.


you have 2 choices.


a three step chase in wich you program everthing straight down. Then a step where you program the ellipse, then a step where you program everything down again. The tricky thing here is the timing. You'll have to adjust the timing of the chase (or do it manually) to account for the duration of the wave. Secondly, the problem is also that when your last scan starts down, your first one will probably start up again.


the better thing to do would probably be to write the entire wave in a chase by hand. It's best to write it with pen and paper first, since it's easy to get confused halfway writing the chase. Take three positions for each scan; down, halfway, and up. once the first one goes to the up possition, the second one goes to the halfway postion. then the firstone goes down, second goes up, third goes halfway. etc etc.


big advantage here is that you can make the chase a single shot, and adjust it's timing nicely.

if one million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.

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