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  • 6 months later...

The trouble with techies is, they're very likely to dig out the manual and work out how to enable the game again!


Even if we were to put a lock code or something on it, there always has to be a way round it if the code is forgotten. Particularly important for hire companies who would otherwise get stuck with locked desks returning from hires.


The game should be reasonably well hidden since it is not mentioned in the manual. Maybe we should trawl the forum and remove all posts that mention how to get to it?


LOL, I see your problem, but if it was locked through the desk lock code, then it would be bypassable but not by the techs at school as they dont know that they can get the code off you :twisted:


Thanks for the reply, (even if it did take a while :P)

  • 1 month later...

Hi there,


I know that you can lock the desk so that others and/or yourself cannot adjust crucial settings, address settings etc, but is there a way you can lock the desk so that nothing can work, ie the fixtures and generics? I have an event coming up shortly and have been told that I must not let anyone use the Macs and the others lights etc. So instead of hiding the desk (which in fact is to big to fit anyway descreetly!) or hiding the power lead, I just wondered if there was a way of adjusting the lock settings so that it looks the WHOLE desk? Can anyone shed any light on this (sorry about the pun)?


No You can only lock programming. If you locked it the person would be able to use the mac's but wouldn't be able to program them into a look. They could use looks you had created. If you wanted to you could save your show to disk, clear the patch so the mac's weren't there then lock the desk. That way they would have no access to the Mac's. When you wanted to use them unlock the desk and reload your show.





I would go for unplugging the unused fixtures ...


But if you can get a big green plant,

try hiding your green friend beneth it ...


hire Sam who says

"Touch the desk and I get my leatherman out and slice you up. Did you f§ux&yz!%ing get that??

Thank You for your co-operation in this matter and know enjoy the show"

Sebastian H.

Pro - Sound Showtechnik

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.

Albert Einstein

"You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun"

Al Capone

  • 4 months later...

I have noticed that even when the desk is locked it is still possible to edit a memory using the edit blind mode.


Not sure what S/W version the desk was but I noticed that the latest version of phantom frog can do it as well.


Is this a bug? Or has it been corrected in a S/W release?


I have just checked this on a fat frog here, and it does appear to be a bug :oops:


It should not be possible to edit any memory, submaster or SX button, in live or blind mode if the desk is locked.


Frog Reference No 5491 - Blind Edit should not be allowed when desk is locked - Bug.

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace

  • 2 months later...

An interesting idea ... but you could still change the outputs using the preset faders, home button, control wheels and palettes ... so not sure what this extra lock functionality would actually give you :?:

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace


personally i would like the lock code to just lock everything until you enter the unlock code. this will prevent other people screwing up the look i have set up. I sometimes come across a situation like that, where people who are no lj, just like to mess with the panel to see what happens, while i'm going to the toilet or something like that.

if one million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.


Thats what I want to keep from going on - the lightboard is in the back of the room and on different nights, its full of kids that like to turn knobs and slide things up and down :twisted:


on my old lightboard, I would just create a macro that would PARK all dimmers at certain levels and you had to know what macro to enter to unpark them.


It sounds like the ideal solution would be a two level lock state, one level prevents any changes to the show data (which is what lock does at the moment) and the other level effectively disables the whole front panel ?

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace

  • 3 weeks later...

I know this lock problem remains an issue - can anything be done about it? I was running a show this evening and found that not only could any names be changed, but fade times too >> not good.

Imagine what problems you could encounter without correct fade times or names? Could very easily ruin your show.


And while I'm on the subject, why is it that when a submaster or cue is reprogrammed, it remembers its name (which is great :) ) but resets its fade times? :( The number of subs I've knocked straight up to 100% thinking a fade time was set, when it had actually been reset to 0 - very annoying, and quite baffling since the names are remembered.





I would really like the "desk use lock" too, as some people (esp. pubescent grown ups) playing with the FOH desks without supervision until we are on catering :-b

Sebastian H.

Pro - Sound Showtechnik

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.

Albert Einstein

"You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun"

Al Capone


Reference numbers for the bugs/requests related to the lock function:


Frog Reference 5421 - Extend the Lock function to prevent saving the show to floppy disk


Frog Reference 5507 - Should not be able to edit memory, submaster or SX button names if the desk is locked (fixed in 9.8).


Frog Reference 5508 - Should not be able to edit submaster fade times, actions, trigger levels etc. if the desk is locked (fixed in 9.8).




Frog Reference 5522 - Fade Up, Fade Down, LTP Fade, C/B/P Actions, Mem Dwell, Mem Trigger, Sub/SX LTP TL, SX Action to be preserved when overwriting Memories/Submasters/SXs.


Is the general consensus (on Frog Reference 5421):


A - Extend the current lock function to disable the entire panel (except the lock button, obviously!)




B - Have two different lock levels, one which prevents modification (and possibly saving of) show data, plus an additional one which disables the entire panel?


Just a thought. There's one problem I could see with simply locking the entire desk: If any of the faders were fiddled with while the desk is locked, although the lighting state wouldn't change immediately, it would do as soon as you unlock the desk. :o


My suggestion would be to have an outputs screen, where any faders that are moved whilst the desk is locked are shown up as a bright flashing channel on the screen, along with the value they were before the lock.


This way, you could just tweak the faders to ensure that they are how they were before the lock, so your lighting state doesn't change when you unlock.


Hope this makes sense,


  • 2 months later...

I think the Materpeice desks have the lock issue down pat. You set the desk the way you want it. enter the lock code (SUAL) and enable or disable ANY button you want.

Sliders are locked by placing the slider over %50. whatever was running on the slider would continue running, even if you power off the desk. If pages on the sliders are changed (Provided the page buttons are unlocked) the sliders that are locked remain locked.


This enables you to control how your operaters use the desk. and prevent problems like getting a phone call at 3 in the morning because the Grand master got "Knocked" down, and because no one uses it, didn't realise thats why the desk wont work! (Yes Ive had this happen!)

  • 3 weeks later...

Can I suggest a fader lock.


I recently did a show for a school. I had programmed all the scenes for the operators, they just had to hit go at the right time.


Throughout the show I noticed that balckouts were not quite blackouts and whilst the fixtures were supposed to be in their home positions they weren't.


On later inspection, I discovered that the operators were accidentally pushing up the faders and the submasters, with their scripts.


Could there be a function to lock all but the playback controls.


Maybe even a lock function, that could be changed in the super user, to optionally decide which functions were locked.

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