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slight dips when programming


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Now, this may just be my imagination, or our dimmers, but I have a funny feeling that when I record cues on my Fat Frog, if I am adding lamps to the current cue, when I press record, the output is dipping ever so slightly (ie progressively getting lower and lower by less than 1%), it doesn't always do this, and I am yet to confirm it with my microscope, but it is slightly worrying.


I have got the GM and X PB masters up at full.


Has this been heard of before?





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Dear Sir,


Can you let me know what version of software you are using. You can find this in super user under information.

When you say add channels in are you using the edit function or simply replaying a cue and then putting more channels in and pressing program to over write the existing cue.


Keith Rogers

Zero 88 Support: support@zero88.com

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The desk has (I think) the most recent version of the software, it has just come back from you after seeming not have anything wrong with it (before I sent it it wasn't loading, you changed the x PB pot, and it worked fine). I am talking about when re-recording from just normal PB mode (ie, just adding/increasing channel levels and hitting 'program' again



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