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  • 1 year later...

Hello :D


Love Phantom Frog - long awaited and much appreciated. Just wondering what the chances are of linking it into a visualisation package (Avolites Vis, Martin Show Designer, Cast WYSIWYG, etc) I appreciate that the software is not intended as a full operating interface, but being able to pre-program a show offline would be wonderful.


:P Theres no pleasing some of us - keep up the good work.

Peter Kirkup



I am happy to see this great console get to PC. I also have faith in you guys to get this program to to a visualizer as well. Another great job from the guys at Zero.


Performance A&L Systems

  • 2 weeks later...

I was about to suggest the same thing, I use wyswig all the time and it would be great to link the phantom frog to it!


However kirkup_xp you might want to download the whole hog of line editor, which you can link to wysiwig and use it to alow easy creation for rendering!!!




maybe Zero88 could make there own visualisation package :?

I need a new job


Hi All


A question for you.....


What would you be willing to pay for a visulisation package?


What would you be prepared to pay for Phantom Frog if we make it work with WYSIWYG or A.N. Other?


Would love to just give it all away but then we do have to try and stay in business.... :)


For your info Phantom Frog took a considerable amount of development time which we don't see a payback on in terms of sales but hopefully we do in terms of happy customers!



Zero 88





If visualization pack is possible I certainly would pay it ! something about 200 € would be a nice price !

If this tool is much more expensive nobody will buy it then, I think.

Sebastian H.

Pro - Sound Showtechnik

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.

Albert Einstein

"You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun"

Al Capone


But we renumerate you with love and happy vibes - look:






Oh, £20! It would be a veeeeery useful thing to have, and I believe people, myself included, would be willing to part with a bit of cash :D


Well i've just paid £400 for the edicational version of wyswig design. It is currently possible to buy the report version for £80 which is a 2D design package.


It would be really useful if there was a simple CAD package, aimed at school's and small venues, at good price. One in which 15/16 year old students would be able to use without having a huge knowledge of lx.


I think that the phantom frog is a great bit of kit, however "ZERO88" many manufacturers do allow their offline editor to work with CAD packages and they do give it out for free!!!! However LD'S who use the full version of wyswig who obviously afford the £1000+ price prob would be using a more expensive desk, than a frog!!!!! So I take back my request.


Keep the good work up! One prob i do have with the phantom frog is using it for the bull frog, it don't fit in the screen! would it be possible to put in a window so it would be possible to scroll left-right?


Hi all,


To be honest I don't think Zero88 would gain too much by developing their own VIS package.

Personally I would look for software which can match the features of WYSIWYG, and developing such a tool is too expensive and time comsuming.


Rather than a low-end VIS package I would rather see the fixture editor and phantom frog developed to include "auto" pallets, channel specific programming (sub-partial mode) and such.


After all why, re-invent the wheel?

But for my next large job I look forward to programming pallets, colours and beamshapes from home on the Phantom, should save quite a lot of time on-site.


Best regards from a happy Frog User


Kresten Bager

Polyteknisk Scenelys



Considering the abovementioned arguments, wishes and possibilities, it might be an idee to develop (parts of) the software by the users, with supervision of the Zeroware board: is there a Linus in the audience?

However, the risk of disgruntlement is ubiquitous here...


Personally, I think that a more conventional interface would be useful for the software, i.e. using standard windows controls. It would also be good to have an editor that could, for example move scenes by dragging and dropping etc, rather that emulating the frog desks.


I also agree with the post about user driven software, it would be good to see an open source development of an editor for the frog file format, with visualisation features. Setting up a basic editor in this way wouldn’t be particularly complicated if there was a few people prepared to contribute, and some specification for the file format and other functions were available. This would probably only need guidance and advice from Zero88, which would almost eliminate any further development costs.

  • 1 month later...

Thanks again for the offline editor program. Is there any sight in the future for the visualizer to actually do some pre-show work with? I know everyone wants free downloads but I know ya gotta make some $ at this so if there is one comming and it has a ballpark price tag I would love to hear about it.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ive got another question 4 all you guys. Might sound stupid but I am still new to the Fat Frog Board.


I am trying to program a show on the offline editior of Fat Frog but how do I know when I am programming the moving lights (4 MAC 500's)


A) What colour they are going to be


B) Where they are going to be on Stage


C) What the Gobos (Rotating and Still) are going to look like


Don't misunderstand me I do know how to change colour etc. but how do you know what it is going to look like.


Is there some sort of document for each fixture saying for example colour 156 is Frosty Blue or Rotating Gobo 12 is Rosco gobo ... etc.


Or is there some sort of WYSIWYG Software (pref free and downloadable from internet) which can be linked with the frog offline editior.


Final thing I have looked at other posts but still am to know real conclusion. I have read a bit about the Phantom Frog is this a WYSISYG Type program or just the proper name for the offline Editor???


Pleaze Help.


Samm :D


the color and gobo you can find on the parameter list of your fixtures but for position and rotating gobos you will have to find out at the show!


There is no visualiser for the PhantomFrog, i don't need it anyway, might be useful for color and beamshape, but preprogramming position always sucks even if you have wysiwyg, there is always something different on the set!

Den Pipo

Pro Light Design


If you program pallets on the real frog you can use them on the phantom by saving the show on a disk and reading it with the phantom ...

but as pipo says:

  pipo said:
There is no visualiser for the PhantomFrog, i don't need it anyway, might be useful for color and beamshape, but preprogramming position always sucks even if you have wysiwyg, there is always something different on the set!


Suddenly you can´t program position effects on the phantom so it is not very useful to program shows on phantom.


I use the phantom to setup any kind of show values like DMX Patch or Fixture Types ...


  sam.orme said:
Or is there some sort of WYSIWYG Software (pref free and downloadable from internet) which can be linked with the frog offline editior.


No there isn´t yet esp. free and downloadable from internet :mrgreen:


Happy holidays from germany to all of you ...


Sebastian H.

Pro - Sound Showtechnik

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.

Albert Einstein

"You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun"

Al Capone

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Guys.

Hope You all had a great xmas and New-Year Period. Its A Bit Depressing now were all back @ work etc. Never Mind Though!


Just Wondering as far as I can tell the Phantom Frog which I downloaded from the Zero 88 Website is running the original version software. If this is correct would it be possible to update it- preferably with the version software which is about to come out ('cause it sounds great!!). In addition any chance of zero 88 guys looking into maybe linking it with a WYSIWIG or Martin Show Designer/ Light Jockey. I Know this has been mentioned a few times but it would be great for all those who dont have access to their venue rig and board all the time but still need to program shows.


Thanks a lot- Any Feedback would be great!


Cheers Sam

  • 1 month later...
  • 9 months later...

Is there yet an update on the visualising issue? I was wondering how things are going with WYSIWYG and those kind of programs, any chance of a link between Z88 products and Cast Lighting?

> 500 posts, time for a new T-shirt? ;)

  • 2 months later...

Is there some kind of virtual room or stage where you can plot fixtures and visually preview a scene or chase? :?:


Err didn't realise there was a topic on this already open. :oops: :oops:

  • 4 months later...



Does anyone know if it is possible to connect the Phantomfrog-software with the demo of the software Capture 3.0 by Capture Sweden? Or do i have to have a hardwareconsole to connect to the Capture 3.0 demo?

  • 1 month later...

That is nice, the software looks greats, the only thing that we could dream off was a "vizualation package" for phantom frog :) I keep dreaming;)

Move while dark! -> GOGOGO! :D


Thank you Zero for the FR 5402 :)


It don´t have to be free, take something around 150 euro for the package could be nice, most people would pay that, it is nothing compared to the price of wysiwyg....

Move while dark! -> GOGOGO! :D


Thank you Zero for the FR 5402 :)

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