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Frog Series Operating Software 8.1 - Release Notes


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Release 8.1 of the Frog Range Operating Software is now available for download.


The software can be found in the 'Downloads' section of the main Zero 88 website (www.zero88.com)


Release notes are as follows (a properly formatted, PDF version of these notes is available for download in the same location as the software) :






1. Introduction

This document describes the additional functionality provided in Frog Series Software Release 8.1. The changes are summarised below:

· Using SMPTE or MIDI timecode signals to trigger memories on the memory stack (Playback X) on the Frog Box.

· Using Chillinet or iCANnet messages to trigger memories on the memory stack (Playback X) on the Frog Box.

· Bug fixes and other minor modifications.


2. SMPTE and MIDI Timecode Triggers

This new function covers setting up, programming and running the memory stack using SMPTE or MIDI timecode inputs, in addition to the current memory triggers available (Go, Auto and Real Time).

It is possible to program or edit memories with the new timecode triggers on any of the Frog Series of lighting desks. Memory triggers may also be edited on the Frog Box.

The Frog desks do not currently have the capability of processing SMPTE or MIDI timecode signals. Memories programmed with timecode triggers will only be triggered by a SMPTE or MIDI signal when the show is running on a Frog-Box, and the corresponding timecode is enabled.

2.1 Desk Setup – Timecode Setup

A new Timecode Setup option under Desk Setup allows the user to set up the timecode source and frame rate, and enable or disable the input timecode signal (Frog Box only).

Select the Timecode Setup option from the Desk Setup screen and press the Go/Enter key. The Timecode Setup screen is displayed on the LCD:


Status: <Enabled>

Source: < SMPTE >

Frames/Sec:< 25 >

The Timecode Setup screen contains the following fields:

Status Enabled or Disabled (default = Enabled)

Source SMPTE or MIDI (default = SMPTE)

Frames/Sec Number of frames/second. Range 24, 25 or 30 (default = 25)

Exit Exit button to return to the Desk Setup screen.

Use the up and down arrow keys to move through the fields on the screen. Use the + and – keys to adjust the value in the selected field. Press the Go/Enter key to exit the Timecode Setup screen and return to the Desk Setup screen.

The Timecode Setup data is stored as part of the desk setup data in the show file.


2.2 Timecode Triggers

A new memory trigger option (Timecode) has been added to memories.

If a memory has a Timecode trigger - the user is required to specify the start time for the memory on the Memories screen (see section 2.3).

The start time of the memory can only be adjusted by the user. It will not be automatically adjusted if memories earlier in the memory stack are added, modified or deleted.

A memory with a Timecode trigger will be triggered when the incoming SMPTE or MIDI timecode signal passes the specified start time (providing the timecode input is enabled). The source and frame rate of the timecode signal is defined in Desk Setup (see section 2.1).

A memory with a Timecode trigger can also be triggered manually, by selecting the memory and pressing the GO/ENTER button, or remotely from a remote switch.

The user is not prevented from specifying a start time which would overlap an earlier or later memory, or from programming memories in non-chronological (timecode) order, although obviously this practice is not encouraged or recommended.

The new trigger type and start time is displayed on both the LCD and monitor Memories screens.

2.3 Memories Screen - LCD

On the LCD Memories screen, the only fields affected are Trigger and Time.

Trigger - The memory trigger options are now as follows: Go, Auto, Real Time and Timecode.

Time - If the Trigger is set to Real Time or Timecode – the Time field is defined as follows:


Memory Trigger Format of Time Field Meaning

Real Time HH:MM:SS Hours:Minutes:Seconds

Timecode HH:MM:SS:FF Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames


2.4 Entering Timecode Values

When the memory trigger is set to Timecode, the start time can be entered as follows:

Entering Timecode from Front Panel – Use the up and down arrow keys to move the cursor onto the required part of the Time field. Use the + and – keys to adjust the value as required.

Entering Timecode from External Keyboard - On the LCD, the Time field is divided into four sections (hours, minutes, seconds and frames). If the cursor is on any of the four sections, a timecode can be entered from the external keyboard. The Time field uses the 24 hour clock and is entered as hours.minutes.seconds.frames. For example:


Keyboard Entry Time Main LCD Display Enter 7:30 am 07:30:00:00 Enter 12 noon 12:00:00:00 Enter 4:45 pm 16:45:00:00 Enter 12 midnight 00:00:00:00



2.5 Memories Screen – Monitor

The Memories screen on the monitor has been modified to accommodate the wider Trigger field needed to display the start time when the trigger is set to Timecode (Frog desks and Frog Box).


Memory Trigger Format of Trigger Field

Go Go

Auto Auto

Real Time R/T HH:MM:SS


Timecode (MIDI) MHH:MM:SS:FF







1 |RED WASH |SC| 3.0| 3.0| 5.0|S| | | 10.0|S01:02:03:04|

2 |CENTRE STAGE |SC| 3.0| 3.0| 5.0| | |F| 5.0| AUTO |

3 |BLUE SPOTS |SC| 3.0| 3.0| 5.0|S|S| | 30.0| GO |

4 |GREEN FRONT |SC| 3.0| 3.0| 5.0|S| |F| 10.0|R/T 10:30:00|


2.6 Playback Status and Information – Monitor

The table below shows the format of the data in the Trigger field (TRIG) in the Playback X section of the PSI on the monitor screen (Frog desks and Frog Box):


Next Memory Trigger Format of Trigger Field



Real Time R/T

Timecode (SMPTE) T/C

Timecode (MIDI) T/C


The SMPTE or MIDI timecode signal and incoming frame rate are displayed on the bottom line of the PSI on the monitor screen (Frog Box only).

If the timecode input is Disabled, the field will be displayed in red, and any memories with timecode triggers will not be triggered.


CUR 123.4s NEXT 123.5s FADES 00:05.0/00:05.0 LTP 00:05.0 DWELL 00:30.0 TRIG T/C


SMPTE(25) 01:02:03:04 GM: 100% 12:23:49 23/12/2001



3. Chilli and iCAN Network Messages

This new function covers setting up and running the memory stack using Chillinet or iCANnet messages. Specific network messages will trigger memories on the memory stack, in a similar manner to a remote switch configured to “Go Mem Xâ€.

A show containing the appropriate programmed memories must be loaded into the Frog Box before it can respond to the Chillinet or iCANnet network messages.

3.1 Super User – Set CAN Mode

A new Set CAN Mode option in Super User allows the user to set up the Frog Box to receive and process network messages from an iCAN or Chilli network (Frog Box only).

Select the Set CAN Mode option from the Super User screen and press the Go/Enter key. The Set CAN Mode screen is displayed on the LCD:

*** SET CAN MODE ***

Mode: <Chillinet>



The Set CAN Mode screen contains the following fields:

Mode iCANnet, Chillinet or Disabled (default = Chillinet)

Exit Exit button to return to the Super User screen.

Use the up and down arrow keys to move through the fields on the screen. Use the + and – keys to adjust the value in the selected field. Press the Go/Enter key to exit the Setup CAN Mode screen and return to the Super User screen.

3.2 Chillinet Messages

The Frog Box must be set up to receive Chillinet messages (see section 3.1). The table below shows the messages that the Frog Box will process and the corresponding action it will take:


Message Message ID Function Parameter Frog Box Action

Dimmer Memory Control (Request) 220 Hex 02 Hex Memory No (0 – 12) Go Memory (Memory No)

Dimmer Sequence Control (Request) 230 Hex 02 Hex Sequence No (1 – 3) Go Memory (Sequence No + 12)

Control Panel Memory (Request) 320 Hex 02 Hex Memory No (0 – 12) Go Memory (Memory No)

Control Panel Sequence (Request) 330 Hex 02 Hex Sequence No (1 – 3) Go Memory (Sequence No + 12)



If the memory specified by the network message is not programmed in the memory stack, no action will be carried out by the Frog Box.

The “All Off†button on the Chilli control panel generates a Play Memory 0 message.

The “Start Sequence†messages from the Chilli control panels for sequences 1, 2 and 3 are mapped directly to memories 13, 14 and 15 respectively on the Frog Box.


3.3 iCANnet Messages

The Frog Box must be set up to receive iCANnet messages (see section 3.1). The table below shows the messages that the Frog Box will process and the corresponding action it will take:


Message Message ID Function Parameter Frog Box Action

Scene Configuration (Request) 3E9 Hex 01 Hex Scene No (0 – 128) Go Memory (Scene No)



If the memory specified by the network message is not programmed in the memory stack, no action will be carried out by the Frog Box.

Any fade time specified in the iCAN message will be ignored by the Frog Box. Once the memory is triggered, the outputs will fade according to the fade times and LTP actions programmed in the memory itself.


4. Bug Fixes and Other Minor Modifications

The following Frog Reference Numbers (FR Nos) relating to new or modified functionality, bugs, perceived bugs or other minor functional changes have been implemented or fixed in Version 8.1 of the Frog series software:


FR No Fault or Change Description

5373 SMPTE/MIDI Timecode triggers have been added to memories. Memories can now be triggered by SMPTE/MIDI timecode input on the Frog Box.

5374 Memories can be triggered by iCAN messages on the Frog Box.

5390 DMX input test now works in production test mode on the Frog Box.

5391 All the fixture types contained in the fixture library file on floppy disk are now accessible and available for assignment.

5392 User fixture types containing position wheel group information now load and save correctly without generating extra blank wheel groups.

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

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