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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

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Firstly, I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this in, so do move it if it's not.


Right. I'm trying to choose between a Leapfrog, Strand 300 or Jands Event 408 for control over 24 channels of generics and 9 movers. I want to be able to do both cuestack-theatre stuff and music busking easily, and I want to spend around £3.5k. This is for a school.


So. You're all Frog fans, tell me why I should choose the frog. (Apart from it's cheaper)




-The frog is very easy to use, major advantage when using it at a school!


-As already said the great and fast online support that you can't find anywhere else.


- Is great for both theater and busking a live show


- it is cheaper


- it is possible to make verry nice events and specials light with the remote control...


And finally its green :)

Move while dark! -> GOGOGO! :D


Thank you Zero for the FR 5402 :)




It is never an easy question to answer. Everyone has an opinion and a thought process about how they like to program. The only thing i can say is that we sell lots of Frog series consoles all around the world to all types of applications from schools to theatres to concerts. From this you can see they are used in all types of applications much like you are looking for.


As others have said the forum is a good resources and also gives you an indication of the users we have.


Other things i would point to:

Free training

3 year warranty

Ongoing software support for free including V10 in a months time.




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