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I have been using the Bull FROG for a while now. While everything is working pretty good for me with concerts, dramas etc... (except for one minor thing noted below) I really still dont understand exactly what is LTPFade and what effects it has on how the lights operate.


I also still dont get the Fade up and Fade Down times.

If I have one memory set with Fade Up and Down times to 3 and the next one to 3, shouldnt that be that it takes 6 seconds for the next memory to come up?


And on the C B P - I changed them to Fade or Snap and it doesnt seem to make a difference what its set on. Maybe I dont see the FADE time since its not long enough?


And I have no idea what DWELL does!


I read the manual but it doesnt really seem to explain these in details. I guess I need examples.


If anyone could shed any light (sorry for the pun) on this for me, I would really appreciate it!


I assume these settings have something to do with why my fixtures (Martin 250 Entours) dont always go to the correct position using different submasters as different times.

Example - they point on the floor at one place with submaster 1, then I pull up another submaster and they go to the correct place - then I go back to the other submaster 1- and they dont go to the correct position. I can home them or pull up another submaster then jump back to SUB1 and it works. I really cant duplicate this to figure out whats going on.


I use all the default settings for fade up/down/dwell at 3 and CBP at S except all my submasters I use for the fixtures I have at 0 all the way across and CBP at snap.


Note: I am a part timer doing this for our church so I dont always have the luxury to just play with them to figure it all out.


Hi gress,


I hope the following is of help... :D


  gress said:
I really still dont understand exactly what is LTPFade and what effects it has on how the lights operate.


The LTP Fade belongs to all attributes except the brightness of any patched fixture. The next option "CBP" sets these three attributes from fade to snap. i.e. P is set to fade & C is set to snap. doing a memory change the fixture moves from point a -> b within the given ltp fade time. Colour snaps as fast as possible to the value set in mem b without any fade. The LTP Fade Time reltes to the infade AND outfade of a memory.i.e.

3sec. mean 3sec. LTP infade & 3sec. LTP outfade.


  gress said:
I also still dont get the Fade up and Fade Down times.

If I have one memory set with Fade Up and Down times to 3 and the next one to 3, shouldnt that be that it takes 6 seconds for the next memory to come up?

NO! :wink: You still have a 3 seconds fade. The fade in and Fade out time is set for all HTP- channels of a memory(Dimmer& Fixture Brightness).

i.e. achange from mem a to b. Both mems have a 3 second fade in and 3 sec. fade out. a is output-> push the GO button-> both mems a&b start fading(a ->out,b->in) at 1,5 sec. both mems have an output of 50% of their origin programmed values. After 3 sec. mem a is of and b is output.


  gress said:
And on the C B P - I changed them to Fade or Snap and it doesnt seem to make a difference what its set on. Maybe I dont see the FADE time since its not long enough?

yepp, it also may be the kryptons do no colour or beamshape fade. The best way to check this is to set the P=Position to fade and use a LTP fade of aprox. 3 or 4 sec.


  gress said:
And I have no idea what DWELL does!

Dwell is a kind of hold time. i.e. 4 mems are having a trigger set to "AUTO" the "DWELL" defines the time the MEM is output till the next mem starts.


Probably program a few mems with loooong fade times and activate your "OUTPUT" window on the monitor. playback your mems and watch the values. up fade is displayed green, out fade is displayed red. if you select one of the fixture you may also watch the fixture values.



best regards



Sven Paulsen

Klangfarbe Vienna




One important thing to remember is that the fade times (both HTP and LTP) apply to the incoming memory.


The fade up and down times refer to HTP (brightness/intensity) channels and the LTP fade time applies to colour/beamshape/position channels in fixtures.


Brightness - When going from memory X to memory Y the brightness channels will fade according to the fade times set in memory Y. This applies to both channels that are fading up and those fading down For example ...


Memory X: Channels 1 - 3 are all programmed at 50%


Memory Y: Channel 1 is programmed at 0%, Channel 2 is programmed at 50%, Channel 3 is programmed at 100%

Fade up is 5 seconds, Fade down is 2 seconds


If memory X is being output, Y is the next memory and the GO button is pressed ...


Channel 1 fades down from 50% to 0% in 2 seconds (uses the fade down time)

Channel 2 remains static at 50%

Channel 3 fades up from 50% to 100% in 5 seconds (uses the fade up time)


Colour, Beamshape and Position These parameters can either snap to their programmed values or fade to their programmed values in the LTP fade time for the incoming memory. Example


Memory X: Colour = 25, Gobo = 50, Pan = 0, Tilt = 0


Memory Y: Colour = 45, Gobo = 10, Pan = 50, Tilt = 50

LTP fade = 5 seconds; Colour action = snap, beam action = snap, position action = fade.


If memory X is being output, Y is the next memory and the GO button is pressed ...


Colour (colour) snaps from 25 to 45 instantly

Gobo (beamshape) snaps from 50 to 10 instantly

Pan (Position) fades from 0 to 50 in 5 seconds (the LTP fade time)

Tilt (Position) fades from 0 to 50 in 5 seconds (the LTP fade time)

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace


For information on Dwell Times - see This Topic


When Transferring memories to submasters, if you want to have fade times make sure you use the Transfer with Time key :)


If you are using channel data recorded directly onto submasters you can set up defaults in Desk Setup and then adjust times individually as required on the Submasters screen.

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace


Thanks to both of you!


That really helped me understand exactly how to program MUCH better!


Also explained some fadding and timing issues I was having trying to make a special light queue for certain songs!


k-nine - your explanation was great since I am more of a visual person!

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