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Hi all,


Please could someone help out? I aim to use Cascade Scrollers using the Frog console, but i don't know how easy they are to use with this desk.


to my knowledge the desk is only HTP and not LTP, therefore if you have a memory with both the lantern and the scroller in together and transfer it accross to the subs, as soon as you move the fader the scroller will move.


Am i correct? i am assuming i'm going to have to have 1 memory for lanterns and 1 for the scrollers.


is there another way round this?






If you're using the Frog console, then you're correct, there is no LTP support. Just patch your scrollers on the last few channels of the Preset Faders. Remember by pressing Insert whilst manual patching you can put multiple scrollers on one fader, if they will always be used together.


It's probably easiest to use the playback X for this, as if you put scrollers HTP on submasters you could get easily confused.


I would just program a memory (say 20) with the scroller channels you want to go to their correct value. Set a reasonable fade time otherwise your scrollers may not appreciate instantly moving to another colour along the scroll :) Then set the Dwell time for this memory to be the same as the fade up time.


You could then press Insert and put in a decimal point memory (say 20.5). This would contain both the scroller values and of course your lanterns. Then set the Trigger to Auto and any fade times you want for the lanterns.


Now when you press go after memory 19, it will move your scrollers, then bring up your lanterns when they've moved. I think :)


Hope this helps,



P.S Remember that the Fade Up time will apply to scrollers that are increasing in value, and Fade Down time to scrollers that are decreasing in value - probably easiest to just set the same fade up and down time when moving the scrollers.

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