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Hi, i have looked on the search on this wonderful forum for a while and found nothing that covered this idea, so i am asking,,,


has anyone come accross a moving light simulator that would, for instance, tell you the dmx status of the 10 odd channels of a mac 500 and give you the ability to change these and see what change it made... thus one could jsut use the phantom frog to set up all the dmx channels at their levels and more or less have it right first time...


It would make programming a duck easier for large shows with little time in the venue..




  • 2 weeks later...

The next time you have access to the movers, program all your pallets first then save the show to disk and write protect the disk.

Then next time your stuck for time load the disk and bang it out.


hiya, that would work for the same venue yes, but what if I want to use some ml;s is different venues, but I know the general setting of the stage and the truss that the ml sits on...



Then I could averagely program the show at home or on the road and then adjust it at the venue... a simulator that would show where the light would fall, would be a real time saver.







haha yes very similar except something that would do that with the phantom frog or similar program and have a visualisation screen or something that you could effectively "draw" a setting round and would calculate the movement of the ml...




There are several topics covering that issue. It's not going to happen, at least not at Zero88. You should look into WYSIWYG, Capture Sweden, Martin showdesigner or some other software for this purpose. That way you can connect your console to your PC and the software will draw your moving lights for you. Mind you though: you'll always need some time adjusting positions!






Oh and by the way: Frog 2 has an ethernet connection which (will?) supports ArtNET and therefore connects to WYG without the need of a dongle.

> 500 posts, time for a new T-shirt? ;)


Hi Ice


You will have to wait until PLASA to connect the frog2 to Wysiwyg via Artnet.

Artistic Lic. is still working on the driver and should be ready by that time.

Den Pipo

Pro Light Design


Hey this is what you can do. First create your pallets for position, Brightness, Colour, Beamshape. and your patch and assignd fixtures. save this to disk as previously sugested now if you use the same rigg or similar riggs usualy all you have to do is create enough position pallets that when your in the venue that you just call them up for example if you creat a stage left pallet in the new venue just set your fixture so it is in your SL position and do this for all of your pallets then if you have some pre created cues from other productions or on the offline editor it will update them with the new positions and your rigg will fit perfectly in to any space you chose you would technicaly if you used thesame rigg all the time never need to program your cues or all your pallets except for your positions again. and then you have time to make some specific cues for your event.


this is a pretty basic programming technique used on large touring shows because they never know what venue they are in next. haveing a visualiser works but you will still need to use the position pallets method because the virtual space is never really all that acurate i have a wysiwyg rigg and rarely use it for preprogramming because it is not perfect i only use it to sell a client on an idea






we have the Frog 2 talking directly to Capture Sweden over ArtNet already. It works nicely and we should have two way coms soon so that you can patch on one and update the other etc.


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