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Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but one thing that I find quite annoying is when a submaster is reprogrammed, it retains its name, but forgets any fade times set.


Thinking about it I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but can't seem to find the post/topic. Did it get a Frog reference number? If not, could it have one? :)





Yep, knew I had:


  sp said:
while I'm on the subject, why is it that when a submaster is reprogrammed, it remembers its name (which is great :) ) but resets its fade times? :( The number of subs I've knocked straight up to 100% thinking a fade time was set, when it had actually been reset to 0 - very annoying, and quite baffling since the names are remembered.




The issue didn't seem to get resolved, and it'd be great if it could be in the next update.



  sp said:
Thinking about it I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but can't seem to find the post/topic.

Tis cunningly hidden in the lock the desk topic :)


Editing (rather than reprogramming) a submaster will retain the fade times, LTP actions etc. However is it generally felt by other users that when reprogramming submasters (and I suppose by extension memories and SXs too), that the fade times and LTP actions should be preserved?


Is the Edit function that hard to use, that it's quicker to press Program, and then confirm the overwrite?


Your thoughts please...


edit: fixed links


I only use the edit function because reprogramming sometimes messes up the movement effects. With the latest OS update that shouldn't be so anymore, so I guess I'll won't be needing it anymore ;)

Also the blind editing mode seemed to be a cool thing, but I can't really remember using it a single time. Mostly you program before the actual show, and editing during the show seems a bit tricky to me, might miss a cue, or the desk might swap outputs and go to that blackout for a little second it does when editing.

So the edit function is great, but for editing stored scenes and removing lanterns, or lowering there intensity. For the rest I don't use it.

> 500 posts, time for a new T-shirt? ;)

  ice said:
might miss a cue, or the desk might swap outputs and go to that blackout for a little second it does when editing.


That's why I'm afraid of using it. :)




Frog Reference 5522 - Fade Up, Fade Down, LTP Fade, C/B/P Actions, Mem Dwell, Mem Trigger, Sub/SX LTP TL, SX Action to be preserved when overwriting Memories/Submasters/SXs.

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