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I have been unsuccessfully trying to upgrade my Fat Frog to the newest operating software.


The current setup is an ST2 board with BIOS version 5.0.1 dated 22/10/2001 09:14:10, Firmware version C806. I have been running software version 9.6 for a few months now with everything operating as well as can be expected.


I have downloaded version 9.8 and followed the instructions for installing this onto the desk. The desk goes through the motions of installing the new software i.e installing the OS files, getting confirmation from the LCD panel then loading files. When the disk is removed and the desk rebooted it is telling me that no OS system is found and there is a Checksum error Apparently the desk is expecting a value of 0x23ACAA85 and has got a checksum value of 0x4FCE55EF.


The desk now just sticks on a DOS type operating screen and will not recognise a boot disk or load an operating system


I have tried different disks and downloading the software again but none of this has helped matters.


So, anyone else had this problem? or does anyone have any helpful suggestions.





Pearl :?


OK, so now I have tried reinstalling the old version software (9.6) again. The desk recognises that it is a OS upgrade disk and will do the first stage of loading the software. It then comes up with a message telling me that the system is terminated and claims it has been trying to load software version 13.1.53 :!:


The end result is that the desk will not load any operating system and doesn't look like it will be much use for going back out on tour at the end of the week.


Hi Pearl,

It´s possible that your disks are broken - I had a very similar problem after 10 disks trying it runs the Update.

Sebastian H.

Pro - Sound Showtechnik

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No probloms here! worked first time on a well toured disk. Format the disk on the frog, then save the upgrade to the disk via a pc, insert into desk power up and hey presto, more things to remember!!


Well pointed out sp!


The original disk(s) that I was using had been formatted on the frog itself and were all in proper working order.


The desk eventually responded to loading 9.8 again in exactly the same way as I had been doing using the same disk. Possibly trying to load 9.6 over the failed attempts of 9.8 proved too much for the desk. But it is now working using the new software and I can do the editing that I originally had to do... which brings up some other points but I should probably start another thread.


Thanks for the comments


Pearl :)

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