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Is there a way to do this, ? I want to run 2 stacks of memories at the same time, synchronized. Fx when mem 1 is on mem 50 is also when 2, 51 is on. and so on, is this possible ?


Its a long explanation why i want this..


But is there any way to do this and if not, i suggest this feature.

Move while dark! -> GOGOGO! :D


Thank you Zero for the FR 5402 :)


K-nine could it be done from the keyboard, "memory 1 +50 enter" and then press go in the desk.

While on the subject, on a theatre gig when trying to find lamps could just entering ie... 50*70enter.. bring up all channels 50 through 70. Would be a handy tool.


Yep as Sp has already said if you start doing that then in effect you are starting to create a simple command line interface and that is not what the frog is about at all- the sort of ethos of the frog desk is that it is all there infront of you to touch and edit. I personally wouldn't want a command line built in, if you want that look at the Frog II or Illusion series from Zero88 or ETC and Strand (300/500 series) desks!




Martin, there is possibly another way to program what you would like to do. though without the long explanation, I don't know if this will help at all


It won't allow you to control fade times between each cue but would let you step through a sequence of cues on up to 15 memory stacks at a time with one GO button


first off, build a chase in a memory position with each step being one of your memories i.e step one is memory 1 step 2 - memory 2 etc


Set the FX trigger onto manual step and load the completed chase of however many steps onto one of your submasters.


Repeat as above for the other cue stack that you want to run and then you will have two memory stacks that can be triggered with a common GO button.


If you use the F3 function to select the appropriate submaster while stepping through the different chases then you can get individual control of each cue stack as well. You can also combine the use of the sub chase stacks with the normal memory playback if you need fade times on one of the sets of memories


To have control of the fade times between the steps of the chases would be a function that benefit the Frog enormously for busking shows with moving lights but I suspect it would require a bit of a tinkering on a serious amount of software.

you would need another kind of animal to do that sort of thing :wink:




Sorry but it dont solve the problem...


Can i suggest a "Link" feature for memories? so i if link to memorie the play like one, You know what i mean :D

Move while dark! -> GOGOGO! :D


Thank you Zero for the FR 5402 :)


It's an interesting idea, but not without it's difficulties to implement in the Frog. As Sam has pointed out, this sort of functionality is more the domain of the Illusion 500 or Frog2, which have Macros, command line syntax, multiple playbacks, graphical user interface, mouse, full tracking, full partial recording etc. which all go towards making this sort of feature possible.


It might help if you could explain a little more what you are trying to achieve, then maybe we can come up with something that does fit in with the Frog.


It would be nice to have the feature just like the Jump, the name should just be Link :) I think that would be the easiest way to do it, for the programmers :), and if you link mem 1 to mem 50, it shall be possible to link mem 50 to 100 and so on. that way it will be possible to link all the memories that you want.

Move while dark! -> GOGOGO! :D


Thank you Zero for the FR 5402 :)


Martin, a few questions


What is the content of your two sets of memories is it generics and movers?

Why do you have to trigger two cues at once?

Do you always want to trigger the two cues together (if so then combine them)

What type of show are you programming?


It is difficult to suggest solutions if we don't fully appreciate the problems. Go on, give some of that long explanation a shot


Pearl :)



Its a mix of generics and movers...

I want to trigger them at once from the go button! if they were "linked" then i could just press go and the other would ran at same time.


And no, not Always, but many times.

The show is not really a show, it is a festival and we use the desk to control a lot of bar "event" light that have to run at once, but also edited easily and at the same time pick out one bar to run it at. Fx just disable the link. :D


Is also want this for other situations that i come in, and i have really needed it.


It is not really a solution (dont think it is possible) more af feature request...

Move while dark! -> GOGOGO! :D


Thank you Zero for the FR 5402 :)


Forgive me if I am wrong, but this does seem to be a rewording of the question asked in THIS TOPIC.


Again the answer is the same, that this sort of complex functionality is better supported by our more advanced products such as the Illusion 500 and Frog2. Adding such features to the Frog could easily clutter the user interface. Whenever we consider adding new features to the Frog aimed specifically at advanced users, we must weigh this against making the desk more difficult to learn for beginners and operate for basic shows.


I'm guessing that Pearl's suggestion of using Chases set to Manual Drive on Submasters would not work for you, because as you've said in the other topic, you're running multiple chases at once, and want to simultaneously change them all with one button hit. How many chases are you running that need to be simultaneously changed?


If there is a way of us making the desk work better for you, without us having to rewrite the entire thing, then we will consider it. However we would like through discussion on the forum and involving other users, to come up with something that not only works for you, but is useful to as many other users as possible too.


edit: fixed link


At the moment the desk only runs 2 chases on the Playback X, the Current and the Next. Any others are stopped, not because the desk couldn't do it, but to make the memory stack easier to understand.


If we introduce full partial programming to parameter level (Frog Reference 5402) in a future release, then we will have to change the memory stack to full tracking (see THIS POST from NZ) at the same time. And a full tracking memory stack would be silly if it could only run 2 chases, so this limitation would most likely be lifted at the same time. Chases would then continue to run indefinitely until you deliberately programmed a cue to stop them. This would then allow you to run your 5 chases together, as 5 separate cues (with Auto-triggers and 0 dwell time most likely) from the Playback X.


Frog Reference 5539 - Ability to tag brightness and tracking for the memory stack.


edit: fixed link

edit2: added Frog Reference number


I like that! :D all the chases will run until a cue stops them?


GO Frog Reference 5402!!! I love that :mrgreen:

Move while dark! -> GOGOGO! :D


Thank you Zero for the FR 5402 :)


Do you know anything about if tis will be a part of the next upgrade, and when do think this will be?

Move while dark! -> GOGOGO! :D


Thank you Zero for the FR 5402 :)


I was mulling over the possible implications of implementing this, hence was looking up all the related topics on the forum (adding Frog Reference numbers where necessary). You know, to see what ideas had already been suggested, given the desk's front panel wasn't originally designed for it...


The Mambo can run Multiple chases at the same time so I'm sure the hardware is capable of doing it within the Frog Range. A Link function surely is a option, I would find this feature handy too. I must admit you wouldn't have the prams onscreen for the "Linked" chase, but that would mean if you need to change it you just manually go to the linked chase and change it there. The slider under Playback X would just fade the dimmer channels up and down for both the chases together like a master.


Provision would have to be added to prevent people from dasy chaining too many chases together and overloading the CPU though, EG C1 linked to C2, C2 Linked To C3, etc.


All the desks in the frog range are capable of running multiple chases from the submasters (and SX buttons on the mambo) but it is the Playback X which uses a different mechanism and internal data structure which we are concerned with here.

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace


Well if multiple chases can be run from the subs, why not pick a sub page load all your chases onto it a bang them out from there?, after all there is 20 :wink:


must say that i would like the "link" function most, and it sounds like the easiest thing to use, but i like both the ideas...

Move while dark! -> GOGOGO! :D


Thank you Zero for the FR 5402 :)

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