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Today I was trying to save a strobe for Geni Shivas on a Palettes, to find that because the shutter on these lights is run from the dimmer channel, I cannot save any shutter or strobe info for these lights.


This is inportant for us as the Shivas need one percent diffrence between every Shiva on the dimmer channel or they all flash together looking pretty dumb.


How do you programme shutter or strobe Palettes on lights that share strobe and dimmer on one channel? EG the shivas are %0 - %50 Dimmer, %51 - %99 Strobe.


Unfortunatly the Brightness button on the Mabo Frog does not seem to contain a Palettes.


You could customise the fixture profile, moving the Dim/Strobe channel into Beamshape instead of Brightness. The disadvantage of this is that the Brightness will be treated as LTP not HTP. At the moment this is the only way of creating a Brightness pallet.

Peter Kirkup


Peter is right. There are a number of fixtures in the library that have a combined dimmer/shutter function on the same DMX channel.


The fixture parameter has to be classified as one of the four attributes, and because it contains the dimmer it is normally classed under brightness. This has the benefit that the dimmer is treated as HTP like normal dimmer channels, but the down side is that the channel cannot be programmed into palettes.


As Peter says, you could modify the fixture profile and move the dimmer/strobe channnel into beamshape. The dimmer will now be processed LTP rather than HTP, but you can save the channel data in a beamshape palette.


Unfortunately, there is no simple way to handle the dimmer HTP AND the shutter LTP if they are on a single DMX channel. It's a case of picking which profile is most suited to your needs.

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace


Thanks Guys. I'm just wondering that if I changed the shutter from dimmer to beamshape, wouldn't that mean that grandmaster and blackout would be inoperative for thease lights?


i have the same problem with some futurelight genesis scans on a fatfrog. What i always do is set the brightness level different for each scan so they are strobeing out of sync, untag all fixtures and record that on a submaster. that way if i want to strobe, i only need to press the submasters flash button. The advantage with the genesis scans is that the dimmer is already fully open on 50% and that the strobe functions are above that. that way if my dimmers are already open i can still add strobe because of the htp mixing. don't know if this will work for you though.

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