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Im a newbie techie at Grimsby Institute of further and higher education (short name I know) and am business planning for a new LX board. I really like the sound of the fat frog but would like a bit of info from people who have used them in reality as apposed to sales reps! Are they a good quality, do they live up to their standards etc? Has anyone had any huge problems with them?

Would be gratefull for some feedback,

Steph 8O



I have worked with a fatfrog for about 3 years and i have never had any problems with it, It is very goode for theater, but also for "busking" the light to at music show or a concert. It is very user freindly and it is easy to get started... Go for it ! :D


I very high qualiti desk!

Move while dark! -> GOGOGO! :D


Thank you Zero for the FR 5402 :)


The frogs are certainly very easy to get started with - most people can just have very basic instruction of the desk and away they go. The software is so easy to use that it's quite hard to do things wrong really, and the manuals are excellent too.


Does exactly what it says on the tin. Highly recommended. What sort of equipment are you intending to use with the desk?




Hi Steph,


you are in the Frog Support Forum!!! What kind of comments do you expect.....? :wink: :lol:



To be serious!


The Zero 88 Frog desks are really reliable. They are easy to use, have a distinguished outfit, a very stable operating system, operating on the desks is very fast and purchasing a Zero 88 Frog Desk means also an outstanding customer support!!!*:-)


So Steph be carefull the last statement is a commercial..... :lol:


You may test the guys who are around this forum. You will see you receive quick answeres and solution posting your question/problem.








P.S.: Let us welcome you in the "Frogfamily"! :mrgreen:

Sven Paulsen

Klangfarbe Vienna




That's really one great thing about the frogs to seriously consider when comparing desks; if you ever need any help, there's an excellent and very quick-responding support forum ready to answer your questions. :)




WOW! :D I'm overwelmed by the responce! I can see that obviously the support network for this is first class. At the moment we only have the basics - par 64/56's, frez, profiles etc but we are hoping to expand into some basic intellegent lights and with a bit of luck and persuasion the department want to run a technical theatre course. So for the moment we need something that will do the bog standard in plays, variety and dance shows but in the long run we need soimething than can do more than just turn a lamp on! We have a strand GLX and it really is on its last legs - keeps crashing (usually midf performance) need to be booted up 3 or 4 times at a minimum before it will work, none of the fx will work - it wont assign them to the toggles and really is just very annoying! However saying that our board was bought in 1996 and when I used when I myself wass a student it worked fine. Well thanks a lot and when we get our frog Im sure Ill be chatting to you all again! :wink:

At the moment we only have the basics - par 64/56's, frez, profiles etc but we are hoping to expand into some basic intellegent lights...So for the moment we need something that will do the bog standard in plays, variety and dance shows but in the long run we need soimething than can do more than just turn a lamp on!


Exactly the same situation :)


I just happened to re-read your post, Steph, and you really are in an identical situation to us - our Strand GLX is also not as good as it was, and has just been sent off for repair!



  • 3 weeks later...

Have you sent it to strand? I was told it would be highly unlikely they would be able to repair ours unless we paid more than it was worth. They told me they didnt make the parts anymore so I was better off upgrading - although I think they meant me upgrading to a newer strand desk!! I know you can get the parts - its like owning an old car - just because the car company dont make them anymore it doesnt mean to say you cant get the parts, but depending on exactly what is wrong with it it could be very very expensive! :roll:

  • 4 months later...
I just happened to re-read your post, Steph, and you really are in an identical situation to us - our Strand GLX is also not as good as it was, and has just been sent off for repair!




we used to have a gsx it was good but went all funny and started doing strange thing, so we bought a fat frog. no probs so far


I really like the sound of the fat frog but would like a bit of info from people ...


cool. I didn't know, it can be used for sound, too !!! :lol:


for sound, i know u can plug sound stuff into them but i thought that was so that mac500s did stuff to the rhythm????

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