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Hi Everyone.

Has anyone had any experience in using OSC to trigger the Master Playback cues on the FLX S48.

All the network settings are configured and OSC is enabled in the settings as can be seen in the images.

We know the network is operating correctly as we can control the FLX S48 using the Remote APP.

We have tried using SCS control software as well as terminal software but nothing seems to be working.

Have tried the following commands:


Any advice would be greatly received.







If I recall correctly, there are a few users on here with fairly elaborate OSC setups working. 

Typically I can’t find a good thread to link (there are some in the Beta forum but you won’t have access to that). Have a search of the forum, especially the FLX forum. Hopefully one of those users will be along to help. @Davidmk is probably one to look out for!


So, @saitekx830, you seem to be doing the right things.

If I was in this position I'd probably run Netscan (other network scanners are available) from the PC running your cueing software to just check that it can see itself and the desk. I'd expect that to work if the remote app is working but you never know.

I use wired connections and find it helpful to disable WiFi to make sure the software isn't trying to use the wrong network. I guess, if you are using WiFi,  you could disable any wired connections. 

Next, I'd go to the desk and after (like you) checking the network connections, I'd go to event monitor and send a few OSC commands. I do find that the first couple after switch on don't appear on the monitor (fine from about the 4th command and continues fine as long as the connection remains up)

Now there are three possibilities, if you commands are not appearing then there is something wrong with the connection between your software and the desk, if they are appearing but with errors then they are just plain wrong (format, invalid commands or something)  and if they appear without errors but don't do anything then they are valid but the thing (cue, playback, whatever) they should fire doesn't exist.

If that didn't solve it then I guess the next step is to consult your neighbourhood witch or sorcerer. 😀



@Davidmk Thank you for your response. I'm not back in the theatre until Tuesday evening but will check out the Event Monitor then to see if anything is reaching the desk.

All network connections are wired and the PC doesn't have WIFI so shouldn't be a network issue but you never know with networking.

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Try the following command in the SCS Control Send Cue, Device = zeros,  OSC Message = /zeros/cue/go/4 . If you put /zeros/cue/go it will operate the next cue in the stack.

SCS setup - Production Properties, Devices, Control Send , Device Type=Network Out, Name used in cues=zeros. In the lower panel

Remote Device=Other OSC Device, Network Protocol = UDP (defaults to TCP), Network Role = SCS is a network Client, Dummy Connection = unticked, IP address matches the Desk , Port = 8830



  • Thanks 1

@Davidmk @Phil Kiernan

Thank you both for your suggestions.
Double checked everything last night but still wasn't getting anything on the Event Monitor.

Ended up doing a full reset on the desk and starting a new SCS project and now everything is working correctly.
Guess it was one of those strange glitches that will remain a mystery.

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