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Il lato destro della mia consolle FLXS24 non funziona più correttamente, è per poter lavorare devo agire tramite il touchscreen del tablet che ho collegato tramite l’app ZeROS Monitor 

qualcuno può aiutarmi a capire cosa sia successo e se si può calibrare il touchscreen della FLXS24?



@Charlie Newman S24 doesn't have a DVI-D monitor port (only S48 and full FLX).

However I agree it's not clear what "right side" is, if the console is still otherwise full operable from the Monitor App.

@LIGHTING can you clarify please? Is the console fully working except for the internal touch screen? I understand internal touchscreen failures are uncomfortably common on S24. If yours has failed and it's still in warranty (up to 3 years old), then you need an urgent service request entering with your supplier. If the console is over 3 years old, then Zero88 might still help but I've also heard that the touchscreen is a standard component used with Raspberry Pi boards, but just with some extra mounting parts that could be transferred over. However I have no other knowledge or experience of this.

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