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Rigsync error with Cameo F2FC fixtures


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Hi, I am experimenting with rig sync, and have found it is loading the wrong fixture profile for my Cameo F2FC units. Rigsync patches them as a CLF2-FC, and does not give me control of the fixtures. 

If I disable RDM and manually patch the fixtures I cannot find the option for CLF2-FC in the fixture library. The correct unit shows up in the fixture library under Cameo fixtures as F2 FC. If I patch them in manually and disable RDM everything works as expected. If I then enable RDM rig sync adds in two new fixtures with the total CLF2-FC, and updates the dmx address on the two units. 

If I change the address back on each unit (using the menu on the fixture) I get control back, but still have the two new, incorrect fixtures patched in. Any suggestions as to what is going on and how to resolve this so that rig sync is usable? Show file attached. 


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Hi @EwenA

23 minutes ago, EwenA said:

Any suggestions as to what is going on and how to resolve this so that rig sync is usable? Show file attached. 

Thank you very much for attaching your show file.

This is interesting. These fixtures are reporting an RDM "Device Model ID", that does not match the RDM Device Model ID that is in our library. Therefore, when the console sees these fixtures, it thinks they must be different to the F2 FC fixtures already in the library. This is why you are seeing this behaviour:

23 minutes ago, EwenA said:

If I patch them in manually and disable RDM everything works as expected. If I then enable RDM rig sync adds in two new fixtures with the total CLF2-FC, and updates the dmx address on the two units. 

As the console cannot find a suitable fixture in the library with a matching RDM Device Model ID, the console is then creating a fixture personality automatically, based on the information it can obtain over RDM. These fixtures are only reporting a limited amount of information over RDM. For example, the fixtures are not telling the console what its parameters are doing. The console therefore has no way of knowing which parameter is intensity, or which parameter is red for example. This is why you are seeing this behaviour:

23 minutes ago, EwenA said:

Rigsync patches them as a CLF2-FC, and does not give me control of the fixtures. 

Your show file includes the RDM Device Model ID that your fixtures are actually reporting. I have therefore added this RDM information into the F2 FC fixture from the library, and then exported this fixture file, which can be found attached...

If you reset the console, load in this fixture file, and then connect your fixtures, the console should then automatically patch this correct fixture from the file, rather than attempt to create a basic fixture file over RDM. The only issue is this file only includes the RDM information for the personality the fixtures were in when you saved your show file. Therefore if you were to change your fixture's mode, it would report RDM information that the console cannot find a match for. The only way around this, would be to send me separate show files for each of the fixture's modes, where you have allowed the console to discover the fixture in each mode. I can then extract the RDM information from the show files for each mode, and then add these into fixture files, which you can then load in to your console. That way, the console will then know about the fixtures, irrespective of which mode they're in, and RigSync will then work seamlessly.

As you can see, things get complicated quite quickly with RDM. Ultimately this is all due to these fixtures reporting something different to the information that we have for them.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Cameo F2 FC 7ChRGBCCT RDM.zfix

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thanks Ed - this fixture file has solved the rig sync problem.... see attached show files for the other modes this fixture has. Yes, RDM does get complicated. I usually do a manual patch and disable it, but if I can get it to work with my various fixtures it could be handy to speed up set up on events. Many thanks. 

f2fc 1ch dim.zos f2fc 2ch dim.zos f2fc 2chan cct.zos f2fc 3ch.zos f2fc 4chan cct.zos f2fc 4chan direct.zos f2fc 6chan.zos f2fc 8chan.zos f2fc 10chan.zos f2fc 16chan.zos

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Hi @EwenA

18 minutes ago, EwenA said:

see attached show files for the other modes this fixture has.

Thanks very much for grabbing all of those. Please find the zip file attached, including each of the RDM modes for these fixtures...

Please extract the files and load each one in, and then plug in a fixture. It should be discovered and patched, and you should then be able to change its mode correctly.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Cameo F2 FC RDM.zip

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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