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Which takes preference?


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I'm doing a bit of programming for a small music concert we're having next week.

My plan was to have my master playback with the basics on, house lights etc and some simple states for some of the songs and then for a couple of songs, program a couple dozen cues on different playbacks for different songs.

I did the first song on playback 1 and created a cue in my master playback that triggers playback 1, then I can move through the cues for that song using playback 1's button, then another cue in the master playback that releases playback 1 at the end of the song.

My question is, if I set playback 1 to latest takes preference, as obviously I want any fixtures to follow programming in this playback for that sing, but my master playback is still set to highest takes preference, which does take preference.

Let me try and explain a little better.... if fixture 1 is set to 80% in my master playback, and set to 20% in playback 1, what will happen when playback 1 is triggered as that is set to lastest but the master is set to highest?


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3 hours ago, Techie_v2 said:

My question is, if I set playback 1 to latest takes preference, as obviously I want any fixtures to follow programming in this playback for that sing, but my master playback is still set to highest takes preference, which does take preference.

Let me try and explain a little better.... if fixture 1 is set to 80% in my master playback, and set to 20% in playback 1, what will happen when playback 1 is triggered as that is set to lastest but the master is set to highest?

Latest beats highest. If a playback is set to "latest" takes precedence, and the last thing you did was trigger that playback, that playback will output as programmed (it won't take control of parameters that it doesn't have programmed data for). So in your example, fixture 1 is @ 20% right now.

Hope this helps.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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6 hours ago, Edward Z88 said:

Latest beats highest.

Thanks both, that's perfect.

In my example, once I have triggered playback 1, fir that particular song, do I also need to raise its playback to run through the cues on it or not as sometimes (probably because I was doing it wrong), it doesn't be have, lights don't come on when I press the button and I've found that raising the playback solves it.


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12 minutes ago, Techie_v2 said:

In my example, once I have triggered playback 1, fir that particular song, do I also need to raise its playback to run through the cues on it

Yes - when you press a GO button, you will go into that cue, and the cue's intensities will be inhibited by the playback fader's current level. So you will need to raise playback 1's fader to full, to achieve the intensity values you recorded.

Hope this helps.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Not that I know of. I think this is due to the software needing to detect press-and-release versus press-and-hold so it uses the ‘falling edge’ to detect a press-and-release event. 

Of course I don’t actually know but this would be a typical approach in software (or hardware) where the button has multiple functions. 

Does the master go behave like this? Compared to the other playbacks.

I rarely use the Go of other playbacks so maybe the master go works on the downward press? Sorry, a little off topic…

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