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Updating a memory without showing a flash on stage


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Whilst running a dress rehearsal and during a scene I often want to adjust the look, add in a bit of face light or increase a channel. Following the method in the manual to do this it causes a flash on stage:

Outputting scene - raise a channel to increase face light for example.

Press 'Update' and 'Go'

Console is still in scene - lower the channel - but the light fades down.... I have to double press 'Clear' to make the console go into the updated scene even though the scene is suppossed to be outputting - i.e. the green bar is on that scene. double pressing clear then goes into he scene making that channel go from 0% to its saved value. 

I'm not sure why the console works likes this.

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Hi @Ian_p

23 minutes ago, Ian_p said:

Outputting scene - raise a channel to increase face light for example.

Press 'Update' and 'Go'

Console is still in scene

This is the correct procedure to update a cue. In the Output window, you will notice that the intensity percentage of the fixture you had adjusted, has changed colour from red to blue, meaning this fixture is now saved in the cue. You will not have seen any changes/flashes to the levels of fixtures upon updating the cue.

23 minutes ago, Ian_p said:

lower the channel - but the light fades down....

This is because upon moving the channel fader, you have now regained control of the fixture manually, and it is no longer being controlled by the cue. Therefore a CLEAR CLEAR is required, to clear your manual adjustments to allow the fixture to be controlled by the cue again. 

In this situation, the simplest option is to just leave the channel fader where it is - it doesn't matter that it is raised at this point, because the fixture is currently being controlled by the cue, not the channel fader.

Alternatively, you could change Fader Function, and then lower the fader. You can then toggle back to Channels function.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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