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As we all know you can program memories under submasters.

But the submaster only controls the brightness parameter of the memory (on - off).

Is it possible to program the submaster that, the more the submaster is opened, the further the memory jumps into a chase.

Lets say you have 10 scenes in a chase, you program your memory under a submaster, you open the submaster to '1' the chase jumps to the 1st scene. You move the submaster to '5', the chase jumps to the 5th scene in the programmed chase, and so on, ....


Question: why would you even want to do that?


Just program some memories and use the keypad to go back & forth?


I don't really get where you're going with this.

> 500 posts, time for a new T-shirt? ;)


Nope that's not it, I think you misunderstand me...

I want to use this to save me some space on my pallets, because I've noticed that every type of fixture has a different way of colour assignment.

The pallet only holds 48 colours, so with 4 diffirent types of fixtures, It's quite quickly filled up.

And if I program a chase with all available colours next to eachother, I can rapidly change by pulling down or pushing up the fader, plus I have saved a lot of space on my pallet, this I can use for my scans and MAC's


I understand what you are wanting, and I know how useful it is. What some other desks do is they give you the option as to how the sub-masters each treat LTP channels, with 'snap' or 'fade' options.


When set to 'snap' the LTP channels would snap to their new levels when the sub has gone past a certain point (as it does now), if set to 'fade' the sub would fade the channel through the levels - as it would an HTP channel - with the output being dependent on the level of the fader.


This would remove the need to program it as a chase, and makes busking far easier as you can flip through colours/gobos more easily (without having to use the wheels which can take a while to set up)..


Would be a nice feature to add I would say...

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