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after the desk automately saved, I couldn't add any pallettes of lock them.

It seemed that the desk was totally stuck. All the programs that I programmed before that point worked normal.





Have had this one a few times before.

You can see on your monitor saving show 0%->100%, and pop-up disappears, but if you look on the LCD it still shows: 'saving show 100%'

Happens about every 10th autosave

Den Pipo

Pro Light Design


During programming of memories, submasters, SX buttons, palettes etc, the data is stored in non-volatile RAM (NVR). When this NVR is full the desk software does an 'autosave' and transfers the data to flash memory, before clearing out the NVR.


Autosaves also occur on exiting setup and also on performing operations which could significantly modify the memory data - eg deleting a palette which is referenced by a number of memories.


There is a known problem with the desk locking up if the auto-save occurs when programming blank palettes:


Frog Reference 5510 - After programming blank palettes - "Saving Show, Please Wait... 100% Done." message stuck on LCD, requiring a reboot to fix. Bug.

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

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