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Recording Cue Updates


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HI, apologies if this has been asked on the forum but I couldn't find anything. If I have a cue's on the main playback and I want to update it, what settings do I choose from the update menue to make sure the fixture's added to the update behave the same way as the original cue? Basically I have cues and colour stays the same on fade up and down when I originally recorded them but when I add in extra fixtures using the update the colour changes before the cue has faded out. Many thanks, any help appreciated!

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Most common cause of this behaviour, is if you did a Cue Only update, when you should have done a Track Forwards update. 

Let’s say you update cue 10 “cue only”, to add in some new lights in a colour. Press Go to go into cue 11, and the lights that you added into cue 10 now do a weird colour transition into cue 11. This is because when you updated cue 10 “cue only”, the console also had to update cue 11, to ensure cue 11 reverts the fixtures back to the exact same values they had when the cue was initially recorded. This means upon transiting to cue 11, you see the console “undo” the changes that were made in cue 10. Therefore in this instance, you should have updated cue 10 “track forwards”. This would allow the colour data you’ve added into cue 10, to track forwards into cue 11, meaning you won’t see values changing as you transition to the cue. 

Hope this helps.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Did you initially update the cue with “cue only”? If so you won’t be able to use track forwards to “repair” the cue, as the cue will now already include colour data you don’t want.

So one option is to remove colour data from the cue that is incorrectly changing the fixture colour. See the link below for more information…


The other option is to simply add a colour delay to the cue that fades out the fixtures. This means the fixture won’t start changing colour until after the delay time has completed. 

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Edward, this is not really working the way I want it. If I record a basic chase onto a cue stack using Smart Tag and Track forwards, If I then want to update that cue stack to a different colour, its not letting me. I'm not sure whether I select Cue 1/3, All sources or Selected Stack? I have tired all the combinations and it only seems to update the fixture in the chase that happens to be on at the moment I press update.

Many Thanks for your help.


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2 hours ago, SKLSKL said:

If I record a basic chase onto a cue stack using Smart Tag and Track forwards, If I then want to update that cue stack to a different colour, its not letting me. I'm not sure whether I select Cue 1/3, All sources or Selected Stack? I have tired all the combinations and it only seems to update the fixture in the chase that happens to be on at the moment I press update.

To update the cue of a chase, you will first need to “snap” into that cue. To do this, hold SHIFT and press the playback’s button, until you snap to the cue you need. You can then make your changes and tap UPDATE. You can then use the Tracking Options to decide whether your changes are sent to other cues in the playback. You can then simply press the playback’s button to confirm the update. You shouldn’t need to adjust the available “sources”. 

Hope this helps.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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3 hours ago, SKLSKL said:

When I change the colour of the fixtures in the chase, then go to record the update, what options should I be selecting in the update box?

You should not need to touch any of the options in the Update Options window, other than if you wish to change the Tracking Behaviour. 

You should just be able to tap UPDATE, and then immediately tap the playback’s button. The changes you have made will then be added to the cue you are currently in.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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8 minutes ago, SKLSKL said:

Thanks Edward. If I do that it only changes a single fixture in the chase......

The one that it happens to be on in the sequence.

To update the data recorded in each cue of the chase, you will need to update each cue individually.

If when you recorded the cues, you set the colour in the first cue and this then tracks through the following cues, you could update the colour in the first cue as a track forwards update, and the colour of the subsequent cues will also update. However, this will only work if the subsequent cues do not include their own colour data. If each cue does have its own colour information recorded, each cue will need to be updated separately, as data will never track into a cue that has its own recorded data.

If you would like to discuss this further, it may be easiest to arrange an MS Teams call. Please email support@zero88.com, and we can arrange this.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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