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"ad as additional adress" / "unpatch" missing??


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Hello everyone

Today i helped a friend with a small set-up for a theatershow.
He uses a flx s24. we updated to zeros 7.14.2.

We wanted to patch some fixtures together (ad as additional adress)
but there was no button for it in the menu where you can change the adress.
also no unpatch-button (usually in the top-right corner of the menu).

We tried again with an old showfile and the buttons where there.

We reset the desk, patched some fixtures and again the two buttons missed.

We loaded old zeros softwares (7.13 and 7.12) cause we was thinking its maybe a bug
of 7.14.2.
But the same problem, the two buttons missing. Again load an old showfile and again the two
buttons appears.

So, finally we went back on Zeros 7.14.2 and loaded the old showfile as basic and
deleted some fixtures and repatch some others. Like this it worked.

I saved the showfile without buttons and load it in to my flx (fullsize) to see
how my desk will manage it. Also no buttons. But after reseting my desk,
all the missing patch-possibilities shows up again.

Does anybody have some ideas what happend??

...and all this brings us an other "problem".
After loading and reloading and loading again different Zeros-Versions and Showfiles
we forgot sometimes to disable Rig-Sync(completly our fault..;)
And in the old showfile was a couple of Led-Fixtures with same adresses like the wallmountet
dimmers(RDM) of the venue. So the console automatic "messed-up" the adresses in the dimmers.
(it took a while to figuered that out cause the dimmerstartadresses stayed correct)

so i am wondering if it would be friendly if the console could ask first, befor messing around with adresses,
or nice would be Rig-Sync disable by default??


after struggling with the missing buttons in the patchmenu, and finally get the patch done with
old showfiles, and then the patch is still full of faults cause of the messed-up dimmeradresses,
simply a day to get drunk...


i hope all this is understandable even my not so good english...

good evening.


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8 hours ago, LLuk said:

We wanted to patch some fixtures together (ad as additional adress)
but there was no button for it in the menu where you can change the adress.
also no unpatch-button (usually in the top-right corner of the menu).

Setup > Fixture Schedule > tap on a fixture's DMX address to open "Edit DMX Address". If the "DMX Universe", "Unpatch", and "Add As Additional" buttons are hidden, this indicates that the selected fixture is an RDM device that has been discovered by RigSync. It is not possible to unpatch a fixture discovered by RigSync, or give it multiple start addresses.

8 hours ago, LLuk said:

After loading and reloading and loading again different Zeros-Versions and Showfiles
we forgot sometimes to disable Rig-Sync(completly our fault..;)
And in the old showfile was a couple of Led-Fixtures with same adresses like the wallmountet
dimmers(RDM) of the venue. So the console automatic "messed-up" the adresses in the dimmers.

Sorry to hear that RigSync changed the settings of RDM fixtures when you didn't want it to. If you go to Setup > Universes > Remote Device Management, there is a "Revert Rig Back" button, which will tell the fixtures to go back to the settings they had when the console found them.

8 hours ago, LLuk said:

or nice would be Rig-Sync disable by default??

This is something we are actively discussing internally. I have made a note of your request for this. This is logged as reference number ZOS-11927 on our system.

8 hours ago, LLuk said:

after struggling with the missing buttons in the patchmenu, and finally get the patch done with
old showfiles, and then the patch is still full of faults cause of the messed-up dimmeradresses,
simply a day to get drunk...

Very sorry to hear RigSync caused various headaches and struggles for you. Please do let us know if there's anything we can help with.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hello Edward


thanx for your fast answers...


5 hours ago, Edward Z88 said:

Setup > Fixture Schedule > tap on a fixture's DMX address to open "Edit DMX Address". If the "DMX Universe", "Unpatch", and "Add As Additional" buttons are hidden, this indicates that the selected fixture is an RDM device that has been discovered by RigSync. It is not possible to unpatch a fixture discovered by RigSync, or give it multiple start addresses.

Aahaa...yes, its very understandable. But still, when i think about this, it should be possible again, when i desable RigSync or not..??


5 hours ago, Edward Z88 said:

Sorry to hear that RigSync changed the settings of RDM fixtures when you didn't want it to. If you go to Setup > Universes > Remote Device Management, there is a "Revert Rig Back" button, which will tell the fixtures to go back to the settings they had when the console found them.

uuaaarrrrgg...🙂 yes for sure...i didn't thinked about this possibility...


many thanx for your support and have a good evening...


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23 minutes ago, LLuk said:

it should be possible again, when i desable RigSync or not..??

You would need to re-patch the fixture manually, to be able to access the "Add As Additional" and "Unpatch" buttons.

The "RDM" version of the fixture stays patched so that it can be used again if RigSync is re-enabled.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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