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How to temporarily blackout some dimmers via a flash button?

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I'm quite familiar with Chamsys MagicQ but new to ZerOS/FLX S24 and would like to do the following:

* playback 1 controlling some (HTP) dimmer channels (trivial)
* playback 2: Set some of the dimmer channels controlled by playback 1 to 0 (i.e. blacken them out) as long as I hold the flash button of playback 2.

Is this possible?


5 hours ago, Jon Hole said:

Yes, it is possible. Record the channels you want to go to 0% onto Playback 2 at full (100%), hold SETUP + GO button of Playback 2 and choose "Inhibit".

OK, that way I can do some kind of a submaster, i.e. by lowering the fader of Playback 2, I can reduce the brightness of _all_ the channels I recorded to Playback 2. Is it also possible to lower the brightness of that channels by pressing the GO button of Playback 2?


You're completely correct, apologies (this is why I should leave support to @Edward Z88!)

Delete that Inhibitor Playback, and we'll do it a different way:

  • Take the relevant channels to 0% in the programmer (so they are red "0"s)
  • Press-and-hold RECORD until you see the Record Window appear on the internal screen
  • Turn off "Smart Tag" (so there isn't a red strip on the left hand side of the button)
  • Press the flashing button of the Playback you want to record onto
  • Hold SETUP & Press the GO button of that Playback
  • Change "Intensity Mixing" to "Latest Takes Precedence" and click "OK"

Now, the flash button of that Playback should take those channels to 0%.

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