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I'll start off the wish list.


1. A riggers/designers remote. Probably wired to keep costs down, probably connected via the "remote switches" connector. Powered via small rechargable battery in the remote would be OK.


Paul Drage


As a suggestion regarding the riggers remote, how about a box that plugs into the stage end of the dmx line, so you don't need to run out another cable, and gives you up/down buttons for your preset focus palletes, and encoders to control pan and tilt, so you can easily tweak critical positions on stage.


Actually, thinking about that it would probably contravene DMX standards, and you don't want to go down the Pulsar route with that...


So, as the frog is mostly used in small venues how about an IR or RF system, so no cables at all!

  • 2 weeks later...

The solution to remote operation could be to fit a "DMX in" to the desk then there are lots of cheap products out there that can send DMX to the desk. The problem would then be how the DMX information was interpreted by the Frog. I would suggest a "post patch" approach where DMX 1 was read as desk channel 1 and so on.


Dave, dB


What would you like the remote to do ?


You can use the remote switches to call up memories on the console (6 in total) as a basic remote control.


To be honest with you, the actual implementation of the electronics is not the biggest issue. We can usually find a way to connect and interpret the signals.


The real question is what functionality does the remote need ? How much control does the operator want when away from the desk ?


Any ideas, comments etc...

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace

  • 1 month later...

Having spent a few weeks thinking about it, I've come to the conclusion that the remote ought to be as simple as possible to give enough options to:-


:arrow: Set any dimmer or feature parameter to a particular value (one at a time)

:arrow: turn all intensity channels off all at once

:arrow: Call up a pre recorded memory

:arrow: record the current stage view in a static memory

:arrow: press the "Go" button.


:D Still be really good value for money.


I dont believe that any other facilities are really necessary, and that I can certainly do without any clever stuff for moving lights.


If the remote was keypad driven, then at the same time as developing the driver for the remote, you could also make many of the facilities work from the standard keyboard too :wink:



  • 1 month later...
Guest Bigwords4u

Hi - have just installed a Frog in a new school theatre (lovely desk - made better by the latest software) and would love to know if anyone knows of a useable 6-button remote box that I can plumb into the 8-pin DIN socket to enable the basic users to bring up a few memories?


If you are wanting to bring up a very small number of states(6 or less) then you could just wire six push buttons (with one side of the switch commoned) to the inputs on the 8 pin connector. You then program the switches to jump to 6 different memories. This is something that any CDT technician could do for you. :D


If you want something more complex, then you'll have to wait in line with the rest of us for a general purpose remote control. :(



  • 6 months later...

2 things,


Firstly - this won't be possible on the sold models, BUT wouldn't a power switch be a good idea??

It would do a great dead to the NHS by cutting down the number of back injuries caused by bending down to the plug.


On a serious note... how about a remote control for the whole range allowing remote rigging (flicks through the DMX channels) this would be good cabled, but excellent wireless. Oh yeah... cheap would be good!!

Dom Gross

  • 1 month later...

if there is a god out there please can he create this remote.


everytime i am at work on my own and having to sort out some sort of rig i am forever running up and down flights of stairs to individually put up lights for focusing. this takes about three times as long with only one of me but with a remote it would be bliss as i am already having to run up and down the talloscope.

please can someone at Zero88 hear our plead!!!!!


a very tired ASM in Jersey who hates stairs :?



Why not program the lamps to be focused into the memory stack, and make up a remote "GO" button on the end of a peice of cat5 cable( very cheep cable) and use that to trigger the memorys, hence saving you breaking your b**ls running to the desk. Very handy when your on your own. :?

  • 4 months later...

i would love to see a proper riggers remote though, usually i make sure someone is on the desk, but i have to have cans up the tower, and when i am on my own i have to take the desk downstairs (bullfrog!) or do some serious leg training!




ps wireless would b the b's b***s :)

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

maybe you can buy the Swisson DMX-tester which is also a remote, one problem, NOT wireless.

But it is a very nice tool, you can use it as a cable tester, send dmx-values and if you connect it to your desk you can see which channels it is outputting.

And this for only 200€.


Den Pipo

Pro Light Design

  • 3 months later...

Hi guys,


Sorry to drag this topic back up from the dim and distant but I have had an idea and wanted some help if possible!


My idea is that you could make a very cheap and simple wired riggers remote (for the fat frog in this instance) by: Setting up 48 memories and each one just stores 1 channel. You could then make a few memories if you wished like following:


..Mem 48: Channel 48 (with loop to memory 1)

Mem 49: A general state like houselights

Mem 50: General Cover or other states you would want to check together.

etc. etc.


One the remote switches you could have button 1 as a GO to cycle through all of the 1-48 channels, switch 2 as Memory 49, switch 3 as Memory 50 and then switch 4 as memory 0 GO to return it to the beginning.


Does this sound as though it will work??


Also has anyone got some Very Simple instructions on how to make a remote switch for someone who is very bad at making stuff and not great at soldering and things like that!!






A remote switch is nothing more than a pulse-switch hooked to the right pins in your connector, check the manual for the pin-out. You only have to buy a switch and a connector (which costs about nothing), that's all.

I haven't made one yet though, still need to do that. Your plan is going to work fine I think, but I prefer the wireless-ness of the Focus Hand. Maybe you could lay an extra line to the stage containing your remote switches, so you could plug in a remote on stage. Thats usually where you need it, right?

> 500 posts, time for a new T-shirt? ;)

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