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Everything posted by mikeb

  1. Hi Like many of the better fixtures, the Robe Robin has different "modes", each utitilising a number of DMX channels. For example, Mode 1 may use one DMX channel for pan and one DMX channel for tilt and a single colour output of each LED colour whilst another mode will use two DMX channels for pan and two DMX channels for tilt which allows for more precise positioning and the ability to have two or three separate banks of LED colour. Mode 5 is normally the all-inclusive full function mode which will require the most DMX channels assigned. The latest fixture release (Release 28) has; Robin 300 LEDWash : Mode 1, Robin 300 LEDWash : Mode 2, Robin 300 LEDWash : Mode 3, Robin 300 LEDWash : Mode 4 and Robin 300 LEDWash : Mode 5 Which mode are your fixtures set to? Regards Mike
  2. Hiya Try the attached Regards Mike Panta V36 Zoom.ift
  3. Hiya Thank you for providing a link to the manual Please find attached file - left me know of any problems Regards Mike ADJ Inno Beam Z7.ift
  4. Hiya Please find attached - let me know of any problems Regards Mike Eurolite ML-56 QCL.ift
  5. Hi Try this link to a similar request for a Chauvet Wash 419z profile: http://zero88.com/forum/topic/6862-fixture-profile-required-for-the-chauvet-419z-led/ Regards Mike
  6. Hi Fixture file attached for Mode 1 and Mode 2 Regards Mike ADJ Inno Beam.ift
  7. Hiya Have you tried loading another fixture from file or is this specific behaviour to the fixture you have created? Are you Ok to attach a copy of your fixture file here? Mike
  8. Hiya The software info is displayed on boot-up but can also been seen when in super-user mode. Take a look at page 65 of the manual; http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/51/58/frog-range-operating-manual-issue-6-en Regarding a custom fixture, you can create your own using the fixture editor but you may find a generic fixture already created for you in the latest fixture releases and don't forget that you can run LED battens, etc on channels set as dimmer too. Regards Mike
  9. Hi Jon Just tried this myself and the only way I can see the same as you describe is when I insert a final step with no levels recorded (i.e. blackout). If I set faders for the first step and press record, set the faders for the second step and press the memory location of the first step and press record, then change memory to a chase. Set and record the third step, and so on until the last step is programmed. Select "clear" and reset the faders. Select the memory and press "go" to activate it. If you want the memory available on a submaster select the shift key and press "copy" then select the submaster you want the chase on. If this hasn't helped, any chance you can save a show file and post here? Regards Mike
  10. Hiya RGB/CMY is not set in the fixture file but configurable on the console... http://zero88.com/forum/topic/5288-colour-edit-mode-cmy-or-rgb/ Mike
  11. Jimmi See this link for CMY or RGB on the console... http://zero88.com/forum/topic/5288-colour-edit-mode-cmy-or-rgb/ Regards Mike
  12. Hi Jimmi Are your LEDs set as fixtures or dimmers? Sounds like fixtures from what you describe so... It sounds like your console has the "Keep Colour Parameters Separate" in the settings set to "Yes"? If you go into "Setup" then "Desk Setup", "Behaviour" tab then you can see what your desk is set to. If you change this setting to "No" then record just the colour changes you want then you should be able to mix RGB colours. The console only records changes, so to unselect a colour parameter, select and hold the "Clear" MFK then move the wheel associated to the colour you don't want to record then release the "Clear" MFK - be careful not to press the "Clear" MFK twice as this releases all the changes. Also, the Submaster needs to be set correctly too - against the Submaster for your colour, set "Submaster Control" to Colour and set "Colour Fade" to 0. It would be worth checking that against the fixture, the default colours are all set to 0 too. Hope this makes sense. Regards Mike
  13. Hiya The problem is that the Beam 5R has either 10 or 12 DMX channels with frost and no focus nor gobo indexing and the Spot 5R has either 11 or 13 DMX channels with focus and gobo indexing but no frost, and the dimmer function channels are not the same between fixture types either so the fixture files will be different. Please find attached fixture file for Vizi Beam 5R for both 10 and 12 DMX channels Regards Mike Vizi_Beam_5R.ift
  14. Hiya Try the attached and let me know of any problems Regards Mike ADJ_InnoElite.ift
  15. Hiya Attached is a fixture file for both 7 and 26 DMX modes Please let me know of any problems Regards Mike ob350.ift
  16. Hiya Artnet is quite new to me but I have had some success with it Firstly, I may be wrong but unless you have the DMX unlock dongle I don't believe that PhantomZerOS will output any Artnet For both Phantom and Console, the Artnet node and consoles are connected to a switch/router (mine is a router with IP address: The settings I have for Phantom ZerOS is; Via Node Management Utility for Entec Artnet: IP address, Protocol: Artnet, Subnet: 0, Universe: 0, Port Direction: Output DMX The Artnet settings on the console are; Net: 0, Subnet: 0, Port 1: 0 and Universe 1 and Transmit Artnet: Yes The console is a little different :| I have the Remote IP address:, Subnet: and the same Artnet settings as for the Phantom ZerOS. I see the Artnet screen says "transmit on but it still sends the the Artnet to my unit which is on the 10.xx address I hope this is of use I welcome any comments or clarification if I am missing something Mike
  17. Hi I've created two scenes on Submaster Page 2; 1: Red Wash and 2 White Strobe As I don't have your fixtures, I can see the changes happening on the console window when I flash the sub 2 button Let me know if it's what you were thinking Mike setup D2S-2014New.isf
  18. You can post it as an attachment here or email it to mike@bullockfamily.plus.com - please include your console build, memory, submaster and which fixture the effect is wanted on I should be about later as well so will try to look and get back to you Regards Mike
  19. Hiya Have had another go this morning and this worked Ok for colour and beamshape with submasters and with a base memory with submaster flash on the top. I have tried 7.8.0 build and the latest beta with the console in Tracking - Basic mode and also in Tracking - Advanced mode too and both work Ok Is just the colour the problem - does the beamshape strobe and restore Ok Can you send a show file and let me know which cue, submaster and mover? Regards Mike
  20. Hiya, I was concerned about LTP causing a problem when returning to previous state but have had a go with this and shouldn't be too difficult to achieve as submaster flash buttons don't have to hold brightness information but can also hold just colour, beamshape and position palette information too. So, create the 'look' you want and program it to a submaster... Press the clear button a couple of time to ensure nothing extra will be programmed, select the fixtures, change the colour and the beamshape as you want them. Select the 'Submaster' MFK then the flash button of the submaster you want the effect on and press the 'Program' MFK ...as easy as that When the submaster flash button is then pressed, those settings are output and will return to previous state once the button is released. Each submaster button doesn't have to be set to 'flash' - each one could be set to 'flash, 'latch' or 'solo'. Regards Mike
  21. Hiya, Try the attached which contains the three modes. Let me know of any problems. Regards Mike JBL_Sparx7.ift
  22. Hiya Can you confirm there is only 17 DMX channels for this fixture as from www://aesontech.com/led-moving-heads it says there are 18 DMX channels Oops - my error 3610 has 18 DMX channels :$ Try the attached ift and reply if any problems Many thanks Mike AesonZip3612.ift
  23. Hi Ziglight I can confirm that the CSV output works on a Solution Console in ZerOS 7.7.0 and ZerOS 7.8.0 and Beta too. That said, I can see a limitation in that submaster settings are not exported to the CSV file - Jon is this feature possible to add? I have uploaded a couple of screenshots as I am unable to upload the csv itself. Regards Mike
  24. Steve, The iPad software has the same five desktop views as the console and also has a panel and wheel view too. I don't have an iPhone so can't comment one with the remote software. I favour using the iPad to remotely fine-tune positions and fade in/out generic lights for focusing, leaving the iPad at stage level if working at height from zarges. Each desktop view can open different palettes where I like having four quarter screen ones on my main display with two half screen width ones on the iPad. It would be possible to use the iPad whilst programming using palettes but would depend on your preference of what views were open. That said, even if four palettes open at the same time was a little difficult, you can have four or more palette/views at full screen available at the touch of a tab at the bottom of the desktop screen - you can also have individual palettes on different desktops too, so things are pretty flexible and can be set how you want them. Attached are three photos showing iPad mini and iPad; zeros1.jpg is the panel view seen for a Solution console - the Solution XL has smaller graphics because of the extra faders zeros2.jpg is a view I set on Desktop 1 for Memories and Submasters zeros3.jpg is a view on Desktop 2 for the Colour, Effect, Beamshape and Position palettes Hopefully this is helpful Mike
  25. Hi Steve I bought an ipad mini specifically for the same purpose. I had no problems with it and used it as a remote rigger for when I needed to be away from the console during focusing. That said, it wasn't long before I gave my iPad mini to my wife and bought a full size iPad as the panel view was a little too small for panel view of my Solution XL view - I since found that it is possible to zoom in by tapping the screen with three fingers so things like faders are easier. During a show, I use my iPad and my main screen for memory and submaster views and my touch screen to manually run effects, positions, etc. Hope this is of use Mike
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