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mikeb last won the day on August 25 2024

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Community Answers

  1. I've also been replying and tagging both admins to a number of spam posts and the next time I've looked the posts have been removed - thank you @RJP @DMH As I type there are 11 spam posts which need removing - maybe there could be a new group of "superusers" for those like us who are experienced and active in supporting the community and the forum who can provide "moderation" of posts?
  2. Wow, is really the end of almost an era and of those I knew in Cymbran. Thank you for all your help and guidance over the years. Will miss catching up with you when I was driving by and also at the trade shows 😢 @Jon Hole all the best for the future
  3. Was just thinking if I'd see you at Plasa this year and then saw this post... Sorry to hear you're moving on, losing your wealth of knowledge will be a big loss to the community. Good luck in your future endevours Regards Mike
  4. Over the years I've had the pleasure of popping to Cwmbran for various training events, a couple of factory tours and occasional casual visits when I was passing by as well as visiting trade shows; it was always good to see KWR88 about, happy to help and advise. You knew the consoles inside out but you were also personable and I enjoyed catching up with how our kids had been growing up Many thanks for all your help over the years Hope you and your family are well and wish you all the best in your future endeavours
  5. Hi Jon With your announcement of changes to the FLXs, are there any plans to provide the FLXs with more functionality in the form of editing of effects? I look forward to reading ZerOS 7.15 release notes to see what new features the consoles will then have... Is the Solution really 12 years old Unlike most modern electronic devices, the Solution XL I use is still going strong
  6. mikeb


    @davidmk I don't have any fixtures attached to the DMX output of the FLX but watching the output screen, the intensities increase/decrease as per the OSC script. Also, moving the fader within TouchOSC varies the intensity of the associated playback as expected
  7. mikeb


    Hi David This is what I tried to create "Go next" for a playback; The value is the playback number
  8. Thanks Jon I had some info to post regarding TouchOSC and FLXs24 but wouldn't let me replies or create a new thread - I've changed the attachment format to jpg rather than png and have posted Ok
  9. I received the same error when replying to a thread in the General Section today too - have emailed you Ed with details
  10. Hi Edward Was storing to MFK just like I would a cue. Selected "merge" when attempting to add the changes (effect with intensity or dimmer) I wanted. Mike
  11. Hi Am running 2.12 on an in-house Soulution and with a couple of LED battens created effect using the in-built effects (green sparkle) then saved it to a MFK. I then created a second effect for a couple of LED Pars, again using the in-built effects. I then recorded the second effect onto the same MFK. I changed the colour time to 0 seconds and when the fader was raised, only the second effect was output. I then deleted everything on the MFK, created the two effects together and saved them on the MFK. This worked but I felt I wanted to add some facelight so took a dimmer fader to a level then selected record and merge but once again my effects had gone. Is it me? Regards Mike
  12. The only way I know of would be to factory reset the console and reload your custom fixtures - not an ideal way but it works Regards
  13. Hi You mention this build fixes a couple of bugs in 7.9.2. Will be uploaded into the Legacy folder? If not, what is stable build prior to 7.9.3 that is recommended? Regards Mike
  14. Hiya Just to let you know that although the associated 7.9.3 apps install on an iPhone running 11.2, they cannot be installed on iPads which are running the latest apple 10.3.3 release Regards Mike
  15. Hi I knew in the older builds how to create a topset for dimmers and also how to software swap pan/tilt but where are these features in the 7.9.n builds on a Solution? Many thanks Mike
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