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Posts posted by keredyelesob

  1. Hi. On the flx you can record the lights to a playback stack. So one stack only has one cue (known as a submaster on the other zero88 desks) then when you hit the flash button, the scene recorded will flash. If not you may need to change the button behaviour for the playback. If it is led colours you want to flash this works the same way. Not ideal but it does work. Hope this helps you. Let me know if i haven't explaind to well and i will try again.

  2. Any time,


    I don't know if it would also help but you can download the phantom software from the product pages and have a play with the virtual desk, although do note the phantom software is a lot more fiddly that having the real desk in front of you.

  3. I personally dont like the jester range of desks as i dont like the software they run they also dont have the ability to do 'move on dark' when using moving lights and colour changers this is a must in my opinion. I would rather spend the extra and get a solution or flx. Given experience and the fact you want beginers to use it i would go for the solution as this gives real hands on faders for your dimmers that are separate to your cue stacks and subs.


    As for zero88 support i have never had issues. for urgent queries they are on the end of a phone otherwise this forum is a good place where people are always happy to help. They also run regular training days on their desks.

  4. Hi johnny.

    To define the colour pallets in the fixture definition use the red green blue values found in the details tab of the parameter, you will need to tick the colour defined check box first. This option is used for fixtures with colour weels and macros. If you need a better explanation just let me know.

  5. When changing pages, it would be great if there was a way to give a visual indication of which faders are out of position,


    I think this would be helpful with the cue stacks. if the cue stack is active (not at 0) then maybe fade the flash button up and down, and when it is running a cue blink the flash button as you do now.

  6. using V2.8.5 RC.

    I have noticed that when you have recorded an MFK that latches the MFK in previous versions used to illuminate if it was active (latched on) but in V2.8.5 RC it no longer illuminates making it awkward to notice if its on or off, is it possible to revert back to illuminating the MFK when active?


    Also now MFKs are multi page can it be made possible to name and see an overview of them, much like the playback screen. (as there are only 4 per page maybe just add them to the end of the playback screen)

  7. you can.


    when you are patching in a fixture the desk asks for a destination, at this point you would normally choose an MFK location, all you need to do is select a preset location, you will however need to un-patch the default dimmers from the preset faders first.




    by default the desk patches in 48 dimmers to the preset faders 1-1, un-patch some of the dimmers, go into 'setup' then 'edit fixtures' select the presents faders you want to un-patch by clicking the flash buttons (you will see the dimmers appear in the list onscreen) select 'delete' and 'ok' you have now removed the dimmers and freed up the faders.


    now you are free to patch in your new fixtures, follow the patch wizard as normal but when you get to 'select a destination' for the fixture use the flash buttons of the preset faders you have just freed up.


    job done.


    Note you will still need to select the fixtures to access the parameters, to do this hold down 'shift' and then press the flash button of the preset fader (fixture).


    this basically works the same as patching to the fixture MFKs but you can control the intensity parameter of the fixture with the fader.

  8. When smart tag is on then the desk wont record posion parameters if the fixture is in black out. To record the fixtures position while its in dark you will need to turn off smart tag and tag the parameters manually. Another way would be to record a full snap shot by holding shift when pressing record. On the solution move on dark only truly works when using the cue stack as the desk knows whats coming next. If your using subs it doesnt.

    Hope this helps you.

  9. Colour pallets are made up of the red, green, blue elements so you wont see the uv there. You should however see it above the encoder wheels when in the colour parameters. If you dont see uv listed try pressing the colour button again (this will show more colour parameters)


    Apologies if you have already tried this just thought it may be why you cant see the uv parameter.

  10. Each parameter of a moving light, LED, smoke machine etc requires a different unit of measurement, not just a value between 0 and 255. So for example, Intensity should use a percentage, Pan and Tilt should use degrees, Gobo rotation should use RPM (rotations per minute) etc etc.


    This is what we're (slowly) moving towards across ZerOS - and you'll see big movements into that next year.


    Great news, so are you planning (at some point) to show a "real life" value eg degrees, RPM ect in addition to detail,


    for instance a moving light has a gobo wheel with 4 gobos, the gobo parameter has the following values


    1-25 Open

    26-50 Gobo1

    51-75 Gobo2

    76-100 Gobo3

    101-125 Gobo4

    126-150 Gobo1 Shake slow-Fast (will the desk show a speed (% maybe 0-100))

    151-175 Gobo2 Shake slow-Fast (will the desk show a speed (% maybe 0-100))

    176-200 Gobo3 Shake slow-Fast (will the desk show a speed (% maybe 0-100))

    201-225 Gobo4 Shake slow-Fast (will the desk show a speed (% maybe 0-100))

    225-255 Open


    Glad to see DMX overview will be back so helpfull when checking fixtures and networks. :)

  11. When working with effects it would be great if you could include some sort of shortcut (maybe press the center of the encoder) that will equally offset the selected fixtures, if I select say 8 generic fixtures then put the ‘chaser’ effect on them, when I try to offset them with the ‘shift’ and ‘offset’ encoder I can never get it to do a constant even chase. If I offset each fixture manually in the waveforms window I can make it work perfectly but this takes quite some time.


    When i say manually in the waveforms window I select each of the 8 fixtures individually and add ~12 to the offset value. this way it ensures each fixture is around the same offset as the next. "evenly spaced"

    using the fan offset (default shifted offset mode) then I can get the fixtures to fan evenly but never fill the entire waveform cycle, this creates a gap at the end of the cycle and does not create an constant un-interrupted chase. i just think a quick and simple button press to equally offset futures would make creating chases that are even and consistent much quicker.

  12. If so try the "mark on" efx and set the offset shifted mode to fan first/fan last.



    Hi thanks for your reply, but I have tried this, the problem is, shifted mode to fan first/last does not equally distribute the effect so you don't get a constant flash across all of the the selected fixtures. I always end up with a space where nothing happens, if i manual distribute the effect offset using the waveform window the fixtures will chase evenly without any short/long delays between the cycle. I need a quick way to evenly Fan the offset so the gap between cycles is the same so i can get a more even chase effect. (this is the same problem with the other effects not just chaser, mark on/off ect)

    Thanks again

  13. Hi, Don't know it it is of any help but i use 'Kinsman flexible USB bright light' on both my solution and FLX desks they have two setting Dim and bright so are quite good for most environments. Don't know what the power consumption is like but they work without any problems, (on the solution I run 2) I have been successfully using them for at least 5 years on Zero88 desks so would recommend them.


    this is the one from Amazon but a quick search I am sure you will find many other suppliers




    Note to plug them into the back of the solution or sides of the FLX i use a USB right angle adapter to reduce the strain on the socket.



  14. When working with effects it would be great if you could include some sort of shortcut (maybe press the center of the encoder) that will equally offset the selected fixtures, if I select say 8 generic fixtures then put the ‘chaser’ effect on them, when I try to offset them with the ‘shift’ and ‘offset’ encoder I can never get it to do a constant even chase. If I offset each fixture manually in the waveforms window I can make it work perfectly but this takes quite some time.

    I would also welcome this feature on the solution desk :)

  15. Is there any chance of having a DMX output table as one of the screens, I use this quite a bit with my solution to trouble shoot when things appear to go wrong, also to check on outputs when working in the phantom software (no lamps attached)

  16. I work on a lot of dance shows where the sound just consists of playing a pre-recorded track, but I have several lighting cues depending on when the dancers are on stage, it would be great if I could set the first cue of that dance routine to cue the music.


    I know i can have the sound cue the lighting desk but given there is only one sound cue to many lighting cues it makes more seance to have it the other way around, 'lighting cues sound'.

  17. It is posible. From what i remember from a similar post if you use midi show control then this activates the master go. If you use midi time code then can activate a specific cue.


    As for usb to midi i would say any will do providing it is transmiting the midi standard. I use a cheap usb to midi dongle i found on ebay to control our sound cues with no problems.


    I hope this helps you a bit with getting your midi up and running.

  18. Hi I see what your saying but not convinced, things like UDKs get locked when these can be used to run a show, also command promp used for changing lamps don't work, it seems like its just the faders, flash buttons and page buttons that don't get locked. You can still change the intensity of lamps but you cant change the other parameters, also the screens are blanked out so you cant see the cue lists ect. its a bit hit and miss.

  19. I know this has been mentioned in the past but I am unable to find the post or if it got assigned a bug/enhancement number, so I thought I would mention it again just in case it has been overlooked.


    When you have a cue stack call another cue stack using the built in macros is it possible to have the calling (master) cue stack control the intensity of the called (slave) cue stacks. So the intensity is in relation to the main stack.


    Currently if I call a chase stored in stack 4 from the main stack 0 it runs at full intensity, if I bring down the fader for stack 0 it would be useful if stack 4 also dimmed but it stays at full intensity.

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