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Posts posted by keredyelesob

  1. Apologies I didn’t realise this was just an ideas post, and you didn’t need any help.


    For me personally, the only point that I see a benefit for would be Point 3, it would be handy to see the offset in the selected fixture table (on screen)


    Additionally I am not too keen on overcomplicating the desk with shortcuts (using a combination of keys) as no one ever remembers them and a lot of users don’t know about them. For me this is where touch screens and Macros come in handy. This is only my opinion, from what I have seen on the forum and loaning my desks out.


    1. During my shows I switch between flash and solo for channel faders on my leap frog very often. I was so happy about the two rows of flash channel buttons on solution...But it is not possible to change the behavior of these buttons. For submasters I can change between flash, solo, latch, go and off. It would be very nice if I could arrange the first row for flash and the second row for solo. Or even better, if I could assign the function for each button.
    At the moment, I have to create submasters for each ACL set for solo, with which 8 submasters are wasted.
    The German support told me when I asked for my flash/solo problem (Point 1) that "This is not possible and will never be, Sorry". I was very upset about this answer and now I try to get some answers here.

    Hi, You can change the flash button behaviour by selecting the 'special' button, then on the top row of MFK's (middle button) you will see 'Flash Mode' click that then you will have the option to Flash,Solo,Latch or select. this effects how the flash buttons behave on the preset faders.



    3. The next problem concerns the try to set the offset with fan first/last/whatever. The value of the selected fixture doesn't change and I'm not able to see what I'm changing. It would be very nice if one could see the values of all selected fixtures.

    I see your problem but where would you show this information?



    When I create new pallets I have to search for the right MFK and can't push on the screen directly. The problem is, when I want to programme something on 216 I have to search the page and count the MFK to find the right button. Please add this feature.

    Are you using a touch screen as the pallets do not page on the screen, you should just be able to scroll to the pallet and touch it?



    8. When Submaster pagelock is activated the LED in the button is lit permanently. While running a show it is hard to see which submaster is running especially when I use submasters in latch mode. I would change the task for the submaster LED. The LED only lights up, when a submaster is in use. One can see if pagelock is activated when you check the inverted screens.

    I like this idea, but you can see if a submaster is running by looking at the LCD screen above the submaster, If the text is inverted (dark text on white background) then the sub is running.




    9. When I want to create movements with the effect engine, I can only change the X and Y size altogether. But for the stages I work on, I need to change these parameters independently. When I change both parameters simultaneously my heads light up the sealing and the floor, but not the whole width of the stage.
    Maybe I haven't found the function to open the effect window via shortcut... If there is no shortcut for this windows you could maybe add it.

    You can change the the X and Y size independently by using the effects window screen.


    the only short cut I know of to get to this screen is Shift + effect button. then click effect window button at the top of the screen.


    I Hope i have helped answer some of your questions. If not I would be tempted to repost them in the solution forum, this way you will be aiming the questions at the users of the solution desk.

  3. Yes.

    When you run the update it wipes all of the old OS and data then replaces it with the new OS so you will lose your show file and custom fixtures but these can get loaded back on from backups (if you back them up first) if you are not bothered about you existing show just run the update.

  4. To insert a cue you just type record and the cue number followed by enter. This will record the cue into the currently selected cue stack.

    So in your example you would type [record] [4][▪][5][enter]

    Hope this helps ☺

  5. Not directly. I would assign it to a fixture mfk and then record the intencity only (smart tag off and only tag the intencity parameter) to a submaster. If you realy want it on a preset rather than a sub you can do the above and set the sub to be page locked in the sub settings then get a short dmx lead and plug it into one of the dmx outputs and to the dmx input on the back of the desk. Go into settings and select inputs and assign the preset fader channel (dmx value) to control the sub you have just recorded. Dont forget to set the output socket you have used to ouput univers one. Let me know if you need more info if i haven't explaind things to well.

    Is there a reason you want it patched to both a preset fader and an mfk. You can just patch it to a fader and ignore the mfk.

  6. Hi Jon


    This defiantly sound like exactly what i was after (amusing the fixtures can be RGB), quite exited now :)



    I know its early stages but will you be able to specify the matrix layout? For example a grid 33 x 33 or just a strip 1 x 30.


    What i meant was will the layout be user definable, so you can have any shape grid to fit the user needs?


    I will hold back asking questions until you have more of an idea with the functionality. :-p



  7. Hi Jon, this is great news it looks very interesting and similar to what i have used with other desks and pc software.

    I know its early stages but will you be able to specify the matrix layout? For example a grid 33 x 33 or just a strip 1 x 30.


    Also will it be posible to load animated gif images or flash files?


    Last question for now ☺ i see the screen shots are from the orb, do you plan to release on the other zeros desks?


    I am looking forward to seeing this functionality in a future release ☺

  8. Hi, I think this is more a question for Jon and the Zero88 team, but thought I would post it in the public domain rather than speak with them direct to get general feedback.


    Anyway, I am currently touring panto where we have been making good use of several Pixel strips (ws2811 chips for anyone interested) we have several DMX decoders that basically assign each pixel with 3 DMX channels (RGB) unfortunately Zeros desks do not offer pixel mapping capability so I am having to use a tiger touch L, I would however prefer to use one of my Zeros desks, leading me onto my question. I know it is a big ask but is this something Zero88 would consider implementing into their desks in the near future, I have seen pixel mapping getting used more and more over the last few months and would really like to be able to use my Zeros desks to control them. I know a lot of people will say use a media server or similar for this, but if you only want to light a small area then a media server is just over kill, if the strip is kept within one or two universes it would be great to just use the lighting console.



  9. Hi lazer. The battery in your console may be dead andneed replacing. When this happens the desk will start to lose memories and pallets. In my experience it only loses some not all.


    If you are comfortable opening the desk up you will see the main pcb attached to the base of the desks chassis this will have a small silver button cell batery mounted on it. All you need to do is replace this for a new one.

    If you are not keen opening the desk your self your local zero88 distributor will be able to do this. A list of distruters can be found following this link http://zero88.com/distributors/



    There are 2 types of main board that are used in the Leap Frog desks. Earlier desks used the STMain1/1B board, which had a 3.6V NiMH battery soldered to the board. Later desks use the STMain2 board, which has a 3V CR2032 Lithium coin cell.


    "Green means all parameters within this attribute (as per position below)

    Red means tagged parameters within this attribute (as per intensity, colour and effect below)

    Off (blue) means no parameters within this attribute (as per beamshape below)


    I like this functionality, Jon do you know if you will be porting this across to the Solution desk as well?

  11. Something I really want, that's connected into all this, is for triggers / releases to be "tracked" through the stack - so if a playback is triggered in Cue 8, and released in Cue 12, if I jump to Cue 10 the playback should automatically start, or if I miss / jump over Cue 12, the playback should automatically release. It's all connected with the above requests.


    I like this idea and look forward to seeing it soon :P


    Would it also be possible to link the intensity of triggered playbacks to the playback that triggered them. I know there was talk about this some time ago but just wanted to see if its still on the cards.

  12. Ironically I also got one of those right-angle USB adaptors in an attempt to plug the desk light in one of the back ports (leaving the front one free for a memory stick)... but I was scuppered by the rear overhang. Looks like I might have a new application for it!


    Great minds, Thats why I originally got them to use on my solution desk and thought I could do the same with the FLX, but like you also found out the over hang stops that idea dead :( but they work reasonably well on the side ports once you mod your flight case of course

  13. 2 ports on either side of the FLX, either used for Wings or... in my (Swan) flight case I can't get at them (foam stops access). OK, you might say I should have bought a Z88 case, but not sure if these USB ports are accessible even in a Z88 case?


    Hi I also have a swan flight case for my FLX desk and I also had this same problem, I took a sharp stanley knife blade to the foam on my case and cut a USB shaped whole in the foam, works a treat. to make it even more accessible I used an L shaped USB adaptor similar to the one here

    I do think this problem is maybe something that we should feedback to swan flight though, although I am not to bothered now I have found a work around.



    The answer probably is to use an external HUB Kevin and to take care that it's compliant in terms of USB current draw - so a brand name you recognise (e.g. Fat Harry's Hyper Hub might be slightly non-standard) or from a supplier you trust i.e. CPC, eBuyer and so on.


    It goes without saying (I hope) - don't charge your iPhone off the desk whilst you run your USB Coffee warmer and no firing rockets at the director with that cute USB launcher you bought last Xmas - try and keep your current draws to a minimum on those ports for reliable working :P


    In addition if you are concerned about drawing to much current from your FLX I would get a powered USB hub, I have successfully used a powered hub that is built into one of my monitors and had no issues, this ran a keyboard and pen drive.


    Also on my solution desk I use this keyboard and mouse from Maplin as it only uses one USB port, not tried on my FLX but can test it on that and let you know if a get any problems.

  14. I'll re-phrase my question... What is move on dark?

    For someone who has never really used intelligent fixtures it seems an odd concept, whenever I have used them I've always put a move/colour wheel change/prism change/gobo change in the stack before I need the light to turn on.. But that could be me making the job hard for myself


    Hi. on a desk that does not support move on dark this is exactly how I would control my inelegant fixtures. However, on a desk that supports move on dark the desk works this bit out for you.


    With lighting desks move on dark basically looks ahead through your cue list and works out when the lamp is off what the next position, colour, gobo etc is needed and moves to the required settings (when the lamp is at 0 intensity) the desk does this without you needing to think what your fixture is going to do before you need it. basically the desk pre-sets your intelligent fixtures when they have 0 intensity ready for when they are next used. This is really helpful when recording your show as you only need to concentrate on what the stage looks like at the time you are recording and the desk will do the rest for you.


    I hope i have explained enough for you to understand, if not let me know and i will try again :P

  15. Hi Ziglight, did you get any further with this?

    I was thinking (although you may have already tried this), what happens if you reinstall the software? this may make the desk forget the monitor.


    My thinking is, if the desk remembers the monitor by assigning it an ID, then the desk decides it will not work with that monitor then it will always remember that the monitor wont work, if you can get the desk to competently forget the monitor then it may start working.


    I have the same monitor and same desk and have not had this problem, but i am a little worried it will happen to me, so just wondered how you got on with this


    Hi. When i do load for editing submasters or memory in LTP mode all working properly. But when i want edit submasters or memory on HTP mode, I have problem because load working but i can not change level presets those who is programed on loaded submaster or memory.
    Blind mode on mode HTP not working like on LTP. But it not so important for me.
    Solution xl ZerOs 7.8.2. What am doing wrong?



    I also get this problem when in HTP but is does make sense. If the memory you have loaded is higher than the value you want to go to then the HTP rule says that the memory should win. I normally use my desk in LTP but can see your problem when working in HTP.

    I think maybe if Zero88 implemented your suggestion of allowing direct editing of the programmer window this may make things a little easier for users working with the HTP desk behavior.

  17. What is the issue with Move in dark?


    The last time i used a Jester ML it did not support Move on Dark (this may have changed since in the newer version of the OS) although i see no mention of it in the manual or in the release notes. As far as i am aware it is only Zeros desks that support move on dark (although i may be wrong, check with Zero88 on this one as it may have recently been added)


    One thig i didn't mention above is that Zero88 only appear to be error fixing the Jester OS and not actively developing it (this may be because the desk is fine as it is) but Zeros desks like the FLX and solution are receiving enhancements on every OS release, this for me is good as it keeps the desk up to date and inline with the way users like myself work.


    again this is only my opinion, If you are unsure of what desk to get i would see if you can get a demo from Zero88 or from one of their distributors.

  18. He said about setting it up as separate fixtures so one being control and then four more to be RGB for each light.


    Personally this is the way i would go, but that is just because i have never ventured into sub fixtures.


    I would be interested if you do get this method to work as i have a similar problem with some sun beams. :)

  19. Jon, Could you confirm what FLX does with the R, G and B values entered in the fixture details. Is this just for the colour sample, or does the desk use the values to try and match colours between palettes and pre-defined fixture colours?




    Don't know if this helps answer that question but when i have used this in the past the desk matches the colours between pallets (if the value is the same), but it does also generate a new pallet.


    For instance if you have red set (R255,G0,B0) on your custom fixture this will match it to the same red used for LED fixtures but it also creates a second red pallet that will do exactly the same. (not sure if this is a bug but it has never caused me a problem so never looked into it any further)



    Thank ​kgallen...


    Even I'm not clear on what you explain but I will try n I referred to the original Fixture Libraries ​I downloaded from here.. I will test in fixture builder. It could be Spacial tab that involve to Color value from 0 to 255 CYM....


    Are you trying to define colour pallets for your fixture profile so that the FLX desk will auto generate them? if you are then you do this using the red, green, blue values found in the details tab of the parameter, you do need to tick the 'colour defined check box' first.

    Note: this will only work for individual parameters (colour wheel, colour macro). if you are using a RGB or CYM fixture the desk will work this out automatically providing you use the tribute and special fields.

    also note the red, green, blue values that you set here are only used for the desk to display a little colour sample on the parameter button nothing more,

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