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Posts posted by keredyelesob

  1. On 08/01/2018 at 9:27 AM, Edward- Z88 said:

    we are still waiting for the GooglePlay store ZerOS Apps to be updated.

    Do you know a time scale for this?

    some time ago In the beta group you released the Android app through the forum (this required android users to disable a security feature for third party apps to be installed) would it be possible to do this again for your inpatient users :P



  2. Try enabling that, rather than having it on "Auto"


    thats what i was thinking, although when i try disabling my monitor i still get the resolution option.


    if enabling the monitor makes no difference try installing the OS again, it may jump start it into working again. latest software is downloadable from this link along with instructions on how to do the install.



  3. I know you have already said you have no option for resolution but to just check. You have entered [setup] selected [system settings] and under the group [external display settings] you have no resolution option?

    Uder the same group do you have the option for [monitor]? If so what us it set to?


    Last question, what version of Zeros are you running?

  4. Just an additional thought on this, when the virtual keyboard is displayed for naming the cue it currently shows 'FLX Record Option' could you append the cue number to the end if its relating to an existing cue, and append 'new cue' or an asterisk if its relating to a new cue? so its would then read 'FLX Record Option for cue 22' for updating/overwriting existing cues and 'FLX Record Option for new cue 23' for recording a new cue.

  5. Hi, I think this is more a bug for the Zero 88 team.


    I am running 7.9.2 released OS, when programming a show last week i was using the syntax [record][name] and entering a name. this worked for all of the cues I had recorded but here is the problem;


    When I use the syntax i expect the name to be clear if it is going into a new cue, allowing me to type a name in,

    if i am updated or overwriting a cue, for example [record][22][name] (cue 22 has been previously recorded and named) i expect that the name field should be populated with the original name of 22, so you know that you are overwriting it.


    this all works fine, but now the bug, One i have updated or played back an existing cue the syntax [record][name] now pre-populates with what ever cue was last to be played back or updated giving the impression that you are about to overwrite an existing cue, but all you are doing as added a new cue.

    Is it possible to have the name field blank if you are recording a new cue, and only pre-populate it if you are editing a cue?



  6. Why not have a calobration feature where each individual fixture can be calobrated by the user within the edit fixture screen. With my Led fixtures they already have calobration that i can set what colour temperature my fixturs output at allowing me to match them all to look the same.

  7. This sounds like you have dirt in the channel sliders. I had this problem once with an old frog (from what i remember the faders are linked so if one is giving dodgy resistance values then it can have a knock on effect) i opened mine up and gave it a good clean i also had to replace some of the bad faders, it all worked again after that. Although i dont recommend you do this yourself if you are not comfortable with electronics. Maybe take it to a zero88 distrabuter for a service.

  8. I have had a look at your fixture file and it seems ok to me. I also loaded it onto my FLX and that worked to, I will try my solution when i get home. I know it is not a Jester ML but i would have thought if they load onto the other desks then the fixture file is OK. have you tried a small pen drive, I know if i use a larger pen drive on any of my consoles it is a lot slower. I would try with a 1GB pen drive.

  9. Do the Chroma Bars have more than one mode? Are you using the right mode? Is the start address the same on both the chroma bar and flx? Try setting it to address 1 to see if it works. Are you plugged into the correct universe? If you can upload, or get a link to the correct manual i can check the fixture libary to ensure it is programmed right for your model/version. Sometimes the fixture library doesn't have all changes when manufacturers update a fuxture.

    Also swap out you dmx cable for a different one so you can rule out falty cables.

  10. Indeed. However for a complete beginner you do have the first draft manual that explains most functionalty to program a basic show. Also check out the zero88 youtube channel they have several videos showing how to setup and operate the console. As for new updates you can look at the release notes. Maybe as a starting point to bring it all together the past release notes could be made available in a repository somewhere on the web. In addition the zero88 forum is one of the most responsive i use, particularly for more advanced questions.

    I dont think i would put prospective users off buying a flx based on a lack of manual, warn them yes, but i would still recommend it 100% for price, functionality and support.


    In terms of an online manual this is something i know jon is looking at, although i am sure he can update us on that one when he can.

  11. Am i right to say. It sounds like when you invert pan tilt on the console it inverts all of that type of fixture, globally to that fixture type rather than the individual physical fixture.

  12. I think the problem here is that unlike a tv the software is changing so fast it is near impossible for the manual to be kept up to date. As you mention, the short manual that was released several months ago is already out of date. I am not saying that there shouldn't be a manual but what i am saying is i would rather Jon and his team concentrate on on the R&D of the product wilst keeping the price down.look at the software industry (this would be a closer comparison) you dont often get manuals you get short online guides, fourums and books writen by third parties.

  13. I dont know if you can buy something like you describe, I have seen DMX relays that you may be able to hard wire to the screen (providing you know what your doing to keep it all safe)


    or if you are comfortable working with electronics and programming basic code i would use an auduino micro controller to accept DMX512 and them translate that into IR using one of the PWM pins and an IR led.


    I made a very similar controller a while ago, it was to control a laptop in order to play back video and sound (Zero 88 desks do not support midi out yet), All i did was program an Auduino to accept a standard DMX521 (RS-485 in computer speak) and then send out a keyboard command to the laptop, it worked a treat and was very cost effective.


    Although i would say if you are going down the path of making something make sure you know exactly what you are doing or it could work out very costly.

  14. In my experience one example of manually tagging parameters is for using subs to control colour of RGB fixtures. automatic tagging requires the fixture to first of all have an intensity of more than 0 in order to record the colour parameters (or any other parameter for that mater). All i want it to record is the colour, the intensity will be recorded else where on another playback.


    With keeping parameters separate, say you have an RGB fixture, you select red, if the parameters are kept together then the green and blue will also get tagged and recorded automatically, however i want one sub for Red, one for blue, and one for green. (separate parameters) so in this case it would be quicker to set the colour parameters to keep separate. if you dont record them separate then the red sub will play back red at 100%, green at 0% and blue at 0%.

    so now lets say your fixture was showing blue using the blue sub we just recorded, when you activate the red sub the fixture would go to red not purple/pink as you would expect. (blue plus red) this is due to parameter playback working on a LTP basis.


    I hope i have helped explain a little and not confuse you even more.

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