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Posts posted by keredyelesob

  1. On 4/26/2022 at 7:32 PM, Uriahdemon said:

    Hi, I have a similar issue and am wondering how this played out….. were you able to resolve the issue please ?

    Hi. I ended up replacing the faulty fader on the pcb (only attempt if you are handy with a soldering iron,  the pcb tracks are very fine). I found the faulty fader by putting the desk in test mode. I noticed fader 19 was not hitting 0 this was causing the erroneous behaviour with the other faders. If your getting the same issue first try cleaning the faders with something like ELECTROLUBE  EML200F before swapping out faders. Cleaning has worked in the past for my other desk. Hope this helps.

  2. Hi Is ii possible to trigger a macro from a cue stack that has been generated from a fixture file.

    I have a fixture that has lamp on and off macros that are auto generated. I want to trigger the lamp off macro from a cue in my cue stack but I am not able to select auto generated macros in the trigger macro screen of the cue I can only trigger macros that I have recorded on the console.


  3. I don't know how popular this would be, but would be ausome if you added an option to swap the mouse buttons for left handed use. Working between my pc and the lighting desk often gets confusing, having two mice with different button polarity. Pc set up for left handed use and lighting desk right-handed but in my left hand. Not a huge issue but realy nice feature for us left handed users.

  4. 50 minutes ago, iank99 said:

    @keredyelesobthat's "typical" behaviour with a failed fader by the sounds of it - the PCB will need to be put in close proximity with a soldering iron and replacement fader. If you're confident with an iron - you can do it yourself or @KWR88 could recommend a service centre close to you :)

    Ye my thoughts exactly. Like I say I swapt the fader pcb with one of my wings so I could have the desk up and running ASAP. Now I just need to replace the fader and I can put the wing back together. I would rather get the official zero88 parts rather than trying parts from Farnell or cpc.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Davidmk said:

    I'm happy with it the way it is. I think I've only had two messages like this since joining - well down on the frequency and annoyance caused by rest of my (very limited) social media presence.

    I would also aggree with Davidmk. It used the direct message feature, your email was not visible to them, only your username, this is already public knowledge. It was the forum that sent out the email (if you had it set to alert you of messages) I personally am happy with the situation and impressed with the speed it was handled.

  6. Hi @KWR88

    I have cleaned all of the 24 faders with both elector lube and compressed air but still no joy. Looking at the diagnostic screen it is due to fader 19 not hitting 0 when fully at the bottom (if I nudge it up fractionally the fader reads 0 and the problem has resolved) problem is during a show remembering to nudge the fader won't happen, so I think I will replace the fader in question, if you can point me to where I can get the spares. (Not pcb, just faders as I will desolder the faulty one) that would be greatly appreciated.

    Also in the meantime I have swapped the entire fader pcb from one of my wings to the faulty desk so the desk can continue to go out to events. I have noticed the diagnostics does not expand to the faders on the wing. It does however work for the flash buttons. Is there a way to diagnose the wing. Not a huge problem if not as I can test in fixture mode but obviously not as accurate.


    @iank99 thanks also for your input, all useful info.


  7. one of my reliable FLX consoles has started to show signs of old age and may need some TLC, I remember on the frog range the faders where connected electrically and the processor could get confusing signals when a fader had dirt in or was faulty. I assume this may be the same with FLX but I cant find the old posts regarding how to diagnose and fix.

    My problem is fader 5 also has an affect on fader 19. (not the other way around, and all other faders seem fine), when I raise fader 5 it also shows fader 19 raise to about 40% max, this happens both when they are channel faders or sub-masters. I have a wing so was going to try plugging the wing in to see if the same happens but I think it may be the hardware showing its age, Can you suggest the best way of diagnosing and cleaning, I know not to use switch cleaner. if it needs a fader replacement I can do this myself but will need to know where to get the parts from.


  8. 7 hours ago, LLuk said:

    (where i would for shure put my first cross) is an active GO button whilst "manual Fader 2-ways" is active.

    Hi @LLuk have you looked at the settings for the que stack, I think what you want is already in place. under the general, Fader Function options.



    To get to this screen hold down setup and then press the go button for the cure stack in question.



  9. Completely understand that its not fully spec'd.

    1 hour ago, Jon Hole said:

     Whether it was a full builder within ZerOS, or a simple builder within ZerOS and a full builder somewhere else, is up for discussion.

    I appreciate for non windows users not having the editor on the desk may be problematic, for this I like the idea of both app and desk options.

    In honesty I am not to bothered where the fixture builder resides as I am never to far from my windows laptop when working on the FLX. I am more concerned that it will support all the new things you are working on, again I appreciate it won't be future proof but bringing it back up to date would be good.

  10. On 10/16/2021 at 8:52 PM, kgallen said:

     I know Z88 have been through turmoil with business reorganisations, Come on chaps, this beautiful company is going to sh*t within 3 months of DavidC moving on.

    Honestly, I think you need to have a big sit down with your "new" management and decide what sort of company you want to be.

    Wow, I know had my concerns that you where going down the pan and that something must be going on internally. This was only my impression from how I had seen the great standards deplete and the 'not interested' attitude emerge. I had not imagined it was actually the case.

    I do sincerely hope that you make it through and return to the customer focused organisation I once loved since my introduction in the early 90s.

  11. 52 minutes ago, Davidmk said:

    Strong statement, you are clearly annoyed by this issue.

    I wasn't to annoyed until I was told it was not a bug and my fault for not tagging and changing the additional colours, I am sorry but an auto generated Red pallet should output red or close to red (hence automatically removing the unsupported colours when using auto colours would achieve this). When you have a venue filled with just over 400 people and the act on stage rips into you for a fault with the lighting desk then yes it is upsetting not to mention damaging to my reputation.

    52 minutes ago, Davidmk said:

    There are two things I do though. One is using blind mode to create a new cue before I need it, another is to use the programmer to make a new cue live, record it and make it live then clear the programmer. I can then fade out the new cue which I can then delete or keep and re-use.

    In essence this would be great but given the desk outputs erroneous colours then this is not so good. Live mode at least i can rectify quite quickly as you see the combined effect. blind mode I would need to check all of the parameters for my lights in the rig first. not so easy when you are getting cues shouted in quick succession.

    53 minutes ago, Edward Z88 said:

    Hi @Davidmk

    Upon double tapping CLEAR, if you would like your fixtures to fade to their defaults or cue values, you can enable Programmer Time. Programmer Time can be accessed from the fourth encoder wheel in the Z window, or from a fader. For more information, please see the link below...


    To remove certain fixtures from the programmer, you can use a "Clear Fixture" UDK on FLX. For more information see the link below...


    You may find this session below has some other handy pointers...


    Hope this helps,


     This is exactly how i use the desk for 'on the fly' and it works great until you use the auto generated colours then it is no good.

  12. 15 hours ago, Davidmk said:

    So you are operating in a world not unlike my own but you imply you have cue stacks rather than single cue playbacks. I do use a bit of a mixture like that myself even though we have RGB, RGBW, RGBAW & RGBAWU fixtures. What I don't do is use the programmer to busk. Never had the issue you describe though.

    To be honest it depends on the situation. I would say 50% of my work is in Cue stacks the rest is generally on the fly. If I have the time and/or a show is in for more than 1 performance I will generally  use a que stack. If a show it just in for 1 performance we generally do not have the time to record much as getting the show in is the number one priority so in this case it will be on the fly. That Said last week was a mix of small Que stacks for specific sciences, than a lot was added on the fly to fill out the small amount we had set. this was when we got the colour mixing issues. FLX is currently not fit for purpose in this situation.

  13. 47 minutes ago, Davidmk said:

    Actually that isn't a bad plan - I do that but for reasons other than the ones bothering you. The auto generated pallettes have to be generalised so don't give the same shade of a colour across the four different types of LED in our rig so I always use my own pallettes.

    in essence I would agree with you but, as you also point out, when you do not have the luxury of time it is a different matter.

    This whole problem came about because of a tour that visited last week, they arrived at 13:00 and needed to setup lights, scenery, projection, sound (including a grand piano on stage), this all needed to be in place for 16:00 for the cast to go through their blocking, all of this needed completing before VIPs had a Backstage tour at 18:15 and for doors to open at 19:00. Some where in between we fitted in a quick que to que expectation for the lighting. so yes we where busking the show. As the show progressed the colours became more and more obscure as previous cues and custom pallets had  made use of the additional unsupported colours. This did not look good for all involved, not to mention the bad PR with the public shaming of the lighting desk and operator. Yes I know my fault for expecting red to be red and green to be green but we learn from our mistakes, and this lesson is do not use a Zero88 lighting desk with fixtures that support more colours than RGBW. that is unless you have the time to overwrite all of the auto generated pallets.

    35 minutes ago, Davidmk said:

    Oh. Tricky. It depends on what was specified. Not being a zero 88 employee I'm not privy to that however it does appear to be designed to mix RGB only and my feeling is that doing more than that is a minefield. You see the trouble is you have RGBWAU fixtures but there are so many other variations. Even when it's just RGB you get different shades of colour on different fixtures for the same DMX values (hence me saying it is a quick & dirty solution).  So, it is only a bug if it doesn't do what it says on the tin but within the limitations of the spec.

    As to what is being tagged/recorded then yes, it may be a bug, but that may be with the fixture definition or with the desk software.

    LOL, Love the diplomatic answer. As an end user I expect red to represent red. Like you say it is quick and dirty anyway so why not eliminate one problem of unsupported colours infecting an already flaky colour picker.

    By just setting all other unsupported colours to 0, the existing colour picker in its current state will still work as intended, all parameters will still get tagged and remain together (if selected in setup). 2 birds one simple fix. Users are still free to record their own pallets with their own parameters, should that include Amber and lime, that's up to them. Its just a shame the suggestion will be completely overlooked by zero88 as they do not acknowledge the problem. In the Past Jon whole would give suggestions consideration and a Zeros number, alas.

  14. 2 hours ago, Davidmk said:

    As a user I'd like to know what is planned and when for but I also know I'd get over excited about features that are important to me, impatient if they were a long way down the time line and frustrated if they were late or cancelled.

    I appreciate and support that R&D would not want to disclose their priorities and development road map to the general public, but they should take user driven feedback as part of their decision making. this is what always defined Zero88 in the past, but I feel it has sadly been lost.

    My original post was regarding a bug in the software and a possible quick fix (this bug has been around since fixtures started supporting more colours than RGB)  I was then told that there is no problem and it was the way I was using the desk. as a User of Zeros since ~2008 and FLX since ordering one back in 2015, and again in 2017 you can understand I was a little surprised that the response of 'not our problem' was used.

    I understand R&D can take a lot more time than users expect (try developing software for the NHS, they want everything before they think of it). ~3-4 years is a little excessive. Particularly when this has been a known problem for 7+ years but users have just coped.

    My original point still stands that the colour picker would be more usable if it where to set additional (unsupported) colours to 0% allowing the desk to make colours using RGBW without the interference of other colours.

    If I select Red I want to see red, not Red + UV, amber, lime ect. If I want to add these colours in I can, and then make a custom pallet. Currently if I select red then the desk sets Green Blue and White to 0% why not the other colours?

    I would expect setting additional unsupported colours to 0% and using the already supported RGBW would be a quick fix. I am not saying colour mix amber and UV into the colour picker just tag them and set to 0%, no loss of existing functionality but at least the user gets the colour they selected.

    2 hours ago, Davidmk said:

    We should all remember that we get software updates for free. Lots of developers expect you to pay for feature releases and eventually stop supporting obsolete versions.

    Free updates are industry standard for hardware. Lighting and sound desk manufacturers all provide free software updates.  Even with computer hardware things like your graphics card gets free driver updates, Microsoft constantly send out free updates to their software, your phone OS also gets free upgrades.

    In my experience it is only custom bespoke software that requires support and maintenance fees as there is no real client base to support the ongoing R&D costs.

    1 hour ago, Davidmk said:

    We get the version current at the time included in the cost for sure, we are morally entitled to bug fixes for that version but new features? Who is paying for them?

    Not being an employee i can only assume the cost is offset through new sales of their hardware, Hence FLX S range getting all the glory at the expense of FLX.

    In addition, we the users, help zero88 as a lot of new sales will come from word of mouth, current users running their shows around the world using Zero88 hardware. I know I have encouraged several venues to purchase FLX consoles based on my opinions and demonstrations.

    1 hour ago, Edward Z88 said:

    Hi Derek,

    To remove Amber from cue 3, go into cue 3. You can then release the chase by holding CLEAR and tapping FADER FUNCT. Then select the fixture, dial out Amber, tap UPDATE, and tap the Master Playback's button. To remove Amber from the first cue of the chase, trigger the chase, and hold SHIFT and tap the chase's button until you get to cue 1. Then select the fixture, dial out amber, tap UPDATE, choose Track Forwards, to remove amber from the chase.

    Hope this helps,


    so your solution is for me to go through all of my cues and manually untag additional colours. or go through all of my chases and tag the additional colours. Not a problem until you upscale the production to 60+ fixtures and 80+ chases. All in all it would be easier to right off the auto colours as a lost course as its not fit for purpose. I will create my own at the start of a tour.

    it is sad that my list of disadvantages with Zero88 it getting longer given how long I have been invested with you. 


    39 minutes ago, Edward Z88 said:

    From your description it sounds like SmartTag is disabled. If SmartTag is enabled, ZerOS will ensure that required parameters are at the levels you had them in at the point of recording, without the need to worry about tagging.

    Clearly you are still adamant it is 'not our problem', this is where my main concern is with the depreciating standards of Zero88. 

    Attached is a show file from Zeros (Phantom) it has one RGBWAuV fixture. the main Que stack has 4 Ques, 

    1. White
    2. Amber
    3. Trigger Stack 1 (Colour chase using colour pallets 3 steps, S1 Red, S2 Green, S3 Blue)
    4. Release Stack 1 and fade to UV.

    As you can see Q3 has tracked Amber so my RGB colour chase is not pure RGB as it has Amber lit.


    To replicate a more basic version, add 1 RGBWAuV fixture.

    Create a chase using the Auto pallets to Stack 1

    • [1][@][@]
    • select red
    •  [record] [Stack 1]
    • select Green
    • [record] [Stack 1] (select create chase)
    •  select Blue
    • [record] [Stack 1]

    [Clear] [Clear]

    Create a second Que

    • [1][@][@]
    • select amber (set all other colours to 0%)
    •  [record] [Stack 2]

    Now raise stack 2. your fixture is amber, now raise stack 1 for your RGB chase, you can see amber stays lit. 

    In my show file I have added this chase in using macros (as explained in the instructions) but the more basic approach above demonstrates the bug well enough.

    30 minutes ago, Jon Hole said:

    Hi Derek,

    Please remember you're talking about unfinished, unreleased beta software in our public forums. More than happy to continue this conversation in the beta forums, but not publicly.

    Apologies Jon,  The original thread was regarding feedback and a possible 'quick fix' to a bug that exists in the auto generated colour pallets (this is also present on public releases).

    We have been side tracked as I mentioned I had tested with both the new and old fixture formats, I was asked for more details regarding my problems with the new fixture library.

    Personally i would like a solution to all the problems talked about (these are all in the current release, with the exception of multicell), rather than default response giving the impression of 'Not our problem' 

    I can make the example on a public release version if needed for completeness of this thread.


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