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keredyelesob last won the day on March 14 2023

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Community Answers

  1. Handy to know. I always ended up removing the follow command, doing the change, then adding it back in. this will save a lot of time
  2. Silly question, but have you regenerated the colour pallets. When adding new fixtures you need to do this for them to be picked up.
  3. Hi. I ended up replacing the faulty fader on the pcb (only attempt if you are handy with a soldering iron, the pcb tracks are very fine). I found the faulty fader by putting the desk in test mode. I noticed fader 19 was not hitting 0 this was causing the erroneous behaviour with the other faders. If your getting the same issue first try cleaning the faders with something like ELECTROLUBE EML200F before swapping out faders. Cleaning has worked in the past for my other desk. Hope this helps.
  4. Thanks @Edward Z88 This is what I have done for now, it was more so I can add remove easily without having to update the cue. Thanks for adding to the wish list.
  5. Hi Is ii possible to trigger a macro from a cue stack that has been generated from a fixture file. I have a fixture that has lamp on and off macros that are auto generated. I want to trigger the lamp off macro from a cue in my cue stack but I am not able to select auto generated macros in the trigger macro screen of the cue I can only trigger macros that I have recorded on the console. Cheers
  6. I don't know how popular this would be, but would be ausome if you added an option to swap the mouse buttons for left handed use. Working between my pc and the lighting desk often gets confusing, having two mice with different button polarity. Pc set up for left handed use and lighting desk right-handed but in my left hand. Not a huge issue but realy nice feature for us left handed users.
  7. Thanks for the info, I will give it ago when I get back to the workbench. 👍
  8. Thanks, I have just text the local dealer. I will DM you if they can't help me. Much appreciated
  9. Ye my thoughts exactly. Like I say I swapt the fader pcb with one of my wings so I could have the desk up and running ASAP. Now I just need to replace the fader and I can put the wing back together. I would rather get the official zero88 parts rather than trying parts from Farnell or cpc.
  10. I would also aggree with Davidmk. It used the direct message feature, your email was not visible to them, only your username, this is already public knowledge. It was the forum that sent out the email (if you had it set to alert you of messages) I personally am happy with the situation and impressed with the speed it was handled.
  11. Hi @KWR88 I have cleaned all of the 24 faders with both elector lube and compressed air but still no joy. Looking at the diagnostic screen it is due to fader 19 not hitting 0 when fully at the bottom (if I nudge it up fractionally the fader reads 0 and the problem has resolved) problem is during a show remembering to nudge the fader won't happen, so I think I will replace the fader in question, if you can point me to where I can get the spares. (Not pcb, just faders as I will desolder the faulty one) that would be greatly appreciated. Also in the meantime I have swapped the entire fader pcb from one of my wings to the faulty desk so the desk can continue to go out to events. I have noticed the diagnostics does not expand to the faders on the wing. It does however work for the flash buttons. Is there a way to diagnose the wing. Not a huge problem if not as I can test in fixture mode but obviously not as accurate. @iank99 thanks also for your input, all useful info. Thanks
  12. Thanks Keith The faulty desk is currently out onsite but I will try your suggestions above and let you know the outcome when i get it back. Regarding cleaning the fader is it more likely to be fader 5 that is the culprit V fader 19. or should I hang on to do the diagnostics? Thanks
  13. one of my reliable FLX consoles has started to show signs of old age and may need some TLC, I remember on the frog range the faders where connected electrically and the processor could get confusing signals when a fader had dirt in or was faulty. I assume this may be the same with FLX but I cant find the old posts regarding how to diagnose and fix. My problem is fader 5 also has an affect on fader 19. (not the other way around, and all other faders seem fine), when I raise fader 5 it also shows fader 19 raise to about 40% max, this happens both when they are channel faders or sub-masters. I have a wing so was going to try plugging the wing in to see if the same happens but I think it may be the hardware showing its age, Can you suggest the best way of diagnosing and cleaning, I know not to use switch cleaner. if it needs a fader replacement I can do this myself but will need to know where to get the parts from. Cheers
  14. Hi @LLuk have you looked at the settings for the que stack, I think what you want is already in place. under the general, Fader Function options. To get to this screen hold down setup and then press the go button for the cure stack in question.
  15. Completely understand that its not fully spec'd. I appreciate for non windows users not having the editor on the desk may be problematic, for this I like the idea of both app and desk options. In honesty I am not to bothered where the fixture builder resides as I am never to far from my windows laptop when working on the FLX. I am more concerned that it will support all the new things you are working on, again I appreciate it won't be future proof but bringing it back up to date would be good.
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