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Everything posted by cucolino
Its running 7.7. Yeah, the company has two LeapFrog48 and one Solution while I also own one LF48, so Im just posting everything on here as its more active group I think. Afterall they're the same, right? As for error, what could be causing this ports to timeout? Ansd what leads to the booting into linux bash (with youe background set) leaving command line prompting to login?
Hi all. After a while, its frog issues dealing time again. Today I've came across an issue with ZerOS loading screen, after which I've got linux bash screen instead of initializer, leaving me with some errors with not finding some files, leaving me with "zero88 login#". If I write "root" and press enter, it says Im logged in as root at "ttty" if I remember correctly... any way to debug/solve this? Another issue that happened a while ago to my collegue that was using the desk was with some ports at initialization not being found, (it took few minutes before timing out all of them) and afterwards being notified that NVRam is not found and battery might be bad. Battery replaced, same issue. and the show file is not saved unless going in and out of setup. Furthermore, all workspaces (pallete windows, etc..) are not loaded at startup, but need to be recalled and resized at each startup. Attaching picture of latest error. Any idead, guys? Cheers!
Ok cool. Thanks for the info.
Thats cool!!! One more thing, since we're speaking: Is a PhantomZeros still locked to dongle to output artnet? and if so, where are dongles available to purchase and what's the (approx) price? It's not anywhere on the web... ?
Ah... Too bad.. Will FLX wing have more than 10 faders? And, will it be portable to other consoles as well..?
Oh, all right! I believe I missed the work "simultaneously" in there, correct?
I still wonder -> any other, or "just" the playback wing? It's the wing actually, or sometimes just the connection (LAN) cable. This wasn't an issue at older zeros versions, but isn't such a big deal. The thing is, that with LAN cable connected and console turned, on, the wing stays with both 7 segs set to "88", and doesn't initialize all the way (as it seems). So my guess is that either the connection is blocking the initialization, or there could be something wrong with the wing. (It boots up normally without LAN cable...) Sometimes pressing the Up/Down button on the console (I have set that the page up/down and page display of the console are replicated on the wing) initializes it automatically.. but thats like 10% of the cases....
Thanks for the link and confirmation, @keredyelesob. Though, Jon there wrote that the external screen has 2 limited layouts due to the fact that "everything else is accessible via internal screen". If DMX window is completely gone, than that is really a bid down vote for the FLX console! :/ Also, I don't quite get the sentence: There are 241 playbacks on the FLX- that's significantly more than the Solution (technically an increase of 24000%!!!). Anyone dare to comment what this means? How is 241 24000% more than on the solution? AFAIK, solution has 200 subs + 1000 memories. Aren't the latest playbacks..? Edit: (per Jon's latest reply) Cool to know these things. Though, I kinda hoped (and still do) you would at least implement something like "Advanced view" mode, where everything would be accessible for advanced users as well. Having just the "basic" mode, because the desk is aimed for more "easy users" (if I may express myself this way), doesn't seem like a fair point for any other users that look up to upgrade to a newer product... I for one would love to get the mini touchscreen as well as the syntax, as an upgrade to the Solution. But, with such limitations, I don't think I'd be happy with such upgrade, so... Looking forward for any changes!
Well, if this is true, than it is a step backwards and a disappointment. I can't imagine having my console without the actual dmx output window (not program output, but rather full universe view). Maybe @Jon could comment on this one... ?
Isn't ZeroWire something completely different....? Under wings - Yes, I have it enabled. I'm using my Playback wing just fine (well, almost. It needs several reboots to actually connect with the desk sometimes, depends on the day... )
I'm glad I helped. Are you looking on the internal LCD? If it's ZerOS, I'm pretty sure there is, but it's most probably only visible on the external display though. Don't take me for granted, as I don't have one sitting in front of me, so I'm only speaking from my knowledge generally about ZerOS software...
Speaking of which - are any other wings rather than the Playback able to connect to console? As far as I've tried, the enttec's programming and shortcut wing did not get detected by zeros. Is there any info of all available wings?
Are you actually outputting something / looking at DMX output window, or just on the wheel screens? Is it possible, that the wheel screens are showing just the first fixture's value, and therefore seems "locked", while other fixtures actually do get the change...? You could see this in DMX Output window... I'm not currently at the desk, but will check later if the screens keeps only first fixure's level, and therefore seems "locked" in Fan-First mode... Or else, try setting to Fan-Middle mode, and see what that shows you on screen... In "Fan first" mode, the first fixture does not get the change in the value (its locked). Meanwhile, the change in others increase/decrease for a higher difference, like Fix2 gets +x, Fix3 gets +2x, Fix4 + 3x etc... For more info, check the manuals here http://zero88.com/manuals/im9210%20-%20solution%20manual%20issue%201.0.pdf at page 85 and 86, where you have tables of Fan modes explained. The manuals for FLX seems to not exist yet, so I pointed a link to Solution's manual, but this should be the same... Hope that helps.
Could I be right that this is the Wheel mode fan setting...? I used to have similar issue just a couple of weeks ago on Solution, where I found out that in [setup+Effects] I had Shifted wheel mode set wrong. Try to see what you have set up at Normal wheel mode, and what on Shifted wheel mode. Hope this helps...
+1 for the Beta. HTC One M7, HTC One M8, Google Nexus 7 tablet and possibly Lenovo Yoga tablet 2 pro available for tryouts...
Hi Jon. I can confirm I've just tried the above suggestion, and it still closes with causing crash report. I think we already spoke about this a while ago, but then it went "forgotten"... It happens on Windows 7 64-bit systems, and I only got one single laptop (HP, Win7 home premium) that was closing it properly, few times in a row (it wasn't mine..). It's not as disturbing at me, as it only freezes for a few seconds, closes and shows crash report, but still though... I'd be happy to assist more, by any chance as well. However, Windows 8 64bit does close properly! Though, if I have LCD, Panel and DMX Input visible, single click on X closes the program within 2 seconds. If I don't have those windows visible, single click on X still closes the program, but it needs around 7 seconds or so... In the meantime, it's not frozen, just takes time to close itself I guess...
Well, this was for one almost certainly not in my case. Ever since I recall, even when using tiny 11'' Elotouch for a month, before finally decided to buy the biggie Dell, I'd have to calibrate it every time I swapped ports, or if the console was boot up without it being connected. True though, if plugged in the same port while it was already initialized, it had no issues. However what I'm experiencing now is definitely not something you would want us to have, that much I believe. Please, report some advice if there's any chance of getting any debug/log info for my touch or at least this case... Maybe its something in the showfile ->that's the same as I posted in the other topic... ? Haven't tried loading any older showfile on the desk, tbh, but won't have a chance this week as I'm away....
Cool. Looking forward to getting the reply and any info on why and what is causing this in my showfile!
Ok, thank you. The touch screen disconnecting might really be an issue, as I intentionally left it sit there for a while and it happened over 10 times again in last few days. Also, after it is lost, I have trouble getting it back. Once I didn't manage to get it reconnected for over 10 minutes, (neither automatically or at least detected in calibration tool), so I rebooted the desk... strange, and hopefully its not with my screens only... :/ Do you happen to know anything about that debug file, that you added as a bug? Any general info on what caused it...? Uploads: It seems like I can upload jpeg images (to a certain size), however the debug and/or show files are not permitted due to the file type... It says "You're not permitted to upload this kind of file". For the rest, I have no idea. So far, replying works fine, quoting as well, so I guess there isn't anything else, at least not vital...
I guess it is interesting, yes... :/ Do you know where it got stuck with my show? It could be about the Wing initialization... I use playback wing with mine....
Thanks for confirming this. But, since you said you also use same functions and don't get delay on different show file, would you mind sharing yours for me to check it out? It is strange, since I did make this showfile from the scratch, after installing 7.8.2. New patch, new palettes, new subs... :/ Also note, that even though I have patched 20 Movers, only 12 of them are actually moving. 8 of them are Washes, which have never changed position at all (default is recorded in all of those 3 memories), except twice on subs, but they're never controlled via effect. So that's why I'm so interested in your showfile, since I only use 2 MH more than you with effects... Note though. If I unplug DMX In cable out, there's almost no delay with effects and subs running... As per your two things: Display mode to small -> I find it really hard and slow to read, rendering displays useless if I set it to small font. Instead, as you can see on my submasters, I split the names/words in 3 sections of max 4 to 5 letters, so that they still appear in big sized font and on single screen at same time. (This does not apply for palettes, buts thats due to the fact that I use external touchscreen for palettes 90% of the time, so text needs to be visible as is, while I dont mind split text on subs, since I read them off the lcd displays. I know this then affects speed as palettes has longer names, but afterall, shortening names shouldn't be the only solution afteralll :/ ) DMX Values in % -> I'm more comfortable and especially used to work with actual dmx values, so yeah, its just personal preference, I believe...
Hi Ever since upgrade, I've been having some issues with touchscreen (Dell P2314T, 23") losing connection after few hours (about 2 to 3 hours, though it's also true that always I noticed I lost it was after about half an hour of desk being idle (aka nobody touched anything for that time). Reconnecting usb several times sometimes helps, other times I have to reconnect it and make calibration once again. This happened around 5 times so far on the LeapFrog48, and once on Solution during last 2 weekends, (same screen models on both consoles), so I'm not sure whether its some random occasions or something else. Any way to get some debugging info for it or something so that you could check the logs...? Screens work flawlessly on windows machine otherwise, and were bought in december... On the other note, just today after powering up (LeapFrog48) got stuck on blue "Zero88" loading screen for over 10 minutes. Frogs were jumping randomly over the screens on the console, however, so it wasn't totally frozen, I guess... After switching it off and powering it up again, I got asked to save debug log onto usb stick, so I did it. It's first time, and the desks are stable otherwise, so it's one time occasion so far... Here's the file: (as I'm "not permitted" to upload it directly here) https://www.dropbox.com/s/w313ql9srze42x1/debug_2-5-2015_20-29-00.zdb?dl=0
The links: Video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y0x3hdeqnyqgbbm/VIDEO0078.mp4?dl=0 The first (patch only) showfile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/igvnv0lu39eqcdq/Perla_KONCNA2_16BIT.isf?dl=0 The last (today's) showfile. Here is actually something made... https://www.dropbox.com/s/1saiku1ygugvc58/Gatsby_Show_4_01_05_2015.isf?dl=0
Sorry for late reply. I haven't been near the desk for a few days as the show only goes on during the weekend.... I only today managed to get to my USB with showfiles, and also made a video of the screens. I manged to find out this: The screens are refreshing fast! as long as no dmx input is provided, and no "agressive" outputs are calculated (ie effects like movement etc... for many movingheads...) With DMX Input they get a little delayed. Apply circle effect to 16 movers, and you get what I have on a video. :/ @keredyelesob -> I've been playing around if tracking is an issue, but than had no time to figure it out eventually.... I'll dig around this one after I'm done doing this show, later this week... I don't want to mess around now in between... About the scroller you didn't really get me.. I patched "scroller" into it for actually controlling intensity, this was due to the fact that scroller, unlike regular dimmer, won't be affected on blackout and grandmaster, since it's color parameter, not intensity. I'm completely fine with this and its useful. However, now I have to switch that scroller using color palettes or wheels. (I know it could be used via submaster, or memory, yes...). And instead, I wanted to patch it via DMX In function, like you can patch regular dimmers. This way, I could use external 6ch analog dimmer to control houselights, and at the same time be independent from grandmaster/blackout. Which, at the moment isn't possible, as it affects all intensity channels, and, once again, dmx in can't be patched to anything other than intensity. That's my suggested change!! While it can be done via submaster using scroller (aka submasters controls colour, and therefore goes from 0 to 255 on color scroller, which will avoid the blackout/grandmaster affecting), and then patching dmx in to trigger that submaster, it's a little waste of submasters for such need... One ok, but when more, it's a waste.. :/
Edit: Nevermind for the Effects offset. Found out that Shift mode was set to "Fan V" instead of Fan middle/first, which seems to do the work. By the way, after programming about 28 submasters, the refresh delay of subs LCD is about 3 second, MFK about 5. This renders programming very difficult, as I have to wait until I see what the LCD above the wheels says. Meanwhile, I don't understand why the effects palettes have to constantly refresh themselves (due to long name). Refreshing all LCDs seems to cause the issue. Kind of understandable, considering the fact the console uses multiplex for LCD refreshing... Renaming effects, and keeping all palettes names short enough to fit single square helps a bit. But it would help even better, if those "E01, E02" numbers could be removed, as they are eating chars for no reason...