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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by BigBen

  1. Hey everyone, I'm a Jester ML24 newbie and I've got a quesion about the my strange LED PARs. They all have 4 channels: 1) R (0-100%) 2) G (0-100%) 3) B (0-100%) 4) 000-189 Dimmer (0-100%) / 190-250 Strobe (slow->fast) / 251-255 Dimmer 100% Now you may guess the problem. When I set channel 4 as brightness channel, the PARs are strobing during fading. One solution would be to cancel everything above 189 in channel 4, but that's not possible with the ML24. But is it possible to configure single channels globally (all 4th LED PAR channels), on a 255 value? Or can anything be done with the fixture Editor? Any ideas? ...sorry for my bad english
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