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Everything posted by Okause

  1. Okause

    Dust cover

    Hi, I've got a non-operating oriented question: Is there a fitting dust cover to protect the Jester ML 24? I couldn't find anything in the german online shops. Thank you! Best regards Oliver
  2. Hi, We are using 4-channel LED-PARs, which are added as Fictures (found them in the library). We would like to put a couple of colours on submaster-faders to provide wash-effects on our stage. This worked out fine put we want to smoothly crossfade between the colours. Example: We programmed the following "scenes": On submaster fader 12: All fictures to 100% blue and 100% brightness. On submaster 11: All fictures to 100% red and 100% brightness. We have tagged the colour-parameters to be saved. In run mode: Submaster 12 to 50% -> stage turns blue Adding submaster 11 to 10% -> LEDs turn red instantly! All "blue"-information is overwritten. Putting back submaster 12 to 0% -> no change at all, LEDs stay red. What we want: (same example) Submaster 12 to 50% -> stage turns blue Adding submaster 11 to 10% -> A bit of red is added to the blue Putting back submaster 12 to 0% -> LEDs turn back to plain blue How do we have to setup the desk? Thank you for any help! Oliver
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